Prominent SBC Pastor Claims Saddleback Church’s Disfellowship Will Be Overturned

SBC Pastor Dwight McKissic, the CRT-embracing, pro-choice egalitarian who can frequently be found advocating for every weird and woke position within the denomination, says he believes that Saddleback Church’s disfellowship will be overturned at the upcoming SBC Annual Convention in June, which is a decison he would certainly support the decision.
You’ll recall it was only two weeks ago that the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee followed the Credentials Committee’s recommendation to disfellowship Saddleback Church of Lake Forest, California, due to the church’s ordination of women to the office of pastor, putting an end to the 18-month controversy that has raged within the convention over the Bible’s teaching versus the practices of the California megachurch.
In May 2021, Saddleback ordained three women to the pastorate – a move that not only contradicted the Baptist Faith and Message (the SBC’s doctrinal statement) but contradicted the biblical and historical teaching on the reservation of the office of pastor/elder/overseer to qualified men (1 Tim. 2:11-14, 1 Tim. 3:12, Titus 1:6).
Recently it was revealed that Saddleback is (much like Andy Stanley’s Northpoint Community Church) partnering with pro-LGBTQ+ “ministry” Embracing the Journey.

With the SBC heading downhill at breakneck speed, populated with a leadership whose goal is to remake the denomination in their culturally cowering, frail, and effete image, he may be on to something here.
Bonus: some of McKissic’s L’s.
Allow me to help you make sense of it, Mr. McKissic
Saddleback blatantly, knowingly, and intentionally violated scripture. William Wolfe’s tweet did not violate any scripture.
Hope that helps clear it up.