Beth Moore Frees Herself to Fully Apostatize

In what can only be considered a “look at me” formality, lady preacher and theological peabrain Beth Moore has announced that she is no longer a Southern Baptist. Apparently, she has taken gullible Southern Baptist congregations for all she could and is now moving on to even more liberal and gullible pastures.

Moore retweeted an article at Religion News Service announcing her breakup with Lifeway, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention and peddler of wares from all over the spectrum of fake Christianity. She claims she no longer “identif[ies] with some of the things in our heritage that haven’t remained in the past.” We assume she means the orthodoxy of forbidding women from preaching (1 Tim. 2:12) and the orthodoxy of not engaging in rank false teaching (2 John 9). Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that her Living Proof “ministry” lost 1.9 million dollars between 2017 and 2019.

While the article links Moore’s departure to pushback by Southern Baptists over her anti-Trumpism, she has notoriously led the charge into full-blown liberalism by the SBC for over 10 years, becoming more and more egalitarian, ecumenical, and brash in her disregard for scripture. Her theological ineptitude and outright horribleness is the stuff of legends, as she has routinely claimed direct revelation from God (like her famous tale of God telling her to brush a guy’s hair instead of witnessing to him), affirming so-called woman pastors and those who affirm LGBTQ+, labeling her entire denomination racist, and claiming white supremacy is “running rampant” in the church. She has liked tweets dissuading believers from sharing the Gospel at BLM protests, claimed the Holy Spirit inspired her to write her book When Godly People do Ungodly Things, and pals around with pathological liars like Kyle J. Howard.

She is a pathetic and embarrassing expositor of scripture and the poster child for what happens when churches and denominations fail to take the scriptural roles of men and women seriously.

Beth Moore leaving the SBC (assuming it sticks) is not a surprise to anyone paying attention. The SBC is not downgrading nearly as fast as she is, and now her lousy studies aren’t selling. She clearly left the orthodoxy of the Baptist Faith and Message long ago, and her recent inability to draw a moral distinction between Trump and the Democratic Party was just the latest peach on her massive tree of bad fruit.

The discernment ministers at Protestia/Pulpit and Pen called Beth Moore out years ago as not being one of us (you know, not a Christian). She is and has always been a charlatan, bilking gullible Christians out of time, money, and real teaching for years – aided and abetted by the Christ-less hucksters at Lifeway who shelved her pap alongside heaven tourism nonsense and moronic “relevant” teen devotionals. Now apparently SBC women’s ministries will be forced to rely on “menstruation is a parable of the crucifixion” Jen Wilkin for their monthly doses of feminism.

While I am no prophet, I predict that within one year, Beth Moore will come out as fully LGBTQ affirming and adopt the title of pastor for herself in whatever “church” she finds herself. Such is the nature of apostasy.

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4 thoughts on “Beth Moore Frees Herself to Fully Apostatize

  1. I’ve been waiting since last year, and we are all still waiting for her to fully come out for her support for homosexuality. I concur with you that it will be within a year. She needs to go ahead and confirm what we already know. She was on a Jen Hatmaker podcast, so if that doesn’t tell us anything, I don’t know what will.

  2. Unfortunately, completing a Beth Moore bible study was bragging rights within the SBC church. I have always had a sense of discernment in my heart regarding Beth Moore. Therefore, I did not get on the Beth Moore train. I have heard her speak at a large SBC church, arriving in style and left in style. I was alarmed to say the least. I am not surprised at all of her complete downward spiral into apostasy. She is to be “marked and avoided”.

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