Nearly 40 Former Mars Hill Elders Issue New Statement: Mark Driscoll is ‘Unfit’ and ‘Unrepentant’

Nearly 40 elders who once worked at Mars Hill Church and served alongside Mark Driscoll during the most tumultuous years of his career have released a public statement outlining their dismay that their former leader has continued his abusive tactics at his new church; calling on him to step down and to enter into a process of conciliation with those he abused.

Comprising of “the majority of the pastors who served at the church between 2011 and 2014, when formal charges were raised against Driscoll” and released to Christianity Today, the letter comes in light of several reports- covered extensively by us here and here – which detail that Mark Driscoll has devolved even further since Mars Hill imploded on account of his abusive behavior. As time has progressed, and as the new church he founded in 2016, The Trinity Church, has grown to nearly 1000 people, his better angels have transformed into crooked and decrepit demons, and he has carried on many of the same practices, and worse.

Key among the grievances of the signers, which include members of the highest levels of his executive team, is that Driscoll, after being put under discipline by his elders at Mars Hill, has now set up a new kingdom where he has no elders at all, only a mysterious board of unspecified people that oversees operations from afar.

With no accountability or anyone telling him ‘no’, it creates a fertile hunting ground where he can locate any sheep that he deems as disloyal or insufficiently submissive and compliant, and repeatedly smash its head with a rock.

His previous elders further warn that it would not be “be prudent or healthy” for Driscoll, having fled his previous post rather than to submit to accountability and church discipline,” to be in a position of spiritual authority in a church or ministry setting for the foreseeable future.’

We could not agree more.

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21 thoughts on “Nearly 40 Former Mars Hill Elders Issue New Statement: Mark Driscoll is ‘Unfit’ and ‘Unrepentant’

    1. Yes. One Bible Sunday School teacher I greatly respected as a friend and teacher floored me with his support of Driscoll before his fall. I was dumbfounded because the man denigrates the pulpit and the position of pastor.

  1. The truly concerning thing about Mark Driscoll is his homophobia and transphobia. He doesn’t stand with 🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

    1. Well, hey, just goes to show you can find something in common with anyone if you find it.

  2. Why are they pleading with him to submit to leadership or to enter into any kind of reconciliation? This guy should not be in ministry AT ALL. The scripture clearly states this. That is the only way to help him and to protect others. I would also add that while he is fully responsible for himself in these matters that those who continue to support him are partakers of his sin. Dismantle the thing. Now.

  3. Problem is Driscoll is a narcissist. I worked for one and once I began to see it did alot of research on the subject. The main problem with narcissists is that they believe everyone else is the problem and they are the 100%, always and forever the right one. And heaven help anyone who tries to honestly sit down and talk with them (they are mentally ill – it won’t work) or try to see through the constant gaslighting and emotional abuse you will go through (and I don’t throw the abuse around easily given today’s culture). Driscoll will never change. Narcissists never, ever change.

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