Gospel Coalition Writer Disputes Claims that Massage Parlor Murderer ‘Wasn’t a Real Christian’

Gospel Coalition writer and SBC Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile has been mourning the deaths of the 8 people killed in the horrific massage parlor shootings. This is well and right, and it is a tragedy that this disturbed young man killed so many people on account of an addled mind consumed with sin and depravity.

While things are too early to know the extent of the killer’s motivation, Thabiti has been tweeting up a storm, declaring that it’s for sure, 100% on account of racism that this happened. This is not unexpected, as there is little that happens in the world that he does not consider a matter of racial conflict.

He likewise shared a post from Rebecca Shrader, a pro-choice bible study leader who attended J. D. Greear’s Summit Church for years but just recently left. In her post, she notes that the shooter’s church was a member of the Founders Ministry (dun dun dun!) – in one of the most despicable attempts to draw a connection we have ever seen, shy of Rachel Denhollander taking a swipe at John MacArthur for this same thing.

Furthermore, in a mess of confusion, Anyabwile shared a post by Samuel Perry, who argues that the murderer, Robert Aaron Long, was in fact a “real” and “committed Christian” when he let loose and imploded the world of countless souls.

It would perhaps be accurate to say that he was a committed “church goer” except that there has been no indication of what his church attendance has been in the last three years since being baptized in 2018, with no information on how frequently he attended services or what his participation level was.

But more importantly, secretive, highly disturbed, sex-addicted porn-fiends who go out and commit mass murder are not born-again believers, no matter how much Anyabwile wants to claim they are. There are things called “fruit of the spirit” that exist, and filling 8 bodies with bullets coupled with a plot to commit more murder is not one of them.

Of course, this is all being done to further the narrative of the SBC as a denomination full of white zealots that are being radicalized into bible-believing white supremacists with the blessing of the church.

This belief, coupled with their contention that the SBC is not playing nice with egalitarians while emphasizing an unhealthy focus on sexual purity (something Beth Moore recently said amen to, as a matter of life and death situation), has led them to believe that culpability lies squarely in the hands of the sin-enabling leaders and pastors who won’t deal with “racism” in their congregations.

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4 thoughts on “Gospel Coalition Writer Disputes Claims that Massage Parlor Murderer ‘Wasn’t a Real Christian’

  1. Does their reasoning also include Judas being among the 12 as an indication of leadership issues and that the other 11 casting a blind eye towards what should have been obvious indicates an issue of neglect?

    As the article mentions, he is now an obvious tare among the wheat that had not been saved and did not have the indwelling Holy Spirit. People like this who may be attending while trying to figure things out intellectually do not have a changed heart. God knows their heart but we don’t.

  2. This news story isn’t going away anytime soon. The MSM really needed this to keep their “wHiTe SuPrEmAcIsTs ArE tArGeTiNg aSiAns” narrative alive because, until now, every time they report on an attack that’s *actually* based on anti-Asian racism, it’s a black person doing the attacking. Not that it makes the situation any better but people need to stop calling this house of ill-repute a “spa” or “massage parlor” because I’m fairly sure that legitimate massage parlors keep normal business hours and aren’t lit up like a casino with “open 24 hour” signs.

    Things like “purity culture” and “complementarian” have turned into poorly defined container words these people form like a wax nose to dump on conservative Christians. Twitter is the modern “street corner” and telling the world how evil white Christians are is the new “making long prayers for show”. On the outside, they’re crying tears for the people that were killed but inside, are absolutely giddy they get to be morally justified in their racist accusations.

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