PSA: Why You Should Not Go To GraceLife Church This Sunday

(Work of her Hands) If you have seen my posts this past week since Pastor James Coates was imprisoned you might wonder why I would make the above statement.
Every week that GraceLife church continues to be open there is a greater number of people desiring to go. They have had people so hungry for the Word and fellowship that they sat in their cars or listened from outside in order to hear it.
This is fantastic. God is at work at GraceLife- people are coming whose home churches still are not even open. People are coming who have heard the pastors from GraceLife preach online and have never heard expositional preaching before.
Expositional preaching is not sugar coated, it’s not entertaining and it cuts you to the core while at the same time giving you the encouragement and strength to put into practice what you’ve just heard from the pulpit. Expositional preaching always comes back to the gospel as the whole Bible points to Jesus and salvation.
Many people who hear it for the first time can’t believe what they’ve been missing, it’s what their soul has been craving. They hunger for more. Many of today’s pastors are still feeding their congregation milk when what they need is real meat in order to grow into mature believers who will stand up for truth, desire to serve God wholeheartedly no matter the cost. Real believers who will take what they’ve learned and share the gospel and the Bible truths with others.
Expositional preaching will cause believers to continue to not only grow in their faith but they will go on to exhort, encourage and go to fellow believers and confront ( and be confronted in ) sin with the desire for repentance and further maturity.
Are you currently going to a church that’s feeding you milk? Are you thinking there has to be more than just the latest program or popular feel good study? Is your pastor preaching expositional sermons or is he just giving an inspirational talk with a bit of scripture thrown in that fits what he wants to talk about this week?
If so- then you should go to GraceLife this Sunday or find another faithful church who preaches truth and the gospel boldly.
Now back to my original statement
“Why You Should Not Go To GraceLife Church This Sunday”
You should not go if your pastor is faithful to preach the Word of God already. You should not go if you are currently a member of a solid Bible teaching church. Why not? Because your home church and your pastor need you at your own church. They need your support, encouragement and love. You need them too- you need to see them face to face, you need to sincerely ask them how they are doing, you need to be taking all the opportunities to gather with them to encourage, exhort and truly care for them. You cannot truly know how another person is doing via ZOOM church or over text. Your home church needs to know that people desire to come.
Another good reason not to go (if you have a good church already ) is so that the members of GraceLife can attend their own church and so that those who are hungry to hear the gospel ( maybe for the first time) and don’t have a home church can go.
So go to your home church and support churches like GraceLife instead by faithfully praying for the pastors, their families and congregation that they will continue to be faithful in these days.
If you haven’t heard expositional preaching here’s a link to Pastor Coates last sermon from February 14th,2021
May this be a time of true revival in Alberta and beyond. Soli Deo Gloria
Editor’s Note. This op-ed was written by Denise for Work of her Hands and originally published there. Reprinted here in full with permission,
If it’s not Expositional Preaching is it really preaching at all?