A Charismatic Prophetess has Amassed an Army of ‘5 Billion Angels,’ and It’s Growing Daily

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, she’s disclosing to hundreds of thousands of followers that her army of angels has grown considerably, from a mere 1000 ‘special ops angels that were dispatched to oversee Trump’s election, to her current army reserves of more than 5 billion.

Speaking to chief-enabler and gullibility king Steve Shultz on Episode 27 of “Wednesdays with Kat and Steve! Kerr explains that she puts her army of angels to work on a daily basis- sending them off to scour the earth to find and expose wickedness, to the point that her exploits will soon be covered on TV and shown in magazines.

Last night I was out there sending 5 billion of them to go worldwide to make a sweep for a sweep for the next 30 days, 24 hours a day, to expose any unseen, unknown wickedness, evil, cheating, stealing, lying, controlling, whether it was spirits or people or humans. To pull them down and to stop the activities and make it known where it’s talked about on television, where it’s shown in magazines where people will see and know what’s going and I sent 5 billion last night out to go do that…

Steve : Wow!

And immediately they went and they’re going to go to every state and then every country, even some that people don’t know about yet (but) are about to find out about it.

Steve: And God the Gather could, if he wanted to, send 5 billion or 100 billion, but he’s put it into the hands of men to be doing most of the sending, right?

Yes, because the Father always gives me scriptures. He said ‘I said that I put YOU in charge of the earth, I put YOU as the body of Christ’ Those who follow Christ, he gave us authority in the earth-you have to have flesh to do that- or spirits will be here taking over everywhere.

Godspeed, Kat! Let us know when you have 500 billion angels under your command. We would like to talk with their commander, Legion…

h/t to RightWingWatch

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5 thoughts on “A Charismatic Prophetess has Amassed an Army of ‘5 Billion Angels,’ and It’s Growing Daily

  1. And a number of people believe her. Probably mostly women. Like Eve they are being deceived.

  2. From the first paragraph shown on her website revealingheaven.com:

    “Please be sure to visit all that is offered; our new Store, {SEND MONEY} Our Team Page and especially About One Quest which is the host of this website commissioned to Create Heaven on Earth. There is also a link to KatKerr.com, a new website that is a platform for Heaven to speak and a way to give a blessing to Kat {SEND MONEY}.”

    While she should be sitting on a cracker barrel on the porch spinning tales. Instead, she has oodles of followers. Clearly sentient faculties are missing in her followers.

  3. Wow, that’s a lot of angels. Kat’s wasting her talents on this whole ‘pretend prophetess’ thing – she should own an employment agency.

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