Charismatic Prophetess: God Will Freeze Time Right Before Death to Give Pagans a Chance to Repent

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or she’s talking about dispatching her army reserves of more than 5 billion angels to go do spiritual battle, she’s explaining that men and women can “give Jesus the right” to freeze time seconds before a loved one dies in order to appear to them and give them a chance to be saved.
It’s an interesting bit of theology from Kerr, who also spent Episode 31 of ‘Wednesday with Kat and Steve’ talking about how hell is actually located in the center of the earth
But speaking on the age of accountability Katt informs chief-enabler Seve Shultz that people can “stand in the gap’ for a thousand generations, making it so that right before their ancestors die, Jesus will stop time and appear in front of them and give them an opportunity to believe in him, all but guaranteeing their salvation and profession of faith. She explains:
God had told me that there was not an it’s not a specific age, it’s what’s in the heart of the person. It’s what their understanding is in their heart. And everybody understands things or receives things at different ages or stages in their life. The other thing is, is you have to consider about a person and you may not have known, even if it was in a car accident, even at that very moment or time before the action took place, Christ can present themselves to them in the spirit realm, there is no time is what I’m trying to say. And many people even that moment, especially if they had somebody praying for them, if somebody close to them was praying for that person, it gave Christ the right, at that moment of death, because he has the keys of hell, death and the grave, to present himself to that person if they want him or not. So you can’t in your mind, you can’t put God in this box, except for one thing.
You’re not going to heaven without Jesus Christ. So that’s why God, when we declare things and stand in the gap for people, it gives Christ the right to present himself to them. Even if they’re in a coma, even at that moment of death coming itself. Remember that he has the keys to death. There’s a reason why he has those keys. So I’m telling people, I’m not giving people the right to just sin wantonly, thinking it doesn’t matter, that they’ll get a chance to know him.
But there are people standing the gap for people and God wants them to know you didn’t waste your words. And this also makes a difference; maybe you didn’t know your grandparents, maybe didn’t know your great grandparents. What if they stood in the gap? Christ will take the words of these people who gave themselves to Him, and they stand there and declare ‘I stand in the gap for the next 25 generations because I have been surrendered to you, because I have given my whole self to you, and I have not held back. I declare that you will use the keys and you will be able to present yourself to all of my family members coming on the earth, that they’ll know you, they’ll be in heaven, they’ll be in eternity, and we will have a time to rejoice.
If that happened-and you may not have ever met them- God takes those words. They’re alive. They’re just like they just spoke them even though they’re in heaven they’re still here, left them in the atmosphere of the Earth. Jesus will take those words and pursue that person….
So if these people are living this way, and they say, ‘I’m standing in the gap…I’m standing in the gap for the next 1000 generations of my family line that come upon this earth, if we’re all still here, we’re still here on earth is still here, I stand in the gap. They will know you, they will love you, they will give you their selves to you. However you do that, they will be in eternity with me and all of my family, we will rejoice, and there’ll be great in the earth for you.’ And God said, ‘I will give you that’ And then he said this. ‘And anyone who’s willing to make a stand like that, for their family line and those around them and their loved ones, I will do everything within my power and my son’s power to make a change give them a chance even at death to receive Him.’
Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at Protestia
Is the Dr/.Michael Brown the same one that writes a column over at Christian Post and what proof do you have for this support
The Bible says narrow is the way. Even most people who call themselves Christians will turn away from God.
Somehow this person decides everyone is pretty much getting saved.
These people…
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