Far Out Dude! Charismatic Prophetess Says There Will be Flying Skateboarders in Heaven Taking 100ft Jumps

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven, sharing how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, claiming she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, and how angels have pets in heaven that occasionally accompany them to earth, she’s explaining how heaven is full of skate parts and extreme sports.
Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, she recounts a tale of making two teens weep because they were so excited over hearing that there will be skateboarders in heaven.
I’m quite sure there are, there’s many sports, there’s as many fun things to do there. But you have to remember what’s in heaven eventually makes it down to the earth like the way they live. There’s no defilement, no evil. When I say that. I’m not talking about darkness. There’s no darkness, no evil. There’s no hate. There’s no isolation. Everybody cares about you. It’s fun.
And you know, God gave you that fun and you do worship Him while you’re having fun. You worship Him by agreeing with what he made and enjoying what he made is also a form of worship.
And so yes, there is not JUST in line skating. Yes, of course there’s roller rinks, people who are Christians who ran one because that was a gift, they’ll be doing that in heaven.
But there is extreme sports in heaven, like skateboarding; like on these 100ft loops and jumps
on your skateboards, and some of them can fly, the skateboards fly, you control them while you’re flying on them and do all kinds of different tricks and stuff there in heaven. And so yes, there is.
Now, her encounter. We’d like to think it’s all made up, except we can actually see Kerr doing this to some poor accosted souls.
And he had me tell these two teenage girls who were like 13 or 14... I was just walking around and these two girls come down the boardwalk. And the Holy Spirit said, ‘I want you to talk to them. Tell them about the extreme sports in heaven, tell them that pets go to heaven.‘
And I was just talking about heaven itself and some of the things I saw and I said, Do you know there’s extreme sports? And their mouths fell open, and they said, ‘Are you kidding? Are you kidding? We’re skateboarders. We love that. You mean there’s jumps in heaven? Is there fun in heaven? And one girl actually said. I thought God was not alive.’
….I started naming pets, different types of pets and they started crying right there on the boardwalk with other people that they didn’t care. And they said ‘I need to know that God. I want to know that.’
This narcissistic opportunist continues to reap fame and fortune from her juvenile fantasies, obviously unconcerned about Judgement or the real afterlife. Kat’s either evil or certifiably crazy.
So they have skateboards like Marty McFly in the future? Maybe they have that flex capacitator, too? Maybe that’s what John used so he could write the book of Revelation? In fact, I believe our pink haired prophetess is no prophetess at all. I believe you got a hold of one of those capacitors and is beaming herself into the future to tell us this useful information!
So they have skateboards like Marty McFly in the future? Maybe they have that flex capacitator, too? Maybe that’s what John used so he could write the book of Revelation? In fact, I believe our pink haired prophetess is no prophetess at all. I believe you got a hold of one of those capacitors and is beaming herself into the future to tell us this useful information!
So they have skateboards like Marty McFly in the future? Maybe they have that flex capacitator, too? Maybe that’s what John used so he could write the book of Revelation? In fact, I believe our pink haired prophetess is no prophetess at all. I believe you got a hold of one of those capacitors and is beaming herself into the future to tell us this useful information!
That’s really weird posting my comment?!
So they have skateboards like Marty McFly in the future? Maybe they have that flex capacitator, too? Maybe that’s what John used so he could write the book of Revelation? In fact, I believe our pink haired prophetess is no prophetess at all. I believe you got a hold of one of those capacitors and is beaming herself into the future to tell us this useful information!
So they have skateboards like Marty McFly in the future? Maybe they have that flex capacitator, too? Maybe that’s what John used so he could write the book of Revelation? In fact, I believe our pink haired prophetess is no prophetess at all. I believe you got a hold of one of those capacitors and is beaming herself into the future to tell us this useful information!