Picture of James Coates Hugging Family After Release + Updates About This Sunday

Erin Coates uploaded a wonderful picture to her social media, showing the family embracing after a long separation. We are rejoicing for this family, and honor them for their courage and steadfastness.

While many people have been erroneously claiming that Pastor Coates will have to pay a $1500 dollar fine, or had to pay it as a condition of his release, this is not so. Rather, the judge told Coates that his time spent in custody would count as the entire fine, meaning he doesn’t have to pay anything. In fact, it was covered by day 12. For this reason, the $1500 was designed to be all bark and no bite – to shock and sound forceful and condemning, when in reality it could have been $3000 and he still would not be paying it.
While it is fully expected that Pastor Coates will show up to the upcoming March 27th church service to a raucous and uplifted congregation, he may say a few words, but will not be preaching the sermon. Pastor Coates needs to spend the week with his wife and children and will not be able to prepare a message, and so Pastor Jacob Spenst will be preaching.
With the news of his release, many people were celebrating, including hundreds of churches that have been praying for him worldwide, along with his alma mater, where John MacArthur has personally and publicly prayed for him for weeks now.
Rejoice in the Lord, all ye saints of the earth.
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