Steven Furtick Screams ‘I Am God Almighty!’ In Wild Sermon

“Pastor” Steven Furtick declared himself to be “God Almighty” during a recent sermon, taking his most bold venture into rehashing the warped “little god” theology of yesteryear, except with a twist, dropping the little “god” and going for the capitalized one.
Furtick is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church, a Southern Baptist-associated, 25,000-member multisite campus with 17 locations. He is known for having the term “narcegesis” (narcissistic exegesis) named after him based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him, as well as his penchant to wear outfits that cost more than most mortgages and buddying up to Trinity-Denier T.D Jakes.
Ten months ago he replaced Kenneth Copeland at the always-heretical TBN, filling the role of the Innkeeper Thénardier from the musical Les Miserables (TBN being the Inn), with these “Masters of the house” doing whatever is the theological equivalent of “Charge ’em for the lice/Extra for the mice/Two percent for looking in the mirror twice” in his efforts to promote his brand of prosperity preaching.
Now, in a May 4 sermon, he tells his congregation, in context:
What you have to be so careful about is not to let people put anything on you. I’m not just talking about failure, I’m talking about success. Jacob’s biggest issue is that he always identified himself by something external. So, when it came time to make peace with Esau, he sent gifts ahead of him, because he thought, “Maybe my gift will bring me peace.”
And some of us are like that. We always think we have to make a good impression. We’re always living in an avatar. We’re always living in some version of ourselves that seems presentable. Or we’re always identifying…by what we can do.
In doing what we can do, other people will identify you by what you can do, and then they will limit you by what you can do, and then you will begin to think you are what you do, and then you will lose yourself and gain the world, and Jesus said, “What good is it?”Don’t let anybody put anything on you that will cause you to forget what God put in you.
That goes for your struggles. See, I think Jacob – his name means supplanter, but his new name Israel is almost just as bad. It means struggles with God. [Um…God actually gave Jacob that name…Furtick’s message is based on false assumptions. -Ed.] So, he’s trying to get him to see, “You’ve never been fighting with Laban. You’ve never been fighting with Esau. The fight you have to win for your life has not been with them. It’s always been in you.
Because if you believe it’s in you, there’s nothing anybody can put on you that can cancel what I put in you. “Before you were born I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” It’s always been in you…
It’s always been in you. There’s nobody who can leave my life who can keep God from keeping his covenant with me. I’m not in covenant with a person. I’m not in covenant with a political party. I’m in covenant with God Almighty! I am God Almighty!
Get that off you! That’s not your name. That’s not your station. That’s not your end. It’s in me! It’s in me! It’s in me! It is God who worketh in you! It’s always been in you.”
Because of “love hopes all things”, trying to consider all angles, could it be that he was saying “I AM, God Almighty”, as in another name of God? I’m not a fan of Furtick or progressive Christianity, so I’m not taking any side other than trying to understand the truth and not jump straight to believing he committed blasphemy.
Sometimes you need to take people at their word. He’s preached enough heresy at this point that it’s not leaping to a conclusion.
I think you’re probably right. There’s a fine line between “discernment” and assumption. In this instance, it would be prudent to contact Elevation Church and ask them to clarify Furtick’s statement. That’s the Biblical standard. And no, previous transgressions do not give us permission to bypass the Biblical standard in the future.
ALL Charismatics teach that we are gods and/or God. It comes from occultic Alice Bailey. They have been channeling demonic spirit realm messages and have brought it into the Church as ‘revelation.’
The pharisee who wrote this is so worried about tearing other pastors down, perhaps he should be tending his own flock instead of being a slandering couch potato and a keyboard ninja.
We need to pray for those lost people be led astray by people like Furtick. And pray for Furtick as well.
We Christians cannot have our cake and eat it too. In these days you are witnessing idolatry, promiscuity, sodomy, homosexuality as well as transvestism and on and on it goes. Listen up folks this is what it takes for Jesus to come back. Might as well not love the world, but celebrate His return.
If he didn’t mean it the way it came out, wouldn’t you think he would immediately clarify the context so as not to be misinterpreted as blasphemy. It’s not like he hasn’t come close to that proclamation before and made outrageous statements and taught flat-out heresy.
They love him here in Charlotte, and if you dare criticize him, one of their members or regular attendees will defend him like there’s no tomorrow. I didn’t know better, I’d almost think it was a cult. You know, every calls doesn’t have to be like the one Charles Manson operated, Jim Jones oversaw or even David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. Those are easy to spot.
When you think about it, the Roman church has the top two dysfunctional features of a cult in that it is led by a man who claims to be God or gods representative and the institution is rife with sexual immorality.
Imagine allowing yourself to be called or referred to by three titles reserved for the members of the Trinity, “Holy father,” “Altar CHRISTUS” and the “Vicar of Christ.”
I want to say this as I agree with you: no born again Christian could live with their conscience being called the Vicar of Christ being the Holy Spirit would be doing some heavy duty conviction.
The National Heresy Network
Well, he has God’s wardrobe, so….
When people let others interpret Gods word and don’t open it up daily and see what it says for themselves, you end up with all these fanboys and girls. The man is a wolf and is part of the profiteers who Jesus threw out of the temple. Wake up, wake up out of your trance. Listen to Leonard Raven and Martyn Lloyd Jones and turn from your wickedness. Good is a good Father and lives His children. He’s long suffering and kind. It’s sad to see so many that think they are following Good when they are following a spewer of lies.
Wow! I’ve really enjoyed Mr Furtick’s sermons on TBNuk, and loads of other preachers.
Yet often, and quite regularly, I see many televangelists dismissed as corrupt, selling lies, prosperity gospelling etc etc, and feeling disheartened and a bit disappointed and even discouraged. But I think more and more that this will happen and we all need to spend more time in prayer, more time studying scripture and being with our Christian family and local church group.
Ultimately, even if a pastor is truly the bees knees, our focus should always be on Christ.
Remember folks too, that nations are not Christian, individuals are. Our faith must be active and alive, not presumptive and taken for granted! We must be prepared to take up our cross each day and simply follow Jesus!
This guy is so fake
Wow. Christian on Christian battles, yes!!! The enemy is gaining a foothold.
Anyone who criticizes Elevation, I’m 100% sure of this, is always doctrinally correct, all of the time, never messes up, and have brought many many people to Christ personally.
Perhaps (..perhaps..), some people who have come to the Lord, or maybe knew the Lord earlier in life, became disillusioned with “religion” – (you know, “You’ll be identified as My followers by the Love you show, one to another.” – that ALWAYS happens to the perfect ones on here) – maybe allow for the fact that Steven Furtick brought them back to the faith, and now these lost people love him for that but as they grow deeper in faith the Lord works in them to discern the truth while understanding that SF’s mission and message is bringing more people to the Lord than most of the nay-sayers combined. I would count that as good.
I am one of those people, only credit my return to hearing a new kind of preaching, Joel Osteen. I felt loved, accepted and willing to take a step because of how the “good news” was presented to me, by him.
I now have grown in my faith, discernment, understanding and get why he does the style he does (same for Pastor SF) – I don’t agree with all he says but the man is credited with saying the words the right way that softened my heart in conjunction with the Holy Spirits conviction.
I think we need room to allow for that in our thinking. We live in a lost world. The second someone hears SF or Osteen doesn’t make them an automatic believer of all they say. We all know of those in our churches who are still on their journey and we had better be on that journey ourselves. The point is to get them in, get them in involved, have them become followers of Jesus and change the world.
So in closing, I think we need to open our minds to the possibility that SF is not perfect but he’s been called by God and is doing good for the Kingdom. We don’t need to agree with him, but we don’t need to pull him down either.
The enemy is not Steven Furtick.
Every false teacher also says many true things. That’s not the issue, of course. The issues arise when a teacher consistently teaches things that are contrary to what God has said. I’m grateful that God used frail, fallen people to bring you to Himself. That’s not the end, of course… we’re to grow in faith, becoming more like Jesus, and obey everything He commanded. That requires adding knowledge to our faith, and false teachers make this process far more difficult. While many (if not most) go too far in criticizing those with whom they disagree, let’s not pretend that the New Testament standard should be set aside. False teachers should be exposed, named by name, and rebuked in order to protect those they may influence.
Luke 4:4 “ … man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” How could anyone NOT use the words, Calvary or resurrection? Not to mention The Precious Blood of My Lord Jesus Christ is heresy! What can wash away my sin, Nothing but the Blood of Jesus (Hebrews 9:22 ). You will answer one day to Almighty God for not preaching truth!!!