Gay PRIDE Flags Shows Up on The Chosen: We Explain Why It’s There

A couple of days ago, images of a gay PRIDE flag on the set of hit TV show The Chosen began to emerge on social media. The photos were from a Season 4 promo video, where the flag can be seen hanging from camera equipment and attached to the back of a man’s vest.

Where do they come from? They belong to crew member Daniel Fritz, a Steadicam operator and long-time show employee.

Fritz is ‘married’ to a homosexual man and he occasionally dresses up in drag. Because he is openly gay and proud of it, his vest and equipment are adorned with the rainbow moniker, a common sight on set of the Jesus flick. If The Chosen is filming, you can bet there will be a gay flag nearby.

Some have called for whoever is bringing the Pride flag on set to be fired, and if the show wanted to, they could. The show films in Texas, and according to Ross Law Group:

Texas has been an at-will employment state. As an at-will state, employment in Texas may be terminated by an employer or an employee for a good reason, a bad reason, or simply no reason at all, absent a specific agreement to the contrary.

However, termination by the employer may not be effectuated for an illegal reason. Reasons that are not legal are generally those based on discrimination or harassment because of an employee’s membership in a protected class, engagement in a protected activity, or retaliation for an employee complaining about discrimination or harassment based on their membership in a protected class or engagement in a protected activity.

While they can’t fire Fritz from the set for being gay, they could ask that he no longer adorns himself or the set with the gay flag, as flying a flag advertising who one prefers to have sexual relations with is not a protected activity.

Bonus: ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Affirms Mormons are Christians in ‘Definitive, Final’ Video

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20 thoughts on “Gay PRIDE Flags Shows Up on The Chosen: We Explain Why It’s There

  1. All a discerning Christian needs to do is search on YouTube for the Chosen video “Jesus and the Outcast Woman at the Well” and open a Bible to John chapter 4, taking note of what is left out and what is added to Scripture. The Chosen’s christ is a false christ.

  2. Not a good look.
    If I were making a movie supposedly honoring Jesus, this individual would either stop idiotically proclaiming his mental illness/deviancy or find another job.

  3. My most recent pay test was for a 12-hour-per-week internet job for 9,500 dollars. For months, my sister’s friend has been making an average of 15,000, and she puts in about 20 hours every week. As soon as I gave it a try, I was shocked at how simple it was.
    Do this instead———————————>>>

  4. The rainbow doesn’t just mean that God won’t destroy the world with water, it means that the next time it will be destroyed by fire.

  5. Given the product that this Mormon production generates, no one is truly surprised.

    Glad I have never watched it and never will

  6. They can fire him for being gay in Texas as long as it isn’t in a city that protects gay people from employment discrimination. The state of Texas and federal law do not make homosexuality a protected category in employment. That is why the democrats in Congress keep trying to pass that equality act. They want to make degeneracy a protected class in the entire country.

  7. My late mother pointed out that the words “reactive” and “creative” use the same letters. I would point out that, despite one song, there is no rainbow in the dark. FWIW, I believe the man who sang or wrote the song by that title became a Christian before he died.

  8. As others have stated, the production is Mormon run hence not Christian. Mormons do not believe in Jesus but a representation of Him since Mormons believe they themselves will become gods and that there is a high council of gods, the book of mormon, cult like behavior in their practices & ‘temple’ i.e. hidden, tablets have never been found, Joseph Smith’s lies, forged documents proving Mormonism used by Mormons to say ‘see’ and the eventual attempt of murder on the forger when exposed (look that story up, it’s utterly bizarre, think their is a Netflix series about it but doesn’t touch on all aspects of the story).
    The only thing Mormonism gets right is the closeness of the family unit. Outside of that, it’s a cult not Christianity.

  9. Wow, for a question Christian website there’s a tremendous amount of lying going on here. First of all, Dallas Jenkins is not Mormon and this is not a Mormon production. He has used the film set in Utah that is owned by Mormons, But he is an evangelical Christian. And there’s such a thing as hating the sin but loving the sinner. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    1. I see no posts saying declaring Dallas Jenkins is a Mormon. Second of all, it is indeed arguable this is a Mormon production giving all of the connections – its connections to Mormonism go beyond being on a Mormon owned set, and it appears Mormon theology is included in some of this work. Him claiming the transfiguration is not important to “our” story indicates bending to Mormon theology again.

  10. Oh good grief! Who cares if the cameraman has a rainbow patch on…for goodness sake. Of course, WE know the true meaning of the rainbow and it’s not what gay people say it is. They have taken something God created and twisted it to fit their own agenda, which the Bible says, their deviant activities, are a sin. Anyone who has read the Bible knows this. So what, the guy is wearing a patch. However I don’t agree that his “pride” flag should be waving in the winds on set, it’s a complete spitting in God’s face. And it’s further trying to shove their “preferences” down others throats. I do not care one bit what anyone does what they do behind closed bedroom doors, it’s not my business. Why do they feel the need to tell the world of their deviant behavior? Don’t most people try to hide their sin? Why does the gay+ community flaunt theirs? Makes no sense.
    In conclusion, we are ALL sinners and we sin differently, don’t cast stones when your sin is just as bad as anyone else’s sins. There’s no grading system on sin, there is sin and then there is the one unforgiveable sin. Period.

  11. So called Christians think they get decide who is and who isn’t Christian again, total blasphemy. You’re no better than a Pharisee.

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