‘The Chosen’ Defends GAY PRIDE Flag Seen On Set: ‘Let The Show Speak For Itself’

Yesterday we brought you the story of the gay PRIDE flag, which frequently appears on the set of hit TV show The Chosen. The photos were from a Season 4 promo video, where the flag can be seen hanging from camera equipment and attached to the back of a man’s vest.

Where did they come from? They belong to crew member Daniel Fritz, a Steadicam operator and long-time show employee. Fritz is ‘married’ to a homosexual man and he occasionally dresses up in drag. Because he is openly gay and proud of it, his vest and equipment are adorned with the rainbow moniker, a common sight on the set of the Jesus flick. If The Chosen is filming, you can bet there will be a gay flag nearby.

On Twitter, Turning Point USA contributor Jon Root asked The Chosen’s official handle if they could explain why there is a Pride flag on set, and the response is about what you’d expect from a show that’s making things up about Jesus’ life on the go, writing:

“Just like with our hundreds of cast and crew who have different beliefs (or no belief at all) than we do, we will work with anyone on our show who helps us portray or honor the authentic Jesus. We ask that audiences let the show speak for itself and focus on the message, not the messenger, because we’ll always let you down.”

When pressed further by Root to elaborate whether they “believe it’s God-honoring to promote a symbol that represents sexual immorality, a worldly redefinition of marriage & the idea that we can change our biological sex?” The Chosen did not respond at the time of this publication.

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9 thoughts on “‘The Chosen’ Defends GAY PRIDE Flag Seen On Set: ‘Let The Show Speak For Itself’

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  3. The authentic Jesus condemns porneia.
    The authentic Jesus destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
    The authentic Jesus reiterates many times throughout His word, to the last chapter of the last book, that the sexually immoral (pornos) will be cast into the lake of fire

    The authentic Jesus does not approve of the promotion of porneia.

    They dishonor the authentic Jesus.

    I’d rather watch paint dry than watch a show that is not true to scripture and presents a false Jesus and false gospel. I prefer to keep that garbage out of my mind.

  4. The only thing they’re authentically showing is the ramifications of the government making sexual immorality into a protected class.

    You can’t even make a tv show about Jesus without the rainbow terrorists turning it into a complete and total mockery and disgrace.

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