Church Gives Away $3.5M in Houses, Cash, and Cars

An Oklahoma megachurch is on a Christmas spending spree, giving away $3.5 million dollars during their recent Sunday service in order to be a blessing to its congregation and community members and be an object lesson on the importance of forgiveness.

Transformation Church in Bixby, OK, last seen buying a 20$ million dollar mall less than 2 years after buying a $10 million dollar arena that sits 4500 congregants, continued to keep the taps turned on and the money flowing.

For the last 11 weeks the church has been transformed into the provocatively named “FU” – Forgiveness University. They’ve been doing a sermon series or “lectures” on forgiveness, with the 12th week being “Graduation Day” and the culmination of forgiveness in action.

The “F” is supposed to stand for “Forgive”. Get it!?

And what a day it was.

They donated a little over $3.5 million dollars in total, with some gifts including buying 6 new cars, $250,000 to buy a house, canceling one person’s $34,000 personal debts, giving a church $100,000 to cancel their debts, helping churches buy a church building, donating $50,000 to a school district, $50,000 to a local outreach center, thousands to cancel student loans, and hundreds of thousands to other charities and needy folk.

In total, some 15,000 people donated to the offering.

Michael Todd, lead pastor of Transformation Church, said during the gift-giving extravaganza sermon:

The whole mission of this message was to show you more than I could tell you. Transformation Church gains nothing from blessing these people and organizations personally but the reputation of the Kingdom of God is expanded because of what God did through us today.

The church gave away nearly $1.5 million dollars last year, and intends to give away even more in 2021.

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22 thoughts on “Church Gives Away $3.5M in Houses, Cash, and Cars

  1. “What’s the problem? The Bible says, ‘He became poor so that we can be made rich!!’ So that means it’s awesome for me to get paid to go to church.”
    The Modernist Post-Truth Neovangelical Apostate Who Actually Thinks I’m Going To Heaven

  2. Perhaps I’ve missed something, but this article simply says what this church gave away. I would commend their giving of ‘PRizes’, but this simply caters to men’s desire for things, no repentance, no hunger for God and His Word.
    Sadly this article only seems to endorse the actions.

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