PROTEST: Conservative Signs Mocking Critical Race Theory Placed near SEBTS Campus

Update #1. The signs have gone missing!
Capstone Report) Will SEBTS tolerate the conservative signs on public rights-of-way or will they remove the signs?
A conservative Southern Baptist at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) placed several signs protesting the use of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality by Southern Baptist institutions like SEBTS. The signs placed on public rights-of-way read ANALYTICAL TOOLS stylized with a Soviet letter resembling N (a Cyrillic И ) and the hammer and sickle for both Os in tools.
A Twitter user took credit for the conservative protest against Racial Identity Politics. He said he placed “several” signs around campus. In a tweet he said, “A campaign sign is the language of the unheard.”
The signs were specifically targeted at SEBTS in order to “force a discussion internally on campus.” The conservative activist wanted to send a message to the few remaining conservative students at SEBTS. The activist wanted anyone doubting the Leftist narrative to know that they “aren’t alone.”
Pressure Gage tweeted, “I wonder how long it will take @SEBTS @CollegeSE to remove political expression in a public right of way. They love illegal and violent protests. Will they allow a lawful one? I know the college and the seminary are two of the most heavy-handed SJW institutions available, but if the signs are still there, blink once. If they’re gone, blink twice.”
Again, the conservative asked….
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Editor’s note. This article was written by the Capstone Report and published there.
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