Seattle to Shut Down Bethel Worship Event While Allowing BLM Protests

The City of Seattle is playing the ultimate hypocrite, announcing that it is closing down a local park in anticipation of a worship and prayer rally to be held by Bethel Church’s Sean Feucht, the travelling ministerial crisscrossing the country on his #LetUsWorship tour. The move comes despite allowing Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters to engaged in running rallies and riots for the last 100 days.

While the city did not name Feucht by name, it did issue a statement ordering Gas Works Park closed “due to anticipated crowding that could impact the public health of residents.” Officials have issued no such other decrees for left-wing protesters descending on the city to engage in anti-Trump and anti-police protests.

These events, which are comprised of worship, teaching, and then the usual accouterments of nasty charismatic tricks like speaking in tongues, being slain in the spirit, and claims of supernatural healing, have drawn criticism from Governor Jay Inslee for not being done in a safe way, given almost no one wears a mask or social distances.

The Hillsong hellraiser has naturally accused the city of discrimination, saying in a statement posted to his Facebook:

This is the height of hypocrisy for the City of Seattle to turn a blind eye to riots, looting, and Antifa, while refusing to let Christians gather in a public park to sing and worship. First the government shuts down churches. Now it’s shutting down parks to stop us from worshipping. Time to stand up, church!”

Feucht, who has consistently drawn thousands to his events, says that he will ignore the park closure and put on his show anyway, having no intentions to comply with mandates to shut down.

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9 thoughts on “Seattle to Shut Down Bethel Worship Event While Allowing BLM Protests

  1. Seattle is desperately attempting to wrest the “Liberal Utopia” moniker from Portland it seems.

  2. Time to leave these liberal cities. Florida and other states are getting people moving out of NY,NYC, NJ esp. Manymoving into Tenn.and S. Car. Theya re tired of political leaders dictating this, that and the other.

    1. How does leaving these liberal cities show that we seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness, over our own comfort and safety even? You can’t even be a Christian if you aren’t willing to “lose your life in this world” while following the Lord who seeks and saves the lost. The fact and binding nature of the great commission should compel us to go to these lost cities, not leave them. The American church is lazy and selfish. God grant US repentance. The world is as lost as ever but we are responsible for preaching the Gospel and letting our light shine before men. We need to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, walk by the Spirit, and do just the opposite of hiding our light under a table.

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