‘Do it for the Queer Kids’? Pastrix Michelle Higgins gives Masterclass on Woke Communion

Michelle Higgins, the senior “pastrix” of Saint John’s Church (United Church of Christ) and one-third of the podcasting trio ‘The Truth’s Table’ continues to leave us vexed but unsurprised at the blasphemously progressive way she’s running her new church goat pen, usually with a series of proverbial open-handed slaps to the face of Jesus, such as when she instructed congregants to reveal their personal pronouns before they can speak at the pulpit or that time a few months ago when she repeatedly said that the Trinity is ‘queer’.
Now we have this gem, showing what a woke communion service looks like, where pastrix Higgins goes far beyond ‘do this in remembrance of me.’
Be seated to receive the Lord’s table. When you take the small wafer for from the plastic, know my loved one, that human bones don’t taste much better than that. This is the body of Jesus broken so that your body can be whole. This is a bite of scarcity so that you can eat in abundance.
Take the bread to yourself knowing God has traded places with you. No longer are you built, to be in want, you are built now to be filled, be filled with the body of Jesus now.
From the night that human frailty, (utter?) mistakes and trying to make our own list and take things into our own hands, on the night that ridiculousness betrayed and laid to waste the Son of Man, on the night, not long before Jesus was betrayed and murdered by the state.
He said, ‘I know the cup you’ve been drinking from. It’s a cup full of your own foolishness and it’s a cup full of racism. It’s a cup full of misogyny. It’s a cup full of the mess of the world. It’s a cup full of ageism, it’s a cup full of ableism. It’s a cup full of colorism. It’s a cup full of your self deprecation. It’s a cup full of your addiction to self-hatred, your addiction to hating others. Your idolising of marriage, your idolising of singleness, your idolising of the fashion you wear, your idolising you’re making money, your idolising of being poor.’
This cup is full of things, and you only need one nourishment. You only need just one vitamin (unintelligebale), just one, and that’s the blood of Jesus today. In this (unintelliegable) a feast, this cup of wine or juice. Maybe you only have a droplet of water, y’all know I love the cup.
Jesus is replacing your pain with his praise, replacing your name with ‘beloved blessing’. Good. Just the word ‘good’. Speak over yourself the creational blessing. ‘God made me, I am good. God made me, I am good.’
They were good. She is good. They are good. Not one of the people (slaves in the 19th century) we lost in the Middle Passage over the side of the boat, breathed their last breath in the bottom of the cabin. They were good! They were good!
Not one of the people you see the church abandoned deserved to go without this cup. Drink this cup for every queer person who’s been cussed out by a Christian. Drink this cup for every person whoever scandalised your name and called you worthless. Drink this cup, for your stomach is a witness. Your throat is a witness. Your body is a witness.
Don’t you take that instrument of torture and harm yourself. Put down your self-harm right now. Jesus wants to coat yours inside with a dedication, a willingness to seek help, to get healthy, to go to bed on time, to put down the whiskey bottle or maybe pick up some wine.
Jesus wants to coat you head to toe in their own self confidence. Jesus wants to change your bone structure. Jesus want to transfuse you blood. Drink this cup! Drink the cup and feel your hunger be filled by God. Drink this cup beloved and know it’s just a foretaste of the Lord who will never stop showing up, who will never stop coming to you. Who will never leave your side, who will always offer you a ride who will always tell you what your name is, baby.
This woman possesses the biblical IQ and discernment of a toaster oven. She could much better serve her community at McDonalds.
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I don’t understand how anyone can listen to someone spout such utter nonsense.