ERLC Trustee who Called Trump Voters ‘Political Whores’ Doubles Down ‘Those Hit Dogs…Have their Panties in a Wad’

Kevin Smith is the former Executive director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware and current teaching pastor at Family Church in Palm Beach. He’s also an ERLC Trustee and recently addressed the whole Convention at their annual meeting.
During 9Mark’s ‘The State of the SBC‘ assessment on the first day of the SBC General Convention, he spoke to Southern Baptists and accused some of them of “losing their minds” after a black man was elected president in 2012, on account of their racism, and further accused many Southern Baptists of bending over and presenting their proverbial behinds to “whore” themselves out over supporting and voting for Trump.
I think some Southern Baptists lost their minds when a black man was elected president. Not all, but some.
I think some Southern Baptists were unloving to black people beginning in 2012 with the killing of Trayvon Martin. I don’t mean agree about politics or policy…I just mean giving a darn that somebody else is hurting who is supposed to be your brother or sister in Christ.
And I think some Southern Baptists just bent over and became political whores with this whole Trump stuff.
In response to our story, which was quoted in Newsweek and featured in the Huffington Post, Smith has doubled down, calling us and those who reported it “hit dogs” who get their “panties-in-a-wad whenever race is discussed” and framing it as “discussion among friends, of which they weren’t involved.” This message was also “liked” by another of the pastors from his church.

These crass insults and invectives- whores, dogs, bending over, etc- are quite the curious comments from Smith, who for the last four years has a pinned comment on Twitter adjuring saints to “use biblical language and paradigms” while avoiding “secular combat rhetoric.” He also encourages to “engage as a family member seeking to persuade” rather than “an activist seeking to maneuver an opponent.”

He should take his own advice.
For now, we’re left with this sort of fallout, racking up tens of thousands of retweets and likes, showing the consequences of what happens when the men on the stage (Mark Dever, Danny Akin, Jonathan Leeman and Matt Chandler) abdicate their responsibility by failing to rebuke, which turns the eyes of the world upon us.
And we get called the haters, bigots, racists?! These are filled with so much demonic venom they can’t stand it.
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Discussions are fine. But accusations require evidence and substantiation, or repentance for bearing false witness.
Lets not forget the repentance for foul language and name calling.
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The man looks/ sounds like a wolf to me!
“We know then by their fruit”