Roman Catholic Church Defends Controversial Academy Appointment ‘She’s “Pro-Choice” but not “Pro-Abortion”’

Last month Pope Francis named several members to the Pontifical Academy for Life, a Roman Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to “study, information and formation on the principal problems of biomedicine and of law, relative to the promotion and defense of life.” While most are run-of-the-mill scholars, several were discovered to be rabidly pro-choice, such as Mariana Mazzucato.

In response to the criticism, The president of the Pontifical Academy of Life, Archbishop Vincenzo Pagli defended Mazzucato and other questionable appointments, intoning that her tweets may have been “pro-choice”, but that doesn’t mean they were “pro-abortion.” Instead, he argues that the members :

“have at heart the value of human life in their area of expertise…they are not all Catholics and do not profess all the tenets of the Catholic faith. And we know there are differences on the level of ethics, but they defend life in its entirety….

(With Muzzacato) our vetting showed that in her scientific work she has never taken a position against life. You cannot judge the deepest convictions of a person by four tweets.

This is typical stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy appointing a notorious pro-LBGTQ priest to a major role, affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, instituting ‘vaccine ‘passports’ at Vatican City, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.

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2 thoughts on “Roman Catholic Church Defends Controversial Academy Appointment ‘She’s “Pro-Choice” but not “Pro-Abortion”’

  1. So this woman is all for women being able to murder their unborn children, but against the murder of unborn children? Got it.

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