Transformation Church Pastor Rebukes Those Who ‘Names Names,’ Says Paul’s Letters are Basically Private ‘Text Messages’

Transformation Pastor Tim Ross explains why he doesn’t name names or criticize false teachers publicly that he doesn’t know personally, explaining that it wasn’t the habit of New Testament writers to do so, and he likewise follows suit.
We last wrote about Ross after he said it shouldn’t be considered cheating for a married man to dance sexually, get twerked on, and slap the butt of a half-naked dancer. Then we featured him praising famed Modalist T.D. Jakes, while saying a belief in the Trinity is a secondary, non-essential issue and that it’s crazy for Christians to divide over Trinitarian doctrine. He also compared Jesus to a naked stripper that ‘puts bread in my pocket,’ mocked people upset about his lousy preaching, and said he’s never once felt convicted about cursing and cussing. He explains:
Paul always warned the churches that he wrote to against false teachers. He never named who they were. Peter warned against false teachers. Jude warns against false teachers, he doesn’t tell you who they are.
The only people that they name are people that they have direct, that they had direct relationship with or direct proximity to. So they weren’t like, ‘I heard this guy in Florida preaching this stupid message.’ They weren’t saying these people’s names.
When Paul starts talking about Alexander and Philetus and Hymenaeus and Hermogenes, he knows these guys. He’s worked with these guys. And he’s writing letters to other people that know them as well. It would be like, you told me, ‘hey man, I’m gonna be doing something’. I’m just making up a name, so this is not anybody we know. ‘Hey man, I’m gonna be doing something with Pastor Greg at 123 Church in February of next year. Do you know him?’If I know that dude is willingly, willfully, disrespectfully, and egregiously practicing sin, not something I heard, I’m talking about I know. I would be like, ‘hey Nick’, I might even text you. ‘Hey Nick’, which is all Paul’s letters are; text messages. ‘I just want you to know, watch out for Pastor Greg. He has literally been preaching a doctrine just to get people’s money.’
Paul’s letters are “private text messages”?
Yet another confirmation that this clueless individual has no business whatsoever being in a pulpit.