Mark Driscoll Featured in ‘Demon Slayer Exorcist’ Movie. That Tracks

Spurred on perhaps by the (relative) success of Greg Locke’s demon deliverance film “Come Out in Jesus’ Name” a new breed of charismatic exorcists is making a push to broadcast their zany brand of fake miracles and demon-deliverance, exemplified by The Domino Revival. According to the promo:
The Domino Revival takes moviegoers on an extraordinary journey with Mike Signorelli and a group of revivalists during a pivotal period in our nation’s history. As society’s fascination with the supernatural intensifies, this film unveils the awe-inspiring power of Jesus Christ. Through compelling preaching, documented miracles, triumph over despair, and liberation from demons, The Domino Revival captures the essence of spiritual hunger and delivers a profound cinematic experience.
The film features Isaiah Saldivar, Mike Signorelli, Alexander Pagani, Vlad Savchuk, Ryan Lestrage, Jeremiah Johnson and notably Mark Driscoll, a collective of theologically disreputable sorts whose weird, unorthodox and heretical beliefs could fill a movie on their own.
Driscoll himself (or some PR person by the look of it) wrote on Facebook when the initial trailer launched.

Color us thoroughly unsurprised.
For more on Driscoll:
We’ve written about Mark Driscoll many times. Whereas he was once standard fare for New Calvinists and the pseudo-Reformed community, Driscoll runs almost exclusively in the charismatic community.
Back in the day, Driscoll favored an edgy, aggressive style marked by prurient sermons laced with cuss words and punk-style worship- he once called women’ penis homes’ and commanded women with unsaved husbands to give their husbands oral sex to convert them. All the edgy aggressiveness boiled over in 2014 when the empire suddenly imploded due to Driscoll’s emotional and spiritual abuse of the flock, plagiarism, and accusations of financial misconduct. Rather than undergo church discipline, he claimed he audibly heard from God that he needed to leave, and he bolted. Later, nearly 40 former Mars Hill elders issued a public statement describing him as ‘unfit’ and ‘unrepentant.’
Not many years later, with the help of his crony James MacDonald, Mark Driscoll wrapped up his own discipline and re-established himself behind a pulpit in Phoenix, Arizona. Here, he set himself up as Pope of his own church, removing any of the limiting factors that previously constrained him, chiefly the presence of elders. Despite having hundreds and hundreds of people attending each week, there are no elders at The Trinity Church, which has resulted in his bullying ways continuing. Think of him as a wayward child who locked his parents in their room and now has the run of the house, terrorizing the dogs and torturing the cats.
Slowly, he rebuilt his empire, even as his theology got squishier. He mocked reformed theology and described Calvinism as “garbage.” He publicly apologized for criticizing Joel Osteen. He started selling copies of his sermon notes online and pushed seeker-sensitive services like “Swimsuit Sunday.” He even defended the Roman Catholic Church, saying they “believe in the essentials.”
Despite resigning in disgrace and possessing a penchant for theological violence, people flocked to him at his new home, and his church has grown immensely in the last few years, slowly edging towards megachurch status.
Despite his reportedly checkered past, the sermons I’ve heard over the last year or so from Driscoll have been dead-on in attacking feminine masculinity, the LGBT heresy infecting our society and especially churches, and godless wokeness in general. While I don’t attend his church, I enjoy his sermons very much and appreciate his zeal and intellect.
Driscoll has just latched upon the Manosphere movement and partnered with the so-called ‘Demon Slayers’ to boost the attendance in his pseudo Church. He is a man that refuses to submit to authority and, on the fact allow, is wholly unqualified to be behind a pulpit.
I don’t want TedTalks or Red pill content. I want the Word of God.
Driscoll is unable to rightly divide the Word and should not be teaching anyone.
Mark and avoid
Driscoll’s past is not even remotely ‘reportedly’. There are hours of evidence and testimony of his misdeeds. 40 elders signed a statement regarding his suitability for the pulpit. Google ‘Mars Hill’. It’s all out there. He is a rapacious wolf.
He cannot you see that, then I cannot help you
Yeah and he’s the one the started beer night at Mars Hill. Even taught them how to make their own beer! Cheers 🥂🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺
I’ve read the full Mars Hill report, been to the website, watched the videos, and read the complaints generated from Driscoll’s present position. The charges basically come down to him being an overbearing bully, outspoken, not willing to submit to authority, being crass, etc. All involved testified that they believe he sincerely loves the Lord and seeks to serve Him to the best of his (flawed) ability.
Based on this testimony he obviously has no biblical mandate to be a teacher and I never said he did. What I did say was I am not a member of this church and that his recent sermons have been some of the best I have personally heard lately, and I listen to A LOT from a number of teachers around the country.