
ChatGPT Writes TGC Parody. ‘How Using a Gas Stove Can Harm your Witness to Non-Believers’

Last month we asked an A.I. chatbot to write an article on why Joel Osteen is a heretic, with stunningly accurate results. Now, inspired by this parody image, which is based on the claim that gas stoves are bad for the environment and could be banned, we asked the bot complete the article in the style of The Gospel Coalition. TGC has a perchance for writing deeply compromised articles and espousing wretched theology, and as a result, ChatGPT has their number pegged:

The Idolatry of Gas Stoves

In our modern world, we often take for granted the conveniences that technology has provided us with. One of these conveniences is the gas stove. It is quick, efficient, and easy to use. But what if our reliance on gas stoves is actually an idol?

It is not only harmful to the environment to use gas stoves, but it is also a form of sin and idolatry. The Bible teaches us that we are called to be stewards of the earth and its resources. When we knowingly make choices that harm the environment, we disregard this call and put our own desires above God’s creation.

As Christians, we are called to be stewards of the earth and care for it as God’s creation. Using gas stoves, which contribute to pollution and harm the environment, can be seen as a failure in fulfilling this responsibility. Additionally, the Bible calls us to love our neighbors, and polluting the air can harm the health and well-being of those in our community. Therefore, the use of gas stoves, which cause pollution, could be considered a sin in the sense that it goes against our responsibility to care for God’s creation and love our neighbors.

Furthermore, idolatry is defined as the worship of anything other than God. By insisting on using gas stoves, despite the harm it causes to the environment, we are elevating our own convenience and desires above the well-being of God’s creation. This is a form of idolatry, as we are placing our own wants above what is right and good in the eyes of God. The Bible clearly warns against idolatry in the Ten Commandments, stating, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3).

In the Bible, God calls us to repent and turn away from our sins. In this context, repentance means acknowledging the harm caused by using gas stoves and making a conscious effort to reduce our impact on the environment through using alternative methods of cooking. By doing so, we are not only being good stewards of the earth but also showing our obedience to God and our worship of Him.

Our reliance on gas stoves can also lead to a lack of gratitude for the blessings God has given us. Instead of being thankful for the food that God has provided for us, we can become complacent and take it for granted. We can begin to think that we have earned the right to have a gas stove and that it is our right to have one.

It is important to note that gas stoves are a common and necessary part of many households. However, we should be aware of their impact and try to reduce it as much as possible. This can include regular maintenance of the stove and surrounding venting to reduce emissions and choosing alternatives like electric stoves or induction cooktops which are more energy efficient and less polluting.

The truth is, we are all dependent on God for everything in our lives, including the ability to cook our food. It is important that we recognize this dependence and give thanks to God for all that He has given us.

In conclusion, while gas stoves are a convenient tool in our daily lives, we must be careful not to exalt it above God. While the use of gas stoves may not be considered a traditional “sin” it can be considered a failure to fulfill our responsibilities as stewards of the earth and as an act of not loving our neighbors. As Christians, we should be mindful of the impact of our actions on the environment and strive to reduce pollution whenever possible. We must recognize that everything we have is a gift from God and give thanks for it. Let us guard against the idolatry of gas stoves and all other idols in our lives.

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9


The Gospel Coalition’s 2022 Best Movies List is Full of Graphic Sex and Nudity

Brett McCracken is the senior editor and director of communications at The Gospel Coalition and an elder at Southlands Church. He released his ‘Best movies of 2022’ and unsurprisingly, at least one of the films is full of graphic sex and nudity.

Last year his top 10 movies featured many that were rated ‘R’ for language, violence, and frequently for scenes of sex and nudity. Then he released his top 20 TV shows, and they were also full of sex and nudity, including graphic scenes of homosexuality. He would later suggest that watching this sinful content makes him better at evangelizing. 

McCracken says these are movies that don’t “confuse the difference between having something to say and telling audiences what to think” and are “artistically excellent.” He notes:

“Don’t take my commendations as wholesale endorsements of the content. Just because I loved a film doesn’t mean I loved everything in it, and a “best” movie doesn’t mean an appropriate movie for all audiences. Though the films highlighted below are all in some way edifying—depicting goodness, truth, or beauty in ways Christian viewers can celebrate—a few are rated R and should especially be viewed with caution and discernment.

Though many on his list are problematic, like the R-rated TÁR where the main character strip down for a bath and there is full frontal nudity, according to IMDB, the primary offender is the pornographic Norwegian film The Worst Person in the World.

This movie is rated R or 18+ in most countries for graphic sex and nudity throughout. Common Sense Media reveals that the film “follows the life of twentysomething Julie (Renate Reinsve) as she navigates her way through life and various relationships. It deals with adult themes and sexual acts — both intercourse and oral sex — are portrayed on-screen, including full-frontal nudity.”

Kids in Mind has more details. Here is a sampling. Viewer discretion is advised.

After a woman breaks up with a man, they kiss passionately on a sofa, they move to the floor where the man removes the woman’s shorts and underwear (we see her bare legs, hip and the side of her buttock) and performs oral sex on her; the man stands up later and we see him without pants (his genitals and bare legs are shown). A man and a woman kiss passionately and remove each other’s clothing (we see his bare chest and abdomen); he thrusts on top of her (we see pubic hair, bare buttocks and bare breasts).

A woman lifts her shirt to show her bare breasts to a man (we see her bare breasts); he’s working and looks at her but is not distracted. A woman looks at another woman’s Instagram photos and we see her striking suggestive poses that reveal her partially bare buttocks, cleavage, abdomen, back and legs.

A woman pulls down a man’s pants in bed, and bites and slaps his bare buttocks (we see his bare buttocks). A man and a woman sit in bed (sex is implied) and we see the woman’s bare breasts and the man’s bare shoulders, chest and legs. A man and a woman sleep in bed together (we see their bare shoulders and sex is implied).

A woman is shown fully nude (we see her bare breasts, legs hips and abdomen) during a hallucination where she removes a soiled tampon and throws it in her father’s face.

During a hallucination, a woman imagines her fully nude body aged and we see her bare breasts, abdomen and buttocks as several people’s hands touch her; she also imagines an infant nursing from her breast.

This is “in some way edifying—depicting goodness, truth, or beauty in ways Christian viewers can celebrate?” How pathetic and meager.

We did not watch the film, but several reviewers noted that the first nude scene occurred 4 minutes into the movie. At that point, McCracken did not turn off but kept watching, knowing that this sort of content would likely appear later in the film, but was apparently so invested in this obscure foreign film so early in, stunned at how theologically thoughtful and entertaining it was, that he had to see it through.

It makes you wonder if McCracken himself used discernment when choosing what to watch. He has the same tools for content that we do, and either did not use them (undiscerning) or did and watched it anyways (perverted) because the thought of seeing a bunch of naked flesh under the guise of art was too irresistible to bear.


And people wonder why we say this organization is not to be trusted.

McCracken is not the only Christian of note we’ve catalogued that has a propensity for watching filthy content. Other offenders include Jackie Hill Perry, Lecrae, Kyle J. Howard, and Ruslan,


TGC Releases ‘The Gospel Coalition Bible Commentary’ and We Cannot Recommend It

It is beyond dispute that The Gospel Coalition is a disreputable organization that cannot be trusted. We’ve documented much of this at the end of this post. From TGC Senior Editor’s Favorite TV Show Contains Graphic Homosexual Sex Scenes to TGC Writer Says The World Should Have Let Hitler and Nazis Conquer Unopposed, their track record is abysmal and the majority of their contributors are deeply theologically compromised. 

Now, they’ve announced the release of a Gospel Coalition Bible Commentary. Set to be completed in the first half of 2023, TGC Digital Strategist Phil Thompson shares that this is a labor of love designed to benefit millions of believers by “serving the global church with high-value staple content for Christian leaders.”

I encounter leaders whose appetite for biblical study often exceeds what I see in the U.S. but whose resources pale in comparison.

And this is all the more true when it comes to the staple biblical study resource for pastors and teachers—the commentary. I’ve wished for a commentary that’s modern, understandable, legally available, trustworthy, polished, and useful to the global church.

TGC says that the project has cost them an estimated $500K, and they are looking for donors to partner with them to finish it and see it translated into different languages. 

Regarding the list of authors and contributors, we don’t recognize nearly any of the names of the people who wrote the commentaries, and a brief perusal of a few books seem legitimate and helpful. Upon further investigation, almost none of them are TGC article contributors, which explains why the substance appears fine.

But in the same way that Jesus Culture music is a gateway to the wacky teachings of Bethel Church, Elevation Worship to the shallow, self-help narcegesis of Steven Furtick, this commentary is a direct pipeline to other resources offered by The Gospel Coalition, most of them which are unworthy to use as toilet paper. Therefore it’s not something that we’d ever point anyone to.

When bad trees yield good fruit, it’s always for bad purposes.

For more swill from TGC, see here:
TGC Author: Christians Have Endured No ‘Hostility’ or ‘Ill-treatment’ From Govt During Pandemic
TGC Contributor Argues Pro-LGBTQ Xtians and Universalists Are Still In the Faith
TGC’s Thabiti Anyabwile: Resisting Reparations is ‘The Echo of Cain’s Voice’
TGC Author: Believing in ‘Big-Government Overreach’ Is a Denial of ‘Objective Reality’
TGC Author: Straight Men Should Consider Singleness Out of Solidarity for Celibate Homosexuals
TGC Canada Again Argues that Their Churches Aren’t Being Persecuted
TGC Author Advocates for Using Trans Personal Pronouns, Suggests Not Using them Makes one a ‘Weaker Brother’
TGC’s Senior Editor Watches Sex Scenes on TV to be Better at Evangelizing

Woke TGC Contributor Suggests Mary Taught Jesus The Sermon On The Mount
TGC Author Suggests Campaigning for the Democrats is A-OK
TGC Contributor Ironically Praises Enneagram On Podcast about ‘False Teaching’
TGC Author Says that the USA is too ‘Exhausted’ to Handle Overturning Roe v. Wade + Deletes Tweet
TGC Author Rebecca McLaughlin Says We MUST Repent of our Parent’s and Grandparent’s Racism
TGC Senior Editor Criticizes ‘What Is A Woman’ Doc for Not Being ‘Empathetic’ Enough
TGC Author Suggests ‘Deadnaming’ Transexuals is ‘Disrespectful’
TGC Author: Stopping Active Shooter in Church Is Just Like Peter Cutting Of Servant’s Ear: Jesus Says Not To
TGC Author Claims That Deconstruction May Just Be Smashing Cultural Idols
TGC Finally Edits Article Describing Rittenhouse as ‘Mass Shooter’+ Still Compares him to Mass Murderer

And many, many more


TGC Op-Ed Defends Cancelling Christmas Day Services For This Stupid Reason

Christmas is falling on a Sunday this year, and a new article by The Gospel Coalition writer Fletcher Lang titled Why Our Church Canceled Christmas Day Services seeks to defend skipping service and honoring the Lord by breaking his commandments.

Lang, who is an SBTS grad and the lead pastor of City on a Hill Church in Somerville, Massachusetts, argues that his church’s ‘context’ makes it too difficult and burdensome to have a Sunday service. Therefore they’re canceling it in favor of a candlelight gathering with another church the day before. 

Arguing that “context is key,” Lang says that he and his church plant of 100 people live in an extremely transient and secular city and that getting things ready is extremely troublesome and labor intensive.

Like many church plants, we meet in a shared space. We can’t just roll up on Sunday, flip a few switches, and be ready for a church service. We need to put out chairs, set up sound equipment, and place signs outside. While we have less work to do than many church plants, there’s still a considerable amount of setup required. Many churches in our context meet in public spaces where meeting on Christmas Day is just not an option.

He goes on to note that “The transient nature of our city also means many of our most committed members are traveling around the country or world for Christmas and are unable to set up chairs and run sound” and that “The problem is around 80 percent of our church travels for Christmas.”

This is the fatal flaw. Having only 20 percent of the congregants attending would make having the service much, much easier. If only a fifth of the people are around, they can easily have church in someone’s house, therefore negating the need to set up chairs and a sound system and all the burdens he just decried. In what world are these prerequisites for celebrating the Lord’s day, especially with such a small flock? 

Lang concludes by pointing out that “the secular nature of the city also means our neighbors are uninterested in visiting our church on Christmas morning.” This is utterly irrelevant to whether or not they should have a church service, and if he had a proper ecclesiology, he would know that church is for believers, not unbelievers.

For more swill from TGC, see here:

TGC Senior Editor’s Favorite TV Show Contains Graphic Homosexual Sex Scene
TGC Author: Christians Have Endured No ‘Hostility’ or ‘Ill-treatment’ From Govt During Pandemic
TGC Contributor Argues Pro-LGBTQ Xtians and Universalists Are Still In the Faith
TGC’s Thabiti Anyabwile: Resisting Reparations is ‘The Echo of Cain’s Voice’
TGC Author: Believing in ‘Big-Government Overreach’ Is a Denial of ‘Objective Reality’
TGC Author: Straight Men Should Consider Singleness Out of Solidarity for Celibate Homosexuals
TGC Canada Again Argues that Their Churches Aren’t Being Persecuted
TGC Author Advocates for Using Trans Personal Pronouns, Suggests Not Using them Makes one a ‘Weaker Brother’
TGC’s Senior Editor Watches Sex Scenes on TV to be Better at Evangelizing
Pacifist TGC Writer Says The World Should Have Let Hitler and Nazis Conquer Unopposed
Woke TGC Contributor Suggests Mary Taught Jesus The Sermon On The Mount
TGC Author Suggests Campaigning for the Democrats is A-OK
TGC Contributor Ironically Praises Enneagram On Podcast about ‘False Teaching’
TGC Author Says that the USA is too ‘Exhausted’ to Handle Overturning Roe v. Wade + Deletes Tweet
TGC Author Rebecca McLaughlin Says We MUST Repent of our Parent’s and Grandparent’s Racism
TGC Senior Editor Criticizes ‘What Is A Woman’ Doc for Not Being ‘Empathetic’ Enough
TGC Author Suggests ‘Deadnaming’ Transexuals is ‘Disrespectful’
TGC Author: Stopping Active Shooter in Church Is Just Like Peter Cutting Of Servant’s Ear: Jesus Says Not To
TGC Author Claims That Deconstruction May Just Be Smashing Cultural Idols
TGC Finally Edits Article Describing Rittenhouse as ‘Mass Shooter’+ Still Compares him to Mass Murderer

And many, many more


The Gospel Coalition Uses the Book of Ruth to Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions

(The Dissenter) In a recent article at The Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter, a co-pastor at David Platt’s McLean Bible Church and a former employee of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission attempts to argue from the Book of Ruth in favor of same-sex civil unions.

Carter starts out the article titled Simple Solution to Same-Sex Civil ‘Marriage’ by attempting to persuade the reader that David French, a far-left political and social activist, is actually a “conservative evangelical.” It is from French’s commentary on same-sex civil unions that Carter begins his expostulation in favor of some sort of “civil union” that not only homosexuals can enjoy marriage-like benefits from, but other “de-sexualized” relationships as well.

He starts by quoting French, who states:

“I emphasize the word civil because my view on the religious nature of marriage has not changed,” says French. “It is a lifelong covenant between a man and a woman, sealed before God, and breakable only on the limited conditions God has outlined in his Word.”

Carter then goes on to lament that French’s article was so heavily criticized by people who actually believe the Bible, hold to a traditional biblical sexual ethic, and believe that this ethic is actually best for society. Carter complains that “some have said he’s not even a Christian.” That’s not far-fetched considering French’s proclivity toward pleasing man and appeasing the Pagan society rather than pleasing….to continue reading, click here

This article was originally published at The Dissenter


TGC contributor Gavin Ortlund Says Mary is the ‘Ark of the Covenant’

“Mary, in whom the Lord himself has just made his dwelling, is the daughter of Zion in person, the Ark of the covenant, the place where the glory of the Lord dwells. She is “the dwelling of God . . . with men.”  (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2676).

Months after TGC contributor Gavin Ortlund got into a fracas after arguing that pro-LGBTQ ‘Christians’ and Universalists are still in the faith, he shared some ‘surprising theological views’ he holds, including that Jesus’ mother Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant.

Fr. Thomas Esposito, writing for the Catholic Register, explains why they believe this to be the case:

Immediately after accepting her vocation as the mother of Jesus, Mary “sets out in haste into the hill country” (Luke 1:39). She eagerly speeds her steps to visit her relative Elizabeth, herself pregnant despite her advanced age. As soon as Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting, little John the Baptist leaps in her womb, rejoicing in the presence of his Lord. Just as the Ark was the portable sanctuary accompanying Israel through the desert, so Mary travels with the new presence of God in her womb. And John the Baptist’s womb-jumping imitates David, who danced with abandon before the Ark as it entered Jerusalem for the first time (2 Samuel 6:14-15). In referring to Mary as “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:43), Elizabeth confirms this bold interpretation of Mary’s womb as the Ark of the new covenant – the name, “Lord,” after all, is the divine name God reveals to Moses in Exodus 3:14-15.

As part of their idolatry, Roman Catholics believe that Mary never sinned, was eternally a virgin, never tasted death, and assumed bodily into heaven like Jesus himself. They think she also acts as an intermediary between men and Jesus, with many insisting that she is a co-mediator with Christ. Because they are committed to this narrative, they twist the scriptures to find any way to elevate her and abase the Lord of Glory, and this lofty title and shallow comparison. In discussion with Roman Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid, Dr. James White addresses some of these claims, writing:

The greatest effort in typological interpretation by Mr. Madrid comes in his attempt to parallel the Ark of the Covenant and Mary. The first parallel he draws has to do with the fact that God took such great pains to make sure the Ark was properly constructed. He says,

God wanted the ark to be as perfect and unblemished as humanly possible so it would be worthy of the honor of bearing the written Word of God. How much more so would God want Mary, the ark of the new covenant, to be perfect and unblemished since she would carry within her womb the Word of God in flesh.

Does this kind of interpretation bear the weight of investigation? While we admit the force such things carry with those who already accept these doctrine, we point out that there is no way to test the interpretation. We can easily point out absurdities to which the parallel can be pushed–for example, must Mary have been stolen by God’s enemies for a time, so that she could be brought back to the people of God with great rejoicing? Who was Mary’s Uzzah (2 Samuel 6:3-8)?

Madrid draws a further parallel between the three months the ark was with Obededom and the three months Mary was with Elizabeth. What, then, is the parallel with David’s action of sacrificing a bull and a fattened calf when those who were carrying the ark had taken six steps (2 Samuel 6:13)? See, Mr. Madrid feels free to pick and choose what aspects of Mary’s life he wishes to parallel in the ark, and which he does not–there are no rules in this kind of interpretation, and it can lead to just about any conclusion. 


TGC Speaker’s Website Suggests Jesus’ Work on Cross ‘Nullified’ If Whites Don’t Acknowledge Their Racism

During The Gospel Coalition’s 2021 National Conference, Pastor Mark Vroegop, Lead Pastor of College Park Church in Indianapolis, moderated a discussion between Kori Porter and Irwyn Ince on why “lament is a key component of racial reconciliation.” While there wasn’t anything particularly troublesome about the talk, a deeper dive into the speakers resulted in some troubling findings that are worth cataloging.

TGC Contributor Kori Porter spent years as a campus minister on the campus of Princeton University. She completed an M.A. in Theological Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary, is on the leadership council at the woke And Campaign, and now leads Christian Solidarity Worldwide USA. She recently raised a few eyebrows after arguing that when evangelizing, it’s “incorrect” to “go straight to the gospel” because it “bypasses the holistic person.”

The Rev. Dr. Irwyn Ince serves as Pastor at Grace DC Presbyterian Church and is the Director of the Institute for Cross-Cultural Mission, which is a ministry that seeks to come alongside Christian organizations and churches and teach them about racial reconciliation. Likewise a contributor to TGC, Ince was recently featured on WokePreacherTV, after he said that a woman who felt tokenized by a quick invite to serve on a church ministry board is an example of how “the commodifying of black bodies” continues from the days of chattel slavery.

Notably, board and staff members include Dr. Greg Thompson and Dr. Christina Edmondson. On the organization’s recommended resource list, which is sparse and not populated with filler, they have a four-part series on The Gospel and Race, where they published the article ‘Jesus died for your racism, Repent!” by  Kenny Gibbs, an elder at Grace Mosaic. In it, they argue that all whites folk are racists who undeniably carry racial sin, and that a failure to acknowledge this sin ‘nullifies Jesus’ work on the cross’

…If a person’s idea of him– or herself as a “good person” requires they not be a “racist,” or to be a person without any known or unknown bias against another person based on their race, then he or she will not confront their biases and tear them downWe do not repent of the sins we don’t believe or admit exist

…I have often found many of my Christian brothers and sisters, especially my White brothers and sisters, hold onto to the notion (consciously or subconsciously) that they are without racial sin. This need to self-justify keeps us as the people of God from moving forward gospel reconciliation. More than that, the notion that one is without racial sin nullifies Jesus’ work on the cross, which earned our justification completely.

…As 1 John 1 says, when we confess our sins – including our racial sins – God our father is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse of all unrighteousness. Every last bit. However, if we say that we have no sin [of racism] – or that the total depravity of human nature somehow skipped over the parts of our brains that make associations based on race – we are deceiving ourselves. [And the truth is not in usMoreover, we deprive ourselves of the freedom that Christ won for us, or the power He gives us to do His work of gospel reconciliation. We cannot be cleansed of that which we do not confess.

If you are a Christian (especially but not exclusively a Christian who identifies as White), confess and repent of your racial sins and biases that you might be cleansed from them and be empowered to participate in God’s kingdom building work


Married to Jesus? TGC’s Resident Gay Anglican Priest Wears Wedding Ring Despite Being Single, for THIS Reason

Gay Anglican priest Sam Allberry, known for partnering up with the Gospel Coalition and the ERLC to be one of the architects for the acceptance of Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) “Christianity, has revealed that he wears a wedding ring on his ring finger, despite being single, as a reminder that God is “pursuing him.” For this reason, he believes he is just as “swept up” in the “whole marital romance” thing as a married couple might be resulting in him being “taken by Jesus.”

Speaking on Episode 5 of the Connecting Podcast with Paul Tripp, he explains:

As a single person with an increased capacity for friendship that comes with that, there’s a breadth of intimacy I get to experience that you don’t. So there’s, again, there’s some unique pluses to being in my situation. And I keep coming back to ‘I know the bridegroom’. I’m not actually missing out. I’m not getting that the temporal signpost of the love of God that marriage is designed to be. I’m not getting the appetizer, but I’m getting the entrée, and the entrée is so good I can skip the appetizer.

So if I have the bridegroom, then I’m not missing out on the whole marital romance- all of that stuff-actually, I’m just as swept up in it. That is profoundly meaningful to me. I’m wearing a ring on my ring finger, which is a cultural signal for ‘hey, I’m married.’

There’s other stories to why I’m wearing this to do with medical research, it’s a smart ring. But I felt, I felt actually, I’m gonna wear on this ring because I’m taken. I belong to someone. And it’s a nice tangible reminder to me that the bridegroom pursues me.”

This type of thinking is strange behavior, particularly because he’s not ‘taken’ in the way he thinks. He could easily marry a woman if he so chose, rather than suggest he’s married to Jesus, then deal with the scriptural pretzeling that would result in trying to justify his divorce/ annulment from his marriage to the Almighty to pursue a real one.

Honestly, this is the sort of thing a newly converted 14-year-old girl who just returned from a bible camp run by women youth pastors would come up with. Still, the line of thinking is consistent with the sexual ethos of the SSAC movement that Allberry has spearheaded and continues to promote.

Bonus: SSAC is the movement within the larger evangelical movement that narrowly defines the sin of homosexuality to include only acting upon one’s sinful desires, and defines the sinful desires themselves as simply a part of a person’s identity and something God is content with not changing in the heart of the believer.

The false beliefs of the SSAC movement include:

  • Same-sex attraction is never a result of early childhood abuse and is always unchosen.
  • Same-sex attraction only becomes sin if it is acted upon.
  • Homosexual acts are no different than other sins.
  • Christian regeneration has no influence over same-sex desire.
  • The church is guilty of oppressing this group instead of helping them bear their cross of unchangeable same-sex attraction.

h/t to Doctrinal Watchdog for the story.


Hypocrite! Kyle J. Howard Watches Filthy, Filthy, Sex-Filled, Pornographic TV Shows

Kyle J. Howard has a lot to say about the social and sexual interactions and relationships between men and women. He’s been vocally outspoken on the ills of watching and ingesting pornography, as well as anything else that denigrates women and objectifies them as vessels of lust.

And then this one:

So why is it that he keeps on watching TV shows that are filled with sex and nudity? By his own standard, seen in the above tweets, why does he himself watch so much pornography?

The first example of a pornographic show he watches is Ozarks. This is a show where less than three minutes into the very first episode, a semi-nude man receives oral sex and then starts thrusting into a woman.

Three minutes.

The first episode.

And Howard kept on watching after that- because that was not enough to make him turn it off.

Not only is there tons of cursing, between 20-50 F-bombs an episode along with various other 4 letter words, and a fair amount of violence, the show is rife with sex scenes galore, including many graphic homosexual ones, resulting in it being rated 18+ in many countries.

As per IMBD, some of the more egregious content includes: (warning, graphic descriptions ahead)

  • …Brief nudity shown by an older woman during a short sex scene with a much younger man. As well as another casual sex scene with an unclothed couple (no nudity, covered by sheets).
  • An email with an amateur porn video is sent and opened in one scene. The webcam video details sexual actions of a man and a woman from the back with only the buttocks shown. It is shown twice. The video is discussed between two men later on. It is played in multiple episodes. A man masturbates in his car and fantasizes about a prostitute giving him oral sex.
  • A pregnant woman is seen pole dancing at a nightclub. Her breasts are clearly visible.
  • An old man is walking down to the water naked, only his backside is shown with a towel covering the front. A nude poster is seen on the wall next to a door. A topless girl is seen in a bar. A homosexual oral sex scene takes place in a motel room, a man giving another man a blowjob and you hear him gargle and choke when the man ejaculates in the other guy’s mouth. No visible nudity.
  • A stripper has sex with a man in a private room until a woman interrupts them, she can briefly be seen nude.
  • A stripper is hired to seduce a man into having sex with her. She walks in and the stripper is wearing a strap on and the man is sucking on it. The man also appears to be wearing a bra and panties. A woman takes a video of this. She then shows it to the man’s wife.
  • An elderly couple has sex in a darkly lit room. We see them thrusting and then we hear them orgasm and moan. We also see the woman’s breasts, but the man’s nudity is not seen by viewers.
  • A man is seen masturbating while he’s listening to a dead man’s voice. A man and woman have sex in the bathroom of a bar, there is thrusting, moaning, and male rear nudity and female rear nudity but they are clothed.

    For Howard, no big deal.

Another show is The Sandman.

IMDB Rating has it 18+ across the board. While they didn’t have a detailed breakdown of the content, seeing the show is so new, several comments on Reddit spoke about the sheer quantity of same-sex kissing scenes, and one note in the content advisory section of IMDB says this about one scene:

“John uses the ruby to make a group of people in the diner to be completely honest with each other. This leads to three simultaneous sexual activities (both straight and homosexual). Kissing, implied oral sex, thrusting seen but no nudity”

Netflix Life adds this content advisory:

The fantasy series is rated TV-MA, meaning it may not be appropriate for ages 17 and under. It was given this age rating for strong language, graphic violence, sex, self-harm, nudity, suicide, blood and gore, and smoking.

Focus on the Family’s Plugged In says:

Netflix rated the show TV-MA for “language, violence, sex, self-harm, suicide and smoking.” Just a couple of episodes in, we can vouch for most of that.

It makes you wonder why Howard, an apparent thought-leader who speaks of the need to be holy and guard one’s thought life and against sexual sin, for the sake of women, thought this show was something that needed watching. Was the plot really that good? That captivating? Why not turn it off three minutes in, knowing that if that can happen so early, there’s likely going to be a lot more?

And then have the temerity to publicly admit it, like it’s not a big deal that you’re watching naked people have sex on film as part of your entertainment proclivities. Like there aren’t a million other pieces of edifying media that you could be watching instead that don’t have men graphically giving each other oral sex or multiple scenes that take place in a strip club.

Sad and disgraceful.

Howard isn’t the only one. Here are some more.

Rap Artist Lecrae Has Been Watching Some Filthy, Filthy, Fiiiiiiiiilthy TV Shows
‘Holiness’ Author Jackie Hill Perry Revels in Filthy, Filthy, Filthy TV Show
TGC’s Senior Editor Brett McCracken watches Filthy, Filthy, Filthy TV Shows


Must Read! A Brief Summary of Every Gospel Coalition Article

Not sure who posted this, but my man here has his head on straight, and knows what’s up! This is worth a whole post.