Joel Osteen and Kanye West ‘Walk on Water’ in Dramatic Church Service Stunt

‘Pastor’ Joel Osteen and Kanye West teamed up for a Sunset Church Service in Atlanta on Sunday evening, where the rapper/designer superstar and professed convert built a translucent platform hidden just beneath the surface of a pond where the scenic service was held, enabling West, his children, Osteen and choir performers to walk safely across it, reenacting the acts of Jesus in Matthew 14.
While watching Joel Osteen walk on water is….something else…the group also released two dozen live doves over the lake, signifying the Holy Spirit coming down.
During his sermon, Joel Osteen praised Kanye for his inventiveness and brought up familiar Osteenish tropes, taking a butcher knife to the throat of the text of scripture and holding it hostage, while Exegetical Negotiators looked on helpless and horrified.
Tragically, the Hermeneutical Snipers were unable to “take the shot” and Osteen’s hand did a hard jerk, killing any semblance of faithful, biblical interpretation of the text.
I’m watching these fine men and women singing, looks like they’re walking on the water. And my mind goes back to that time where Jesus invited Peter to walk on the water,
I could imagine Peter thought, ‘Jesus, what are you talking about? That’s impossible! I can’t do that.’ I think we all have that at times in life where we think, ‘God’s telling me to do something. I’m feeling down on the inside,’ but we don’t feel qualified. We don’t have the experience. I can’t sing like them. I can’t invent like Kanye.
But God doesn’t put a dream in your heart and then not give you the ability to do it. I’ve learned in life, you have to choose between your comfort and your calling. Peter heard the calling. ‘Come on out here.’ But Peter was comfortable in the boat with the other disciples. It was easy to get comfortable even in dysfunction.
This is shameful. Kanye has done more damage since his professed conversion than he did with his yesus album and ostain has worked very hard to store up wrath for the day of judgement.
Shameful and blasphemous. It is a mockery of Jesus Christ and His power over the wind and waves and makes His amazing miracle seem to be nothing more than a stunt. This is one more addition to the list of how Kayne mocks God. A tree is known by its fruit.
Has either one of these guys ever picked up a Bible to see what God thinks of blasphemers and what the punishment is?
Rhetorical question, I know.
Blasphemous. Totally blasphemous.