Mike Stone Issues Statement After Confrontation with Sex-Abuse Survivor Leaves Her in Tears

A woman professing to be a victim of sexual abuse at the hand of a Southern Baptist leader confronted SBC Presidential Candidate Mike Stone on the floor of the convention this evening. Hannah Kate was handing out copies of SBC SEXUAL ABUSE SURVIVORS JOINT STATEMENT, of which she is listed as a signing member.

During the conversation, it is alleged Stone told her that she was “doing harm” to the denomination, resulting in part to her leaving in tears.

One person took a picture of the encounter, with observers commenting that the place didn’t look very crowded, and no corroborators looked to be nearby or that were paying attention, at least when this picture was taken.

Shortly after their conversation, as word got back that there was controversy over their interaction, Stone immediately issued a statement. He claims the conversation was cordial, polite, and was witnessed by several pastors who can confirm his story. He does not mention there being tears during their actual conversation or during his interactions with her, and so far all the witnesses say she was crying in the immediate aftermath, but not during.

There has not been any sort of firm details or corroboration on what exactly was said to her, she to him, or what the nature of the conversation was.

Hannah Kate, who has been passing out the statement sheets for the better part of the day, also shared that she was wearing a #churchtoo shirt earlier in the morning and some pastors were walking by her and calling her a “whore.” From her vantage point at the convention, she also noted that “the pastor who helped cover up my abortion and sexual abuse is outside the #SBC21 protesting abortion.

Incidentally, Kate announced several weeks ago that she was abandoning Christianity and the church, explaining that she needed to leave these things behind so that she could “heal,” be “free” and “live in that freedom.”

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15 thoughts on “Mike Stone Issues Statement After Confrontation with Sex-Abuse Survivor Leaves Her in Tears

  1. Sadly, these tactics are so predictable. Mike Stone was going to be targeted like Trump was because he was the biggest threat to the agenda of the establishment.

    1. Absolutely. Why are members of the church using the same tactics as Democrats and NeverTrumpers? It’s very disheartening.

  2. None of these candidates are good for the SBC. The new Woke SBC deserves to keep shrinking as it has been for a long while now.

  3. Let the SBC blow away like chaff in the wind. We don’t need another liberal establishment claiming to be Christian around. Come, Lord Jesus.

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