Jackie Hill Perry Repents of Promoting the Enneagram, Now Calls it *Demonic*

The Gospel Coalition’s resident ‘gaytheist’, Jackie Hill Perry, has renounced her former promotion of the Enneagram, writing that she now sees it as dangerous and “demonic” after studying it deeper. This newfound revelation contrasts sharply with many of her professing peers, including other TGC writers, who have praised it and previously promoted it.
Christianity Today (Ft Russell Moore) Advances False Claim That The Enneagram Has ‘Christian Roots’
TGC Contributor Ironically Praises Enneagram On Podcast about ‘False Teaching’
Conservative PCA Seminary Puts on New-Age ‘Enneagram Seminar’
Russel Moore and Beth Moore Share Their Enneagram Personalities
NAMB & David Platt Church Plant Promotes Enneagram for Church Training
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Promotes Mystical Enneagram
Perry explains:
I was really skeptical and have been for some years, when people were saying that the Enneagram was demonic. Because I do feel like sometimes people can be way too deep. But the Lord prompted me to study that thing for a good two days. Evil. And it ain’t even funny. Like, it’s legitimately doctrines of demons, divination, witchcraft.
And I just, I had no idea. No idea… Okay, so one of the dudes who was the originator of the contemporary understanding of Enneagram, as we know it, he said that he got his information about it through angelic visitation from a spirit or divine being named Metatron, which we know is a demon. And then the other guy who created the types. He said on YouTube, that he got his understanding of the wisdom of types through through automatic writing, which is a form of channeling spirits, where a demon basically guides your hand or guides your mind to help you write certain ideas. So when we say, Oh, I’m type one, type two, type three, whatever. We’re literally applying to our identity, the wisdom of demons. Like it, it’s literally that deep.
While this is a positive step away from one aberrant teaching, we hope that she continues the practice of reexamining and studying her beliefs so she realizes how much false teaching and demonic beliefs she still holds.
When you look at her inflammatory track record over the last year, from reveling in her love of an R-rated, filthy TV show, saying that all white people are racists, that white people only care about black folk in the womb, favorably quoting infamous racist Louis ‘jews are termites’ Farrakhan, suggesting that a lake of fire awaits white folk who preach against CRT, and renouncing ‘anti-prosperity gospel’ film while embracing woo-woo theology, it’s clear she has a long way to go.
h/t The Dissenter
Good for her. Our church also erred in having an author of an Enneagram book give a presentation. That and their annual tithing message were enough for me.
Now Christians need to do the same with the hexagram.