Roman Catholic ‘Revoice’ Speaker Praises X-Rated Gay BDSM Film

Revoice speaker Eve Tushnet, heading off to the conference in just a few days is not the type of speaker you’d expect to see at an event that has its roots in the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). This is because Tushnet, author of the book Gay and Catholic, is not just a facetious run-of-the-mill “small-c” Catholic, but rather a full-throated devotee to the blasphemous occupying-the-seat-of-the-antichrist Pope Francis. In fact, she’s been a dedicated Roman Catholic for over 15 years, which would make her categorically NOT SAVED and NOT a BELIEVER.
According to the promo provided by Revoice:
Eve Tushnet is a freelance writer, a Patheos blogger, and the award-winning author of Gay and Catholic. She also has written two novels, is the editor of the anthology Christ’s Body, Christ’s Wounds [Editor’s Note: The book is about life within the Roman Catholic Church], and has contributed to several books, including Sex and the Spiritual Life. Tushnet has written on the paths of love available to gay Christians for a wide range of publications, including America, American Conservative, Commonweal, and Christianity Today, and online for The Atlantic, New York Times, and Washington Post. She has spoken at multiple conferences for LGBT Christians. She also writes and speaks on the arts. Tushnet lives in Washington, DC.
When she’s not glorying her life as a lesbian papist, she’s singing the praises of the 1980’s film ‘Cruising” directed by William Friedkin. The movie is about a police detective investigating a string of murders within the “gay community” where he goes deep undercover in gay S&M and leather bars in order to catch a killer, an environment we see in graphic detail.
The film has a storied and controversial history. The uncut film was banned in several countries, and in others, it received the “X rating.” In fact, it originally received an ‘X’ rating in the United States for copious amounts of graphic sexual imagery, with the director claiming he took the film before the MPAA board “50 times” at a cost of $50,000 and deleted 40 minutes of footage from the original cut before he secured an R rating” according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Now rated R or 18+, it contains endless sex, nudity, orgy scenes, unending kissing and making out scenes, fellatio scenes, and one infamous scene where one gay man sticks his hand…where he ought not to. There is also, seemingly and allegedly, gay porn scenes intercut within the movie- a few frames inserted during the first murder that cannot be seen unless the film is freeze-framed, which she refers to at the end of the post.
For this Revoice speaker, however, this perverse and sexually twisted film is ‘perfect”

Given the current quality of Revoice speakers, this should surprise no one.
Satan’s minions have been masquerading as holy for millennia – there’s nothing new under the sun.
Unbelievably vile. If these sodomites do not turn from their wickedness the Lake of Fire awaits them, where the LORD God Himself will pour out His wrath upon them for eternity without end.