Megachurch Pastor Releases Cringey Rap Video, Dressed in Chains, Tattoos and Gangster Garb

Pastor Ed Young, senior pastor of Fellowship Church, a 30,000-member multisite megachurch spread across Texas and Florida, and founder of C3, has done some terrible and goofy things in his time.
He launched the now-defunct “Pastor’s Fashion” website, which sought to teach pastors how to dress in the coolest clothes by hiding the muffin-top rolls with compression garments. He engaged in a “sexperiment” with his wife, where he and his spouse spent 24 hours on the rooftop of their church, cuddled up in bed, after advocating for 30-day sex challenges to promote his new book.
Frankly, he’s been an all-around dreadful exegete of the scriptures, routinely mishandling the word of God in his sermons. He’s viewed as a joke in many circles: a squishy, compromised pastor that has found himself an empire that was built through seeker-sensitive chicanery. Check out all the stunts he’s pulled over the years. The man has done some wild things.
Recently, on a more serious note, in a horrifying chain of events that treats the body of Christ like a commodity, 6 months ago congregants of Fellowship Church in Miami, a satellite campus of Ed Young’s church, had the shock of their lives when they were told at the end of a sermon that their campus had been sold to a new megachurch looking to expand in the area, and that service would be their last. Ever. The church closed its doors and shut down its social media pages and website that day, leaving up to 200 members scrambling over where to go next.
There was no message from Ed Young himself, thanking the church for being part of the flock and their years of service. There was no pastoral aftercare. There were no instructions on where to go next, other than that they may want to consider the new megachurch when they had their first service, which was a month later. Utterly abandoned, with the senior pastor recalled to the mothership.
Now, in a move harkening back to his more cringey days, the 60-year-old pastor has released a music video featuring him dancing around wearing gold chains, fake tattoos on his arms, neck, knuckles, and under his eye, baggy clothes, beanie, all the while mimicking pointing to a mouth grill.
Naturally, it wouldn’t be an Ed Young Jr. anything without some wonky theology.
Those with ears let them hear the New Testament today
It starts with four writers who had lots to say
This Fantastic Four had different views
There is a God quad squad who spread the good news
They wrote four accounts but agree as one
They’re Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
They told us about Jesus, the one who coached a team
A ragtag group of 12 who followed his dreamHe was friendly with sinners and the scum of the earth
But saw inside each one to the center of their worth
He’s the star of the show. The man of the hour
The Door, the Light, the Shepherd with supernatural power
Life change with common just ask his squad
Every miracle performed, proved he was God
He preached so many sermons it’s hard to really count
Like parables, Beatitudes, and sermon on the mount
Information, demonstration above all, application!
Words in red, is what he said
On a piece of wood he gave us all in paid a price
The debt we owe, he paid the sacrificeThey nailed him to a tree and he took his final breath
But the third day he arose and conquered sin and death
Then Jesus went up, the Holy Spirit came down
To empower and guide and let God’s presence abound
The disciples went out and the lost came in
The church got its start and God’s movement began
Then a call was made on Saul who had a fall and became Paul
He had no writer’s cramp because he wrote letters for us all
Christ’s, faith, grace, glory to God were his themes
If they’d been around, Paul would have used memes
Expect a re-creation says the book of Revelation
Earth and heaven they will one day be made new
Jesus will return in the coming tribulation
On a white horse when God sends his final cueJesus was the most unconventional, essential, credentialed,
Consequential, providential, influential
Man quintessential to ever walk this globe
From start to finish. He’s the greatest story ever told
Pastors and churches like this give all large churches a bad rap. What a clown.
Mid life crisis (STILL) mixed in with ‘the other theology” and the other “church”. 2Tim 4:3-4