A Christmas Reminder: Jesus is God of Government

As Christian Nationalism is castigated as evil, Protestia reminds you Jesus was born to be God of Government and the ruler of all nations.
From the Gospel Coalition to Beth Moore to the fellows at the SBC Manchurian blog, SBC Voices, 2020 saw manifested an interesting development…the claim that Christian Nationalism somehow evil. As the term is used in derision, almost often absent of any explanation as to why the concept is evil (and often said in the same breath as “White Nationalism” as though the two ideas are in any way synonymous), we want to remind you that Jesus truly is God of government.
Furthermore, rejecting Christian Nationalism is indeed rebellion against the Lordship of Christ.
Our religion – as people of faith – is not confined to an hour a week on Sunday, two holidays a year, and a checkmark on a hospital intake form. We are fundamentally driven by what we believe about God in literally every area of our life, which even affects our view of government…chiefly found in our belief that government is not, in fact, God.
In 2020, many Americans looked to the government to cure illness, miraculously feed us, and to manage our daily lives. In other words, they looked to government the same way that the the Shepherds attending their flocks by night would come to look at the Christ-child; they looked to government as a savior.- Advertisement –
Unfortunately, government is a terrible savior. As we have seen this year, the government is incapable of performing a Christlike function in the world and often makes the world worse rather than better. It has no halo, no eternal nature, no omnipotent power, and – try as they might – no omniscience. Government is the morally-poor man’s Messiah, and yet is rendered as powerless as the Bible says “as clouds without rain.”
When the birth of Christ was prophesied in Isaiah 9:6, the prophet writes…
“For unto us, a child is born and a son is given. And the government shall rest upon his shoulders.”
In the very same passage that is so famously read at Christmas time, in the very same verse that tells us of Jesus’ birth, it tells us that the government shall rest upon the broad-shoulders of who that Christ-Child would eventually grow into.
What this means in no uncertain terms is that nations and governments must recognize the supremacy and rightful rule of Christ over the earth. Any fair and true government will respect and revere the sovereignty of God over all things…even over the rule of men.- Advertisement –
And while we value the Biblical principle that conversion cannot be coerced because it is freely given – and therefore religious liberty is a virtue to be respected – we still must officially recognize Jesus as King in a literal sense that rules over the governments of men. While we recognize the right to worship other gods, we also recognize the folly of it.
Shortly after Jesus was born, “Three Kings” of the Orient presented themselves to worship Christ. America would do well to remember, as they surely did, Psalm 2:11-12 that was addressed to the kings of the Earth…
Serve the Lord in fear and rejoice in him with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry with you and you perish.
Jesus is the Reason for the Season. May God bless you and your family this Christmas.
– The Gideon Knox Group
And God bless you, too!
Merry Christmas!