Pope on Giving Pro-Choice Politicians Communion “I have Never Refused the Eucharist to Anyone”

Pool photo by Tiziana Fabi
That rascally Pope Francis has done it again, dipping his toe into the abortion debate raging throughout the United States among papists and coming out wet behind the ears, suggesting that priests and bishops should not refuse to give communion to unrepentant pro-baby-killing politicians, as that would not be “pastoral.”
Given that he occupies the seat of the antichrist and is a very busy man, we last saw him affirming the faith of Joe Biden, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine, and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement. Now, he’s going on about this.
Weighing in on the propensity of some Roman Catholic leaders refusing to give communion to pro-choice politicians unless they repent and knock it off with the mortal sins, Francis said Bishops needed to be priests, not politicians, and pointed out that “I have never refused the eucharist to anyone.” He went on:
“If we look at the history of the church, we will see that every time the bishops have not managed a problem as pastors, they have taken a political stance on a political problem…What must the pastor do?” Be a pastor, don’t go condemning. Be a pastor, because he is a pastor also for the excommunicated.”
The comments by Francis are a direct response efforts by some Roman Catholic Bishops in the United States to curtail communion to the Christ-haters. These Bishops also voted in June 2021 to draft guidance for priests on the sacrements, targeting pro-choice politicians contrary to the will of Vatican, who warned them not to go through with it.
I agree, can’t you block the IP of these con artists?