Youth Group Dad Says His Son Is Too Afraid Of Racism To Throw A Baseball In The Yard

(WokePreacherTV) During the youth group of a Las Vegas megachurch, a father reveals that his preteen son (on the same stage with him) has been so dramatically affected by mass media, he is too afraid to play baseball in the backyard, because he believes accidentally throwing it in a neighbor’s yard could endanger him. To protect the minor’s identity, I have obscured his image and removed the audio when his father says his name. I will not link to the source video to keep this identifying information private.
FATHER: I’m not raising him to be fearful. And I know that that for [redacted], he has seen a lot. This generation has so much, you know, so many different ways to see all the racism, in comparison to what I saw when I was growing up.
And I know that that fear has really played a part on my son. And I don’t want to raise him in a place, I teach them, I tell them all the time, like, don’t be scared. And my thing is, my fear is, the fear that this is generating for my son, and that’s something that I don’t want, because at the end of the day, I want him to be the strongest man he can be.
I know that he’s scared. I know he sees these things happening. I know that that plays a part on the way he looks at stuff. The other day he told his brother, he didn’t tell me, because he knew I would get mad, but he said, “Hey, I’m scared to go outside and throw the baseball in, around, in front of the house.” And I’m like, I asked my wife, I said, “Well, why say that?” And she’s like, “You know, he thinks something would happen if the ball rolled in someone else’s yard.” And it was right then and there where I knew that this, what’s happening right now, is putting so much fear into my son.
And that is something that I don’t want to live with. I can’t live with that, that he’s scared or he’s fearful and he can’t be all that he wants to be.
The moderator chimes in:
MODERATOR: That’s good. And I think that is so important. That’s why we are having these conversations, because nobody should feel fear from walking outside their house. And I know a lot of people are like, “Oh, just shut up about it, like, keep going on. Like, it’s not that bad.” But no, this is bad. Like, somebody’s fearful to even go outside their own house where they pay the bills. That, like, it’s just, it’s, it’s insane.
The following post was written and published at WPC’s YouTube channel.
Protestia dot com is a racist website. Report it for spreading misinformation!!
Johnny, go live a happy life if that is possible for you. You obviously have nothing else to do than to spend it in misery. I hope you find Christ and become happy before it is too late for you to choose.
Johnny is morally and intellectually retarded. Report for being a danger to society!!
Strange, when I was a kid [ahem] years ago, if I or my black neighbor threw the ball in the other’s yard, we usually ended up tossing the ball back and forth for hours having a good old time.
Young man, if you spend your life worrying about what others may think or do, you are begging for a life of misery, enslaved to the whims and perceived whims of imperfect human beings – to the world. And that fear can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as a result of your own actions – we “see these things happening”
Worry more about what God thinks. Fear Him instead. Stand on the immovable, unshakable, never-changing solid rock.
If the ball goes into someone else’s yard, understand that this day and age, with rampant lawsuits, people may be concerned about someone going into their yard without permission because if something were to happen to them, they could be sued. Respect their property rights. If you show respect, you’ll receive respect. In other cases, you may have a neighbor who is particular about their grass or something – we all know the sort (of all colors). So go to the door and ask politely if you can retrieve the ball.
And to both father and son. Don’t bear false witness against your neighbor. (which means you must ditch satanic critical theory, and stick with God’s Word instead) If you’re going to falsely accuse your neighbor when you don’t even know them, why would it come as any shock to you if they do not trust you enough to be anywhere near their property?
I grew up SE of Atlanta and attended public school from 1-12. This has gotten to be such nonsense. People are sinners in all sin colors. There are as many racists who are black as there are white people. I know. My black 6th grade teacher taught me that. I was too scared and shy to speak up for myself and never told anyone what that woman did to me and the things she would say to me making sure no other teacher heard her. So don’t EVEN given me start on this CRT marxist crap. This is just black power marxism just re-packaged. Parents have instilled fear in their children because they haven’t been PARENTS. You are not supposed to be your child’s friend. Your child falls down, you tell them to “get back up” and go again. When did all this wussy kid stuff begin? When the divorce rate started climbing after feminism of the 1960’s and it began to infilitrate the church. (I still remember the first family whose parents divorced to this day. It was like – what?” Now you have to ask a parent if their child has the same last name as they do because often they don’t. As the progressives started really gaining a foothold in the 1960’s, you begin to see a direct cause and effect in our culture. CRT is no different than the KKK. The people under the robes just have a different skin color now.
I grew up SE of Atlanta and attended public school from 1-12. This has gotten to be such nonsense. People are sinners in all sin colors. There are as many racists who are black as there are white people. I know. My black 6th grade teacher taught me that. I was too scared and shy to speak up for myself and never told anyone what that woman did to me and the things she would say to me making sure no other teacher heard her. So don’t EVEN given me start on this CRT marxist crap. This is just black power marxism just re-packaged. Parents have instilled fear in their children because they haven’t been PARENTS. You are not supposed to be your child’s friend. Your child falls down, you tell them to “get back up” and go again. When did all this wussy kid stuff begin? When the divorce rate started climbing after feminism of the 1960’s and it began to infilitrate the church. (I still remember the first family whose parents divorced to this day. It was like – what?” Now you have to ask a parent if their child has the same last name as they do because often they don’t. As the progressives started really gaining a foothold in the 1960’s, you begin to see a direct cause and effect in our culture. CRT is no different than the KKK. The people under the robes just have a different skin color now. – And by the way, I grew up in a SBC church where we learned the Bible: stories and memorized scripture. We had a strong and Bible based music program. While I have never been a fan of the Baptist Association system (just another money grabbing bureaucracy), I saw the Atlanta Asso do many great things like coordinate help for different ministries in downtown Atlanta. And one other thing……we were a culturally diverse church before that was a woke thing. It didn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter now.