‘Pro-Life’ Texas Mayor Compares Opening Planned Parenthood Clinic to Planting a Church

A Texas mayor who campaigned on the platform of being pro-life is receiving much-deserved backlash after comparing the opening of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in his town to starting a new grocery store or church.
Lubbock Mayor Dan Pope, professing to be ‘unequivocally pro-life’ made the grotesque comments on The Chad Hasty Show, after receiving pressure from State lawmakers and hundreds of local residents to designate Lubbock as a Sanctuary City for the Unborn.
“Telling Planned Parenthood they can’t come to Lubbock would be in some ways like telling United they couldn’t build another store or telling the Southern Baptist Convention they couldn’t do another church start in Lubbock”
The mayor described the ordinance as a “slippery slope” and has bristled at putting it into effect, arguing that he shouldn’t be telling businesses “what to do.”
“It’s not the lane we need to be in. We need to do the things we were elected to do: provide police and fire services, make sure that our parks are maintained, make sure that we take care of our streets. Do the things that citizens elect us to do.”
Lubbock used to have an abortion clinic in town, but it shut down in 2013. Now looking to begin the baby-killing anew, the apex predator of the abortion industry, Planned parenthood, has begun posting job opening s in town for the proposed new abortuary and has given notice on their website of the impending new business.
If the ordinance passed, Lubbock would join 14 other cities in the state which have similar laws which outlaw abortion within city limits, with the proposed ordinance stating: “It shall be unlawful for any person to procure or perform an abortion of any type and at any stage of pregnancy in the City of Lubbock, Texas.”
Just recall the major who lied when he campaigned in a Pro-Life district.
If lairs are taken out of office, the world would be a much better place.