Chris Blackeby Appears on Charisma Mag Podcast: Dude Believes He’s Jesus

Chris Blackeby, an itinerant Australian former youth pastor who peddles himself as one who “demystifies the mystic,” travels with the more fringe charismatics, and has been known to frequent a Charisma podcast a time or two, posted this wonderful gem on his Facebook page, recycling some of the “we are little gods” theology from hucksters of yesteryear.

Blackeby, who heads up the one-man show that is As He Is Ministries seems to specialize in proselytizing two abiding principles. One is an extreme form of “I don’t want religion, I want a relationship,” where he describes religion not as the scripture does in James 1:27, but rather as “cruel” and “poisonous” rule-keeping that has “Satan as its’ father.”
The second is some sort of interpretation of a hyper-theosis, believing that we are “the expression of Christ,” that we are sons of God, and that the “s” in “sons” should probably be capitalized in some way.
By way of background, he once was a youth pastor at a large church that might rhyme with “Billsong” who became extremely became ill in his early thirties. This prognosis rocked his whole world, explaining “I found out that either Christianity’s not true, or the bible’s not true, or God’s not true, or I fundamentally misunderstood something.” [Editor’s note: Bet on the last option to win. There is nothing wrong with God or His created religion seen in the Scriptures.]
Allegedly given 6 months to live, he decided to travel during this time, going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it, receiving revelation from Jesus and emerging healed of his sickness and armed with the message that “the gospel is not what we were told.”
Fast forward to a few years later, and Blackeby has recently appeared on Liz Wright’s Live your Best Life Podcast, which is part of the Charisma Podcast Network. He joins Michael Brown, Stephen Strange, Shawn Bolz, and a host of other theological misfits who have the words “prophetic” and “kingdom” in their names.
While Liz listens in rapt attention, he shares the following teaching, much to her joy and amazement:
You can try to be a good Christian, which is something that we’ve made up, but Jesus wasn’t a Christian. Jesus wasn’t a Christian. We’re like him. He was a son of God. He was the Son of God. The unique Son of God, and he’s made us the unique Son of God, the (unintelligible).
We are Him. You are the beloved Son. I’m the beloved Son. We are the beloved Son of God. We are him, and we have his standing immediately….People say what’s your prayer life like? I literally wake up and walk out the front door, and I walk around and I pretend I’m God. (Liz comments, “right – because you’re one with him…”).
If a giraffe has a baby giraffe, it’s all giraffe. If God has a son, it’s all God. Like I am of Him. I’m not Yahweh that made me, I’m of his substance, and I have His nature. So the sermon on the mount is not a list of things to attain to, it describes me.”
You can see then why posting his “In Christ, I’m Christ” message should be taken as more than mere misguided theosis, but rather as the abject blasphemy it is.
We reached out to Charisma for comment but they did not respond at the time of this article.
So the sermon on the mount describes him. As they say, if you believe this I have a bridge I want to sell you. This is how deceived the “church” has become. Also, how cowardly we who sit or used to sit in the audience are or were. Nobody in anttendance challenges this kind of nonsense. The same reason I refuse to sit and listen to a “teacher,” “pastor” or whatever you want to call them if I can’t stop them to question what they are saying. In most “churches” you have to set there and let them go on and on as if you don’t have the Holy Spirit, a brain or a bible.
I understand your concerns. I didn’t listen to the podcast but I have listened to Chris Blackeby . You have to listen carefully. Believers are not little gods. But Jesus did say “he who who believes in Me will do the works that I do and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:11. Romans 8:14-18 says we are who are led by the Spirit are sons of God, received the Spirit of Adoption, we are children of God, joint heirs with Christ, if we suffer with Him we also are glorified with Him. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ-Eph. 2:6 and we have every spiritual blessing, adopted as sons by Christ-Eph. 1:3;5. These and other scriptures say much about the position of the renewed , transformed spirit of believers who have the Holy Spirt in them and many believers don’t realize who they are in Christ. It is good someone is pointing out these things.
I have a question for you. Has God worked through you to do the works of Jesus? He has through me and many of my bothers and sisters at times. Or do you believe all these things ended with the death of the apostles , despite what the Word says.
God bless you!
Yup, every time someone actually starts walking out the mystery of the Gospel – Christ in us, the hope of glory – people get freaked out because it’s not real in their lives no matter how much Scripture they read and call it “blasphemy.”
Your comments about other believers (with way more life in their content than your writing, might I add) are about as cheap and poverty stricken as your attempt to glean coin to keep your cheap (and I mean nasty) mag alive.
Jealous much?