
SBC Prez Appoints Controversial ‘Lying’ Pastor to Sex Abuse Task Force

Southern Baptist Convention President Bart Barber has named the nine men and women appointed to a new task force. One name stands out from the rest after he was accused of being involved in the leak and cover-up of Jennifer Buck’s rough draft of a document that outlines sexual abuse she suffered when she was younger, as well as the blackmail of her husband. 

The newly appointed Implementation Task Force was formed in light of the ongoing scandals rocking the SBC. They’re the group that will decide how to implement and enact best practices for the Southern Baptist Convention and member churches to have all the tools they need to “be able to work to prevent and respond well to sexual abuse.”

Barber explains that there is a “deliberate diversity to the task force” and that no matter who he appoints, it will make someone uncomfortable or unhappy. Barber says that when he considered the task force list, he asked twelve women and ten men, and unfortunately, most women said no, so he ended up with a 7-2 male to female split. According to the Baptist Press, that list is:

  • Marshall Blalock, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Charleston, S.C., will serve as ARITF chair
  • Mike Keahbone, pastor of First Baptist Church in Lawton, Okla., will be vice chair.
  • Todd Benkert, pastor and lead elder of Oak Creek Community Church in Mishawaka, Ind.
  •  Melissa Bowen, member of First Baptist Church in Prattville, Ala.
  •  Brad Eubank, senior pastor of Petal First Baptist Church in Petal, Miss.
  •  Cyndi Lott, member of Catawba Valley Baptist Church in Morganton, N.C.
  •  Jon Nelson, lead pastor of Soma Community Church in Jefferson City, Mo.
  • Jarrett Stephens, senior pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas
  • Gregory Wills, member of Travis Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, as well as professor of church history and Baptist heritage and dean of the School of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Addressing the controversy of having Benkert on the taskforce, Barber released a video where he introduces all the members, and spent a third of his time justifying his one appointee.

The third taskforce member is Todd Benkert. And this is one of the folks who really generated a lot of questions online about Todd’s participation. And the reason for that is there’s been some conflict between Todd and Tom Buck and Jennifer Buck. And some people said, ‘How could you even think about appointing Todd Benkert? Well, I’m gonna explain to you about that.

First of all, I think it’s important to point out that some of the people who’ve contacted me with DMS and stuff like that, have, who have been really kind hearted folks who said, ‘hey, I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I can’t understand how you would appoint someone who leaked Jennifer Buck’s draft document about her abuse, and then covered it up. And, you know, I had to reply to folks like that and say that nobody’s even really alleging that Todd had anything to do with leaking that document.

Barber recaps the saga of the Bucks, (more on that here) and absolves Benkert of all involvement in the sordid affair, saying the only thing Benkert did wrong is lie to Buck about not knowing the identity of an anonymous source who may or may not have been involved in the dissemination of the document.

I think it’s wrong that Todd lied to Tom, but I don’t think that reasonably amounts to actively participating in a cover up. Todd doesn’t know who took that document, Todd does know who leaked the document, he would reveal that person’s identity if he knew it. I would too if I knew who it is….I don’t think that Todd is in a conspiracy to shame or blackmail or leak documents for anybody who’s a sexual assault survivor.

Barber concludes by answering the question of “even if Todd’s innocent and just got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, there millions of Southern Baptists, why would you choose Todd?” This is true in light of the fact that there are so many other people who don’t stink of this scandal. He explains:

I’m so thankful that you’ve asked that. Todd’s a pastor and a lead elder of Oak Creek Community Church in Mishawaka, Indiana. This year at the SBC annual meeting, there was a booth at the SBC Pastors Conference in Anaheim just for sexual abuse survivors because Todd Benkert did that. This year in Anaheim, at the SBC there’s a breakout session to teach trauma informed ministry to SBC pastors and ministers. And that existed because Todd Benkert did that. Who else is doing things like that? Todd has worked really hard on his own initiative to build strong relationships with SBC survivors, and I just don’t know any other pastor in the SBC who’s done more to help those survivors. I just, I couldn’t imagine having this task force and ruling Todd out from serving on this task force.

Because again, it’s not, it’s not voting for who’s most likely to succeed or most popular in high school. Ultimately, this is about a task force that needs to have good ideas about preventing and responding to clergy sexual abuse. And Todd has demonstrated that he’s thinking about those ideas, and he’s working to try to implement them. And I think this taskforce will be stronger and more effective for hearing the ideas that Todd has. It’s true that Todd is my friend. He’s been my friend for a long time. Some people say it’s a good old boy’s network…, I tell you, I have a lot of friends who haven’t been appointed to anything yet. And, and most of this, most of the people on this taskforce, I’ve never sat in a room with and had a conversation.

A lot of them, I had to introduce myself to them on the initial phone call. I’ve never spoken to them before. So it’s not a good old boys club. It’s just that Todd has worked hard at this and I think he has good ideas. There’s one more thing. Todd represents something unique in the midst of all of this. A lot of people have expressed concern in the midst of are trying to prevent sexual abuse, that we’re not hearing that from the perspective of people who might have been the target of false accusations of sexual abuse. Todd has been the target of a false accusation of sexual abuse before. And so if you’re a Southern Baptists who’s has been concerned that we’re not going to pay attention to that possibility, even though it’s rare, false accusation, Todd’s presence on this taskforce provides that important perspective to help us keep in mind that reality. And so that should reassure you some that we have someone who’s had that experience.


SEBTS Says ‘Anonymous Couple’ was Source of Tom Buck Letter Leak, Shuts Down Further Inquiry

How convenient. In a STATEMENTS FROM SOUTHEASTERN ON MATTERS SURROUNDING THE BUCK ESSAY, Danny Akin has shared with the world that his seminary has “concluded a careful investigation into the involvement of any SEBTS faculty and staff (Karen Swallow Prior and Ken Whitfield), in the sharing of an essay written by Jennifer Buck, and with the intention of blackmailing her husband, Tom Buck” and that they surmised that “nothing was discovered to indicate that any staff at SEBTS were involved in the sharing of the essay or in any attempt to blackmail Dr. Buck.”

Ie: they investigated themselves and then exonerated themselves of any wrongdoing.

SEBTS previously agreed to open to a third-party investigation and to waive any attorney/client privilege on the matters at hand, but then as the letter notes “discussions around the scope of the proposed investigation and the firm to conduct the investigation did not reach an agreed-upon conclusion” which is just another way of saying that SEBTS got cold feet and backed out.

Thankfully, a mysterious anonymous couple suddenly appeared only yesterday, falling on their sword, taking all the blame, and then went back to remaining anonymous, absolving SEBTS completely. They write

On June 8, 2022, SEBTS was informed that an anonymous couple had reached out to Rachael Denhollander to take responsibility for the attempted use of the Buck’s article draft as retaliation for Pastor Buck’s raising concerns related to an individual at Willy Rice’s church. This couple provided corroborating information to validate that they were the original actors and that they acted alone. They affirmed that the individual they contacted at Southeastern, Keith Whitfield, informed them that Dr. Prior would not corroborate the article, and that they both urged them not to publish it. Further, the couple confirmed that no one else was aware of or assisted them in these efforts. They have expressed deep grief at the harm they have caused.

With the emergence of this new couple, whose identity, SEBTS is officially out, washing their hands of any further responsibility to discuss the matter or partake in any further investigation.

“Based on this information and the efforts that SEBTS has undergone in reviewing and attempting to retrieve any helpful information related to this matter, we believe it is no longer necessary to participate in an independent inquiry….While some may still have “but what about” questions, we believe the investigation and new evidence is sufficient to bring this matter to a close regarding SEBTS’ involvement.”

Of course, some questions remain. While we’re all in the spirit of transparency and full disclosure, why isn’t either SEBTS or Rachel Denhollander telling Tom Buck who attempted to blackmail him? Is this what mishandling an abuse allegation looks like? Also, how did the couple know that only KSP could corroborate the draft? Were they contacted by text, or by phone? Why didn’t they warn Tom, a fellow SBC pastor? Why did they lie to him for so long? Etc.

We’re not saying it didn’t happen, only that these fresh new revelations make things sound even squirrellier than before. Tom Buck seems deeply unhappy and skeptical of the statement, calling it a joke and blasting Akin for the “grossly inaccurate statement.”

The saga continues.


SBC Executive Committee Member Mocks Harm Done to Tom & Jennifer Buck

(Capstone Report) A member of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention trivialized and mocked the suffering inflicted by SBC Elites on conservative pastor Tom Buck and his wife Jennifer Buck.

Adam Wyatt took to Twitter to offer some vague, unrequested but sage advice.

Wyatt said, “Just saying: I don’t give privileged and private information to any person I don’t trust.”

Of course, everyone knew he was talking about the situation involving Tom and Jennifer Buck.

Wyatt was immediately challenged about it.

Jeff Wright asked, “Adam, I gotta ask since SBC Twitter is taking a look at what SEBTS did to Tom & Jennifer Buck: is this to be read in that context? I ask because, if so, it sure looks like victim-blaming. I’ll be glad to hear what prompted the tweet if it isn’t related to the Bucks.”

And Wyatt makes it worse—instead of saying it does not involve the Bucks, Wyatt mocks the suffering of Tom and Jennifer Buck.

Believe it or not I don’t see all my tweets through the lens of SBC drama,” Wyatt said.


What the Bucks are going through is….to continue reading, click here:

Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


The Hypocrisy of Danny Akin and SBC Elites: ‘Public For Thee but Not for Me’

(This is a slightly edited and formatted version of a series of 25 Tweets made by @SBCUnderground, who is parts of the Servants and Heralds Network. The full string can be found here.

Hey y’all. Have you seen @DannyAkin@kswhitfield@SEBTS and/or their trustees? Remember Akin’s commitment to public transparency & urgency when sheltering sin is on the line?

The reality is SEBTS *has* been talking. Just not in a way Danny once thought was necessary. Read these tweets. They are in order. The important info is in the 3rd. Note the third tweet here. About SEBTS responding. It makes plain The Platform’s hypocrisy & it is galling, to put it mildly.

To make it obvious: “SEBTS leadership replied in a letter to the elders at FBC Lindale the night of their initial post.”

The tweets about Tom being an abuser?


The flogging of her husband that Jennifer said was worse than anything he’d ever done to her?


The leaking of the story to Bumgardner’s rag & its publication in fulfillment of the threats to Tom?


The scandal, once the Bucks made clear how they had been threatened & treated?


The names of @SEBTS faculty & leadership (with marriage ties to @sbctoday & through it @BaptistPress) who participated?


But the response from @SEBTS?


Membership has its privileges.

Are you disgusted? You should be. Look at the tweet above from Akin. “Do the right thing.”, “Let the facts be known and the truth, whatever it is, brought to light.” You know. For other people. Can’t expect that when it is Akin’s own house, can you”?

Here’s an obvious immediate response: “Well, they are probably handling it this way under the advice of their lawyers.” Tell that to a sane person who has paid attention the SBC in the last three years and you know how they’ll respond? (They’ll lose their minds.

Right now the only obvious conclusion is that every one on the “End Abuse Now! Waive Privilege!!” set is rank, high-handed, documentable hypocrisy. Some other alternative conclusion? Maybe available privately, but not publicly.

This attempted destruction of the Bucks for reporting a sexual abuser as defined by the convention over the last 2 years reveals the shamefulness of The Platform. Remember everyone involved @SEBTS@NAMB_SBC , @SBCvoices and, at a bit of a distance, @BaptistPress.

Tom spoke up about the inconvenient grooming and abuse of a young girl. Willy ignored that abuse and only listened to the deacon. The girl? Mere collateral. Remember the stories of horror you heard about the old guard regarding how they responded to abuse.

 We’ve spent millions to investigate. We gutted the @SBCExecComm in its name. We have new lawyers who funnel our money to Nashville’s Pride Celebration – all in the name of handling abuse appropriately.

What does the new good ol’ boy network do to you if you report abuse, but it is embarrassing for them? They try to destroy your marriage, your ministry, and your reputation. That’s the less of the attempted assassination of the Bucks.

Remember the horror of finding out Paige Patterson said he was going to “break down” an abuse victim? What else can you call what these monsters have done to Jennifer Buck than attempt to break her down? Here’s a simple truth: if you raise issues about mishandling abuse in good faith, you shouldn’t be defamed and blackmailed. Your wife shouldn’t be made to suffer, in public. Your ministry & church shouldn’t be threatened.

But that’s how the Greear / Litton / Moore / Akin / Rice Platform responds to abuse.

Full stop. In public. And in private.

These are the people spending @SBCCP missions donations. These are the people training seminarians. These are the people scolding dissidents from The Platform at the annual meeting. These are the people who know better than you. Who should tell you how things need to run. These people run things in back rooms you can’t access but demand their political enemies empty out their backrooms. They wanted you to follow J.D. Then Litton. Then Willy. Sure looks like now they want you to follow Barber.

Know what they don’t want at all costs? They are scared to death of Tom Ascol. Scared he’ll get in their way. Scared he’ll break up their fiefdom & slush fund & Membership Privileges.

This entire sordid class is why every effort must be made to #ChangeTheDirection.

Get. the. abusers. *out* – particularly the ones who do it in high-handed, blatant hypocrisy.

And please send this thread to everyone in SBC life you can get to read it. Southern Baptists deserve better.


Time to flush all the filth out & go in a new direction.

This is a slightly edited and formatted version of a series of 25 Tweets made by @SBCUnderground, who are parts of the Servants Herald Network. The full string can be found here.


Tom and Jennifer Buck Release Video Clarifying What’s in the ‘First Draft’

We’ve written at length about Buckgate: How SBC Elites Conspired to Blackmail Tom and Jennifer Buck and how the SBC Elites and, SEBTS leadership, Global Baptist Press, Karen Swallow Prior and SBC Voices have been conspiring to take down pastor Buck by weaponizing a rough, first draft of testimony about their marriage that has been burning a hole in pockets of some bad actors.

While Tom and Jennifer would later release an ‘approved’ final draft into the public as a G3 article that was designed to be redemptive and not destructive, they do have some concern about this rough draft being leaked by miscreants with an ax to grind, and therefore have released a video explaining more about what’s inside it- offering context and sharing their story in video form.

One difference between the rough draft and the final product was more usage of ‘biblical language.’

I think in the article, I said that Tom could be labeled as a ‘narcissis’t and there’s no doubt at the time, there were some actions and ways that he was behaving and thinking and moving forward that could have become his, what he was operating in. But that is not persisted. That was a an effort to explain in the language of the day, kind of what was happening. But that is a pattern that’s been broken. It’s not something that is continued.

(In the G3 Article)…I use the term ‘angry and controlling’, which is what a narcissist does. So it’s not that I was just trying to hide it. I was just trying to use it. I was trying to use biblical language in a different way.

The original one also had a story about the impact Tom’s food choices had on her and her health.

…We didn’t have a lot of money when we were first married and Tom was always on a low-fat diet. And so we were restricted to eating low-fat. I couldn’t, I didn’t have the freedom to go out and just buy what I wanted, or what I felt would sustain me, and so I lost a lot of weight. I’m sure part of stress, but part of the fact that we just didn’t have the food sources that I needed. And so that is in the rough draft.

These, these say, are the main differences and only substantive differences between the two drafts. Jen explains the intent was to bless and show the redeeming work of Christ, to have it turned into a weapon to cudgel her husband:

I didn’t want my point to be how bad the marriage was. I wanted it articulated that yes, our early marriage was difficult. But what I wanted articulated and what I didn’t want stolen from us was what God did, and how God redeemed our marriage and how God changed him and how he used it to change me and how he has rectified those things.

And the fact that they took my article to pass it around, it does not appear that they were focusing on the miraculous work that God did. They wanted to focus on anything that could disparage and destroy him. And that has been the most painful thing in this because they waned to steal the story that God did. And that, to me is reprehensible.

They also reveal that the article has a section detailing that they both were abused in some way prior to their meeting. Though he doesn’t say what sort, the indication is that at least for one of them, it was likely sexual abuse in some manner. Therefore, the issue isn’t that the rough draft will make Tom look bad- he likely can deal with that just fine- but rather that it reveals painful details about their abuse, which is information that they’re not ready to share yet, but which has been held over them.

Jennifer and I -both of us, not just her- it’s the first time I’ve said this publicly, both of us had abuse that happened to us, before we ever met each other that we brought into the marriage…to be clear, neither of us want the broader details that are in that rough draft to come out….We just weren’t prepared. (Jennifer) wrote down her thoughts on that but then we weren’t ready to tell that. We weren’t ready for people to hear that. And we really didn’t want to talk about it now, but we don’t have a choice…because it’s our story that we will tell when and if we want to. But it hasn’t been our story to tell because it’s been passed around and the people that have had it won’t tell us who gave it to them…If they publish what they publish, then we’ll have to deal with the fallout of regarding the specifics that we put about abuse. We can’t stop that. But we’re not giving them our permission to do that.

Pray for these two, them and their church.


Podcast: Tom Buck Should Run for SBC Prez, Racism Against Voddie Baucham + Scars from Fighting the Good Fight

On this episode of Polemics Report for March 7th, 2022, JD throws down the gauntlet in support of Tom Buck running for SBC president, discusses how Willy Rice is a client of Docent just like the guys he’s running to replace, , and talks about the racism displayed by woke evangelicals who are freaking out about a potential Voddie Bacham nomination. In the patron portion, we answer a question about Elizabeth Elliot and talk about the scars Christians get when they fight the good fight.

Church Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff News

Hypocrisy! Prominent Black SBC Pastor Condemns “Jezebel” Comparison. Turns Out He Did it Too

For those wise enough to not follow JD Greear on Twitter, a little update:

Dwight McKissic, a prominent black pastor within the Southern Baptist Convention recently cried “Racist!” and virtue-signaled all over himself after Tom Buck – a fellow SBC shepherd – deftly compared looking up to Kamala Harris simply because she’s a “female leader” to looking up to Jezebel (another evil, prominent female leader). Now McKissic has been exposed for doing the exact same thing in a 2015 article published by the now largely-irrelevant SBC Voices.

McKissic has been on a whiny tear ever since Pastor Tom Buck tweeted this out:

As is the norm for woke evangelicalism, Buck was immediately set upon by a cabal of race-baiting SBC Karens, who accused him of racism for daring to link the godless character of Kamala Harris to the godless example of Jezebel. Southern Baptist Convention “president” J.D. Greear – now on year three of his 2-year term throwing fellow Southern Baptists under the race-baiting bus – called Pastor Buck out for dealing in racial stereotypes and accused Buck of sinning by making a biblically-obvious comparison.

McKissic called Tom Buck’s tweet ‘un-Christlike’, ‘unjustifiable’, ‘inconsistent’, ‘unwarranted’, ‘disrespectful’ and ‘extremely harmful to the image of Southern Baptists,’ and demanded that he be “disciplined.” McKissic conveniently left out the fact that his extreme leftism, threats to leave the SBC, and his lack of understanding of basic Baptist polity pose a much greater threat to Southern Baptists’ image.

Fortunately, the internet is forever, and has gifted us this article written by the very same pearl-clutching McKissic:

Yes, you read that right. Apparently, Dwight McKissic needs to call on the SBC leadership to discipline Dwight McKissic for his racism in comparing a black college president and his guest to Jezebel. Was he not aware of the history of Jezebel as a racist trope? How could McKissic be so thoughtless and un-Christlike? Is Dave Miller of SBC Voices about to get lit up by the woke evangelical Twitteratti for platforming such a racist as Dwight “calls the kettle black” McKissic?

In his clearly racist article, McKissic expresses righteous outrage that the black president of American Baptist College, Forrest Harris, invited the presiding “bishop” of The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries – a lesbian black woman – to speak at the college, where she proceeded to “preach” and preside over a theological trainwreck.

2015 McKissic quotes Revelation 2:20-21 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel…” and explains:

Jezebel taught the congregation at Thyatira that sexually deviant practices, contrary to the Word of God, were permissible. Jesus rebuked the pastor and the church at Thyatira for permitting this false teaching to take place in His Church.

What President Forrest Harris, Bishop Flunder, and “Prophetess” Jezebel have in common is this: They all three affirm deviant sexual behavior and believe that the Bible is an insufficient guide in matters of sexual conduct for today’s believers.

Replace ‘Forrest Harris’ and ‘Bishop Flunder’ with ‘Joe Biden’ and ‘Kamala Harris’ and 2021 McKissic must similarly call 2015 McKissic out for his clear racism.

2015 McKissic, in the soon-to-be-removed article (which is amazingly still available on SBC Voices), further states: “The spirit of Jezebel is alive and well at American Baptist College” and ends with “I close by repeating my thesis: What does [sic] President Forrest Harris, Bishop Flunder, and “Prophetess Jezebel” have in common?”

Answer: the same thing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and “Prophetess Jezebel” have in common.

Someone needs to alert 2021 McKissic.


Church Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured

SBC Prez Says Comparing Kamala Harris to ‘Jezebel’ is Sinful and Racist

Southern Baptist President J. D. Greear has come out swinging against anyone criticizing Vice President Harris by calling her or comparing her to “Jezebel,” declaring it to be a “racial stereotype” and that those who use it are “unwise” and in “sin.”

The forceful condemnation was precipitated by Pastor Tom Buck, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Lindale, Texas saying on social media, “I can’t imagine any truly God-fearing Israelite who would’ve wanted their daughters to view Jezebel as an inspirational role model because she was a woman in power.”

Though the remark caused a national firestorm, it’s important to point out that Buck did not call Harris a “Jezebel” but simply referenced her in comparison.

Jezebel, of course, was a pagan queen who married the Israelite king Ahab, himself one who “did more evil in the eyes of the LORD than any of those before him.” She is notoriously famous for her idolatry and bloodthirsty antagonism toward God and his prophets, having developed a reputation for killing and murdering them, including threatening to take out Elijah after he faced down and killed 850 pagan prophets.

Because she became the historical archetype for wickedness, she is also mentioned in Revelation 2, where Jesus tells the church in Thyatira: 

I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first. Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling.

Not only did this result in Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary President Danny Aiken saying that Buck’s comments were “disappointing” and “uncalled for,” but J. D. Greear stepped into the ring. He argued that the label “Jezebel” was a historical racist trope when used against a person of color and condemned the comments and any comparisons being made, prompting some to ask where he made similar condemnations against name-calling regarding Mike Pence.

Those who support Buck have pointed out that they are not making the comments because she is ethnically multiracial, but rather they are comparing her acts, views, and policies as the standard-bearer of the Democrat Party, and one who represents an absolute commitment to abortion, LGBTQ normalization and promotion, the destruction of the family, infringement on religious protection, and the erasure of gendered distinctive, to other similar evil figures like Jezebel.

They say it’s not a race thing – it’s a behavior thing, and question whether or not only people of color may not be compared to Jezebel, but it’s fine for white folk.

Furthermore, they point out if it is a “personal attack” to call someone a “Jezebel,” then Jesus himself is guilty of that and question whether Greear should be giving similar admonitions to our Lord. And not only to Jezebel, but he called Herod a “fox,” making at least one more “personal attack” and doubling up on his need for repentance.

Others are questioning the narrative that anyone is really using and understanding “Jezebel” in a racist way, with well-known feminist online Magazine Jezebel endorsing her, or if this is simply a cudgel to beat up on anyone criticizing the newly minted VP.

Lastly, some have noted that these scriptures tell Christians to pray for and submit to their leaders, even the evil ones, but nowhere does it say they must “honor” their leaders or “honor” the government.

One meme-ster has seemed to sum it all up nicely:

Evangelical Stuff Heresies Social Justice Wars

SBC Pastor: Critical Theory, Intersectionality Spreading like ‘Gangrene’ at SEBTS

Southern Baptist Pastor details examples of Critical Theory infecting Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Buck: ‘Standpoint Epistemology is root of Identity Politics.’
Buck: ‘Whether Dr. Akin realizes it or not, the language he employs was spawned by Critical Theory and Intersectionality advocates.’

(Captsone Report) Southern Baptist seminaries are infected by Critical Theory and Intersectionality, according to Southern Baptist pastor Dr. Tom Buck. Buck, pastor of First Baptist Church Lindale, Texas, detailed the problems of these godless ideologies infiltrating SBC seminaries with a focus on the problems at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS).

Dr. Buck explains that in a recent SEBTS chapel service the seminary President invoked elements of Critical Theory in a discussion of hermeneutics.

According to Dr. Buck, “Dr. Akin implies that there’s a particular way that White Southern Males read the Bible as opposed to Northwestern Black Lesbians, and while he’s correct that we all have biases that can influence us. The problem is he imports race and gender identities into the discussion of…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Capstone Report Staff and published there. Title changed by Protestia.

Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

Lifeway Children’s Bible Study Highlights Pro-Abortion Democrat Senate Candidate

(Capstone Report) The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) revealed itself to be an arm of the Democratic Party and the Joe Biden campaign. Now comes Lifeway. Lifeway’s Kid’s Bible Study featured a pro-abortion Democrat candidate (and newly elected senator.) Yes, you read that right.

Dr. Tom Buck raised the issue. He asked, “Could @LifeWay explain why they have a pic of Mark Kelly in their Lifeway Kids material? You couldn’t find an example of twins where one wasn’t a staunch abortionist Democrat? Why would you want to promote such a man to our children?”

The newly elected Democrat senator was featured in the Fall 2020 Explore the Bible: Younger Kids Explorer Guide, Volume 7, Number 1.

Buck, Pastor of…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by the Capstone Report and published there. Check it out in full.