Cringey Megachurch Pastor Blasts Christians Who Want to be ‘Fed in Church’ as ‘Crying Babies’

Pastor Ed Young, senior pastor of Fellowship Church, a 30,000-member multisite megachurch spread across Texas and Florida has done some terrible and goofy things in his time.

He launched the now-defunct “Pastor’s Fashion” website, which sought to teach pastors how to dress in the coolest clothes by hiding the muffin-top rolls with compression garments. He engaged in a “sexperiment” with his wife, where he and his spouse spent 24 hours on the rooftop of their church, cuddled up in bed, after advocating for 30-day sex challenges to promote his new book.

Frankly, he’s been an all-around dreadful exegete of the scriptures, routinely mishandling the word of God in his sermons. He’s viewed as a joke in many circles: a squishy, compromised pastor that has found himself an empire that was built through seeker-sensitive chicanery. Check out all the stunts he’s pulled over the years. The man has done some wild things.

Recently, in a horrifying chain of events that treats the body of Christ like a commodity, 6 months ago congregants of Fellowship Church in Miami, a satellite campus of Ed Young’s church, had the shock of their lives when they were told at the end of a sermon that their building had been sold to a new megachurch looking to expand in the area, and that service would be their last. Ever. The church closed its doors and shut down its social media pages and website that day, leaving up to 200 members scrambling over where to go next, the pastor recalled to the mothership.

In fact, mere months ago Young Jr. released a music video featuring him dancing around wearing gold chains, fake tattoos on his arms, neck, knuckles, and under his eye, baggy clothes, beanie, all the while mimicking pointing to a mouth grill, and last year he was still preaching on the 20-year-old bible-twisting fad “Prayer of Jabez

Now that we have established how deep, reverent, and mature this impastor is, it is particularly galling that he released a video on Instagram last week berating and characterizing believers who want to bed fed God’s word from the pulpit as a bunch of ‘dirty-diaper’ wearing babies. From his March 27, 2022 sermon:

“If the truth were known, there’s a lot of people. You just are sitting in a dirty diaper. Still eating baby food. The Bible says again, Hebrews 6:1 “we go on to maturity.” Have you been…born again? If you’re born again, you’re a new believer and new believers, we go through stages.

First is the pacifier stage. A lot of us and a lot of churches just sit right here in the pacifier stage and we sit in a highchair, the “I-chair”,

‘WAAAAAAAAINNNN! It’s about me, I don’t feel it. I want more worship, longer worship. I’m not getting fed.’

You mean you’ve been a Christian for 30 years, and you don’t know how to feed yourself. WAAAAAINNNNNNN”

This is echoed in a sermon he preached on December 3, 2017, where he likewise said:

You’re born again, you’re saved, you’re power washed, then you began to progress. Here though is what happens to many, many people. They remain in the highchair. That playpen-whining, Gerber dining, nap-timing timing, baby. I, I, I. me, me, me, my my my.

‘I want to get fed.’

Whenever you hear someone saying ‘I am not getting fed’, just realize you’re talking to someone who has a dirty diaper. You mean you can’t feed yourself? That’s got to be one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard in my life.

‘I am not getting fed’. If you ever hear that, just say ‘bless your heart’ and move on.

Peter was to feed the sheep, not break their legs and then tell them to go self-feed. Given how frequently he makes his distaste known for anyone dissatisfied with how they are being fed God’s word in his church- he must hear it a lot.

With everything we know of him, their complaints of not being fed are certainly justified.

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5 thoughts on “Cringey Megachurch Pastor Blasts Christians Who Want to be ‘Fed in Church’ as ‘Crying Babies’

  1. What a sleeze ball. Seeing him on that video even for a few seconds made me need to go take a shower to wash off the evil

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