Prominent Christian Influencer Says ‘Christian’ Rapper’s Lewd Twerk Dance Scandal Was ‘Not Cheating’

In a recent video, prominent Christian influencer and former megachurch pastor Tim Ross claims that the lewd dancing by a professing ‘Christian Rapper’ Chance the Rapper that consisted of grinding against a half-naked dancer while slapping her butt was “inappropriate” but “not cheating.”

By way of background, Tim Ross was the pastor of Embassy City Church from 2015 to 2022. He got his start at T.D. Jakes’ The Potter’s House, where he claims he was led to attend by the Holy Spirit, despite knowing that Jakes was teaching modalism and Oneness Pentecostalism.
Ross spent nearly 14 years alongside Jakes, first as a youth evangelist, then the last four years as the young adult pastor, before leaving in 2010. From there, he joined the staff at Robert Morris Gateway Church for a few years until he planted Embassy City, a sister church of Gateway, which he left last year.
Because Ross grew the church to nearly 3000 people in just a few short years, he’s seen as a church growth guru and is directing and molding many churches. According to a press release about their departure from Embassy City:
Tim and Juliette Ross will continue to run their for-profit entities…and growing, their conferences, marriage ministry, empowerment sessions, and books.
For many years, Tim Ross has been called upon by some of the largest churches in the world to advise, create, and execute effective solutions. Now, as full-time global Christian advisors, Tim and Juliette Ross will be able to serve congregations and faith-based entities on a larger scale and will partner with key influential ministries to help them through speaking, staff development, and direct pastoral consulting to create a safe haven and provide support for pastors and church leaders.
Tim Ross shared his convictions during a recent Ruslan KD show, where he claimed:
Ruslan: Obviously, it’s inappropriate. Obviously, it’s not okay.
Tim Ross: Completely inappropriate
Ruslan: And they’re going crazy, they’re saying this man cheated on his wife. I don’t know what’s up with this dude, man. I love Chance. We’ve interacted on Twitter. I feel like he knows who the Lord is.
Ross: For Sure
Ruslan: But for whatever reason, you know, he had another video not too long ago where he was at a strip club, doing some collab with a rapper that was pretty explicit and so is this cheating? Yes or no?
Ross: No.
Ruslan: It’s not cheating?
Ross: No it’s not cheating. It is wildly inappropriate, but I wouldn’t go as far to say it’s cheating. If everything is cheating, then what are we doing now? You tell me he’s in Jamaica. I’m married to a Jamaican so I know the culture. I know how the festivals go. And (at these festivals), everybody’s grinding up on everybody, right? Should he be doing it? Based on what he’s professing, based on the fact that he’s married, absolutely not.
Is he going to get in hella trouble for it? I’m sure he’s in the doghouse right now. Right? I would hate to, if he’s still in Jamaican and his wife ain’t there, I would hate to know what them text messages, facetimes sounded like or read like, right? But to say he cheated on her, I wouldn’t say that.”
Hector: (Ross’s producer) “Not cheating and to quote you on what you always say, is you got to call your own red flag.”
Other than the fact that it’s clear Chance does NOT know who the Lord is, contrary to the host’s assertions, Ruslan did not offer any sort of pushback to the claim that it was not cheating, though his commenters did, raking them all over the coals.

Lol ‘Christian Influencer’ you can’t make this stuff up😂😂😂😂😂😂