Charismatic Prophetess Offers Play-by-play of Running Her Fingers Through God the Father’s Hair

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or that Miscarried Babies are Reincarnated For the Next Pregnancy, or even that there’s a place called ‘Jello-land’ in heaven that contains chocolate waterfalls and candy houses, she’s giving a detailed account of what God the Father’s hair looks and feels like.
Speaking with chief-enabler Steve Shultz on episode 58 of Steve and Kat:
Shultz: “The question is, is God’s hair like pure wool as described in Daniel 7:9? Kat said she touched it, could she run her fingers through woolly hair?”
Kerr: Now I need to make a slight correction, which I rarely do. White AS wool. It did not say it was wool, It is not wooly. He was talking about you know, that was something he could equate to back in that day. …But God’s hair in no way is it wooly, Jesus’s is not wooly. It said it was white as wool. They couldn’t have anything else that they could at that day, think of to compare it to.
His hair was alive when I touched it. Like shot into my arm, it shot up my spiritual body. And I’m always…Somebody had painted a painting of a horse , believe it or not, with other colors mixed in it. But when I looked at that picture, I saw the face of God in it. And I don’t want to equate him to look like a horse but like the mane on the horse was the most beautiful hair I’d ever seen on a horse. That literally- I don’t think they realize that they painted what was imposed over that.
It looked like the face of God. I mean his eyes are flames of fire- real flames of fire, but his hair. (God the) Father’s hair is longer than Jesus’ hair. It’s beautiful. His beard is amazing. But life is in every part of his being, and when I barely touched the strands of his hair, right now I’m having goosebumps thinking about it. Life was in his hair.
It was like moving, not moving a lot, but it was moving because it was life in it. It was the whitest white I’ve ever seen. Light was coming from. I’m sure that’s why they tried to describe it (when John) said white as wool. It’s about the whitest white I’ve ever seen.
And again, because the father can do what he wants to, he can either let all of the glory come from him where you see nothing…but maybe images of eyes or the shape of a head. He has so much glory pouring from him, but he really wanted to establish to me, he has a body, his arms, his legs, his torso, even though he’s got the spiritual body, it’s real, it’s very real. And he’ll reach out, he’ll hold you when you get to heaven. If he lays his hand on you, sometimes he’ll just walk behind me and lay his hand on me, I get so undone.
I’m talking about on the earth, sometimes he will come and just visit and briefly and then leave. And he actually did that in the Old Testament. So it’s not a strange thing….but his hair it’s extremely white. It’s kind of long. It is wavy, but like I said the waves of his hair. And I just was so undone just to be even near him. Near him throne
Mental illness cloaked in idiocy.
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God has turned this woman over to a depraved mind long ago. I really dont understand why you continue to give her press. Romans 1.
Thanks for saying it, Teresa. I totally agree. I have pink-hair fatigue spewing insane nonsense that’s not worthy of reporting on nor reading.
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The woman needs a padded cell
I’m thinking ‘jail’ cell for the thousands her ‘ministry’ has fleeced from naive and undiscerning believers with this nonsense.
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