Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Desiring God and TGC Author Renounces His Faith, Says He’s in The Best Place of His Life

(Reformation Charlotte) Apostasy is one of the most tragic phenomenons of Christianity. It never ceases to amaze how someone can live such a lie for such a long time only to end up renouncing their faith. Time after time, popular Christian figures have renounced their faith over the centuries–but it appears to be picking up at breakneck speed.

Several popular and prominent Christian figures have renounced their Christianity over the last couple of years including the former editor of Christianity Today, Mark Galli, popular Hillsong musician, Marty Sampson, and purity culture pastor, Josh Harris, among many others.

Now, another prominent Christian figure has renounced his faith–a former Desiring God writer and the author of the book, The Trauma of Doctrine, Paul Maxwell.

Maxwell made his announcement on his Instagram feed earlier today.

“What I really miss is connection with people,” Maxwell says, “what I’ve discovered is that I’m ready to connect again. And I’m kind of ready not to be angry anymore…

To continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

The Gospel Coalition Launches ‘TGC Albania’ + We Respond…in Albanian. ‘Si Koalicioni i Ungjillit (KIU)’

With the news that The Gospel Coalition has launched a new International branch “TGC Albania,” we have a message of warning for our Albanian brethren: stay as far away from this ministry as possible.

Të dashur shqiptarë të krishterë,

Një shërbesë e re midis jush ka nisur, e cila përbëhet nga një shoqëri kishash dhe udhëheqësish të njohur si Koalicioni i Ungjillit (KIU). Ata synojnë të mbështesin kishën dhe të jenë thellësisht të përkushtuar në “ripërtëritjen e besimit tonë në ungjillin e Krishtit dhe në reformimin e praktikave tona të shërbesës për t’u përshtatur plotësisht me Shkrimet” duke siguruar “burime të besueshme dhe në kohë, të dobishme dhe të mençura dhe të përqendrua në ungjillin e Jezu Krishtit.”

Asgjë nuk mund të jetë më larg së vërtetës.

Në vend që t’u qëndrojnë besnik shkrimeve të shenjta dhe t’u besojë atyre të diktojnë praktikat e shërbesës, KIU është një entitet i korruptuar plotësisht – një bastion i krishterimit liberal dhe progresiv dhe një vrimë kryesore e atyre që sjellin herezi të dënueshme pa dijeni.

Disa nga emrat më të shquar që duhet të shënohen dhe shmangen janë Thabiti Anyabwile, Ligon Duncan, Tim Keller, Sam Alberry, Joe Carter, Jonathan Leeman, dhe Russell Moore. Këta janë autorët që po shtyjnë doktrinën korruptuese dhe jobiblike në Amerikën e Veriut dhe ne lutemi që ata të mos eksportojnë axhendën e tyre liberale në Shqipëri.

Në njoftimin e tyre për shtyp, ata thonë se “armiku nuk është i kënaqur me këtë zgjim (Në Shqipëri) dhe po përpiqet të mbjellë fara mosmarrëveshje dhe mësimi të rremë në komunitetin e krishterë që po Lind.” Kjo është e vërtetë. Dhe mbjellësi më i madh i mosmarrëveshjes është vetë Koalicioni i Ungjillit. Me 40% të shqiptarëve që flasin anglisht si gjuhë e dytë, ju mund të shihni pse Këtu dhe Këtu.

Ikni nga kjo organizatë që helmon gjithë çfarë prek dhe spërkat shpirtin si një gajzer. Nuk është e mirë për shpirtin tuaj dhe nuk janë pasqyrim i krishterimit biblik.


Dear Albanian Christians:

A new ministry within your midst has launched, consisting of a fellowship of churches and leaders known as The Gospel Coalition (TGC). They purport to support the church and to be deeply committed to “renewing our faith in the gospel of Christ and to reforming our ministry practices to conform fully to the Scriptures” by providing “resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Rather than being faithful to the scriptures and entrusting them to dictate ministry practices, TGC is by and large a thoroughly corrupt entity – a bastion of liberal and progressive Christianity and chief hidey-hole of those who bring in damnable heresies unawares.

Some of the more prominent names that should be marked and avoided are Thabiti Anyabwile, Ligon Duncan, Tim Keller, Sam Alberry, Joe Carter, Jonathan Leeman, and Russell Moore. These are the authors who are pushing corrupting and unbiblical doctrine in North America, and we pray they don’t export their liberal agenda to Albania.

In their press release, they say that “the enemy is not pleased by this awakening (In Albania) and is attempting to sow seeds of discord and false teaching in the nascent Christian community.” This is true. And the biggest sower of discord is the Gospel Coalition itself. With 40 percent of Albanians speaking English as a second language, you can see why Here and Here.

Flee from this organization that poisons everything it touches and spouts spiritual strychnine like a geyser. They are not good for your soul, and are not a reflection of Biblical Christianity.

abortion Featured Politics

Flashback: TGC Member Thabiti Anyabwile Hopes Election is Hacked – Did he Get his Wish?

In early 2019, the discernment world watched spellbound as a Trump Derangement Parasite crawled into Thabiti Anyabwile’s ear as he slept and started chewing through the soft tissue of his brain. Going to town on his corpus callosum and hypothalamus, it caused his biblical reasoning and metaphorical fine motor skills to be consumed and destroyed.

How else can one explain a series of Tweets where he openly hoped that foreign powers would hack the 2020 election and depose Trump?

When pressed that what he was suggesting was collusion, Thabiti pushed back:

Thabiti, who voted for Hillary Clinton last election (Once again, The Gospel Coalition people) and by all accounts voted for Biden and Harris this election, suggested after being buried by an onslaught of feedback and negative comments that he was just joshing. Yet two years on, his fantasy looks quite prescient.

Cue two years later.

In a post from earlier this evening, The Big Eva Alum commented that people who are suggesting voter fraud or “outside interference hacking the election” have a sickening stench about them, unlike him who’s giving off the aroma of Christ by proudly encouraging others to vote for the Pro-choice Democrats. All that talk of hacking the elections years ago? That must have washed off.

However, we would suggest that one man’s “Jesus stank” is another man’s strong metallic odor, the result of dousing oneself in the blood of aborted babies and then smelling the iron therein.

It is not pleasant. It smells like death. And that’s exactly what’s emanating from Anyabwile now.

Church Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Politics

Exit Polls Show Evangelical Support For Trump dropped 5%. Big Eva Rejoices

We wrote three weeks ago how certain men who make a living creeping in unawares have been waging a war to shave points off the evangelical vote for Trump and turn the tides of war towards the baby-killing braggarts of the Democratic Party. According to exit polls released by the New York Times, they got their wish.

In 2016, Evangelicals voted 81%-16% for the Republican Party. Following four years of leftists losing their ever-loving minds and promising a radical mandate that would make even Canada blush, the numbers shifted to 78%-23%, with Trump losing 3% but most alarmingly, Biden gaining 7% of the evangelical vote.

While not claiming to be prophets, we said last month, “The good news is that Donald Trump is gaining supporters in the black and Hispanic community commensurate with what he’s losing in evangelicalism. And the irony is sweet; the evangelical talking point against Donald Trump is that he’s racist. It would only make sense in God’s divine irony to make up for his evangelical losses in minority communities.” By all accounts, this has occurred, with Trump gaining large swaths of the Black and Latino vote.

Men and ministries that have encouraged people to either vote for the Democrats, or vote for either party include Tim Keller, JD Greear, TGC, 9 Marks Ministries, John Piper, David Platt, Thabiti Anyabwile, Russell Moore, and a host of others.

Mark ’em even more.

Featured The Pen

PSA. Our Editorial Use of the Label ‘Homosexual/ Lesbian’

Given some of the commentary we received from our recent post on Jackie Hill Perry, we here at Protestia wanted to clear up any confusion or misapprehension about or use of the label ‘homosexual’ or ‘lesbian’ to describe different professing Christians, so that everyone has absolute clarity.

This has been our longstanding practice in Protestia articles: we will refer to any person who claims the Holy Spirit will not mortify their homosexuality and must continue to live with those passions as a homosexual.

We do not refer to Rosaria Butterfield, as much as we find her problematic, as a lesbian, because she professes to be free of the passions of her former ignorance. But we will continue to refer to Sam Allberry and his Gospel Coalition lesbian-harem as homosexuals.

This is how we deal with other kinds of sin regularly.

The person who still struggles with desires to get drunk is an alcoholic, regardless of whether or not they, in fact, get drunk. In addiction counseling (former L.A.C. here), they teach you there is no such thing as a “recovering alcoholic.” You are an alcoholic or you are not. There are alcoholics, and there are *former alcoholics* but there are no “recovering” ones.

We believe in the Holy Ghost and affirm that when the Lord saves you, he will sanctify your heart to no longer want the sins of your former life. Many thousands of former homosexuals have been completely freed of their passions by the Holy Ghost; but they are not featured at the Gospel Coalition (they are persona non grata).

We do not think it coincidental that those gay eunuch-class homosexuals at TGC who are regularly trotted out to refer to homosexuality as their “cross to bear” (sin is not a cross; the cross mortifies sin) are by-and-large ungodly subversive hominterns. I can’t think of a single exception to this rule.

You might disagree with his, but that is the editorial policy of Protestia. If we were not under attack by hominterns in the church, our decision might be different and the wording include some kind of caveat (but we can’t think of a short caveat). It would have to be phrased as something like, “former actively practicing homosexual who refuses to admit the sinfulness of homosexual desire and still desires to take part in the sin but is yoked by the law to avoid it rather than sanctified by the spirit to be set free of it.”

But that’s a lot of words, so we’re just going to use the word “homosexual” to refer to them. Thanks for listening.


We could put it in a much more simple way, now that we think about it:

“We make no distinction between being a homosexual and being Same-Sex Attracted (SSA), because that distinction is derived from the devil.”

Sincerely, the team at
Adapter from a FB Post.