Hominterns Ruin Everything: Fast-Food Mascots Go Gay

Scratch the Burger King and Ronald McDonald off the list of things not yet ruined by the Hominterns. Now, the fast-food mascots who have served as virtual heroes for three generations of American children are swapping spit in the name of inclusion.


Burger King depicted its mascot, ‘the King,’ sucking face with Ronald MacDonald in a Finish advertising campaign called ‘Love Conquers All.’ It does not appear that the fast-food chain got McDonald’s permission before using its image in the sodomy campaign.

Burger King Finland as the brand serves as the official partner for Helsinki Pride, which is taking place until September 13.

The Burger King Ad Manager told the press, “Burger King has always stood for equality, love and everyone’s right to be just the way they are. The only instance where it might not seem so is when we’re bantering with our competitor.”

The ad is just one of many put out by the burger joint to celebrate men doing nasty stuff to each other.

As if the Impossible Whopper wasn’t already gay enough…

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4 thoughts on “Hominterns Ruin Everything: Fast-Food Mascots Go Gay

  1. “We are all the same inside”
    Do they realize they just said there is no advantage to buying a Burger King over a McDonald’s? They need to get new marketing folks…

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