
Breaking: Cross-Dressing Baptist Pastor Commits Suicide Days After Being Exposed

FL Copeland, the Smiths Station pastor who was recently exposed as leading a double life as a perverted cross-dressing Instagram model, took his own like earlier this afternoon, according to Lee County Sheriff Jay Jones. 

It was only two days ago that Copeland stood in front of his church and gave a defiant a non-apology apology to his congregation, insisting: “This will not cause my life to change. This will not waver my devotion to my family, to serving my city, and serving my church… I have nothing to be ashamed of.”

Earlier today, law enforcement received a request for a welfare check on the seemingly distraught man. Sheriffs located him driving the mayor’s vehicule, and after initiating a stop, Copeland pulled over, got out of his vehicule, grabbed a handgun, and shot himself.

Now, he is dead, leaving behind a wife and three children.

Pray for them all.

Backround: days ago, 1819 broke the story of how Copeland was operating an Instagram and Reddit account under the pseudonym Brittini Blaire Summerlin, a “transgender curvy girl” who was active in writing X-rated “transgender fiction” and “gender erotica” on Reddit. As part of his perversions, he would post pictures of himself only wearing women’s underwear to Not Safe For Work (NSFW) forums, which are far too crude to post here.

1819 reports that

” Copeland regularly commented on other posts, referring to himself as a “thick transgender woman” and encouraging other transgender individuals to go on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Copeland also posted transgender pornography, often giving vivid captions describing being a “whore” and getting “f****d.”

When confronted about it, Copeland insisted that “what I do in private life has nothing to do with what I do in my holy life” and argued that while he may sometimes put on a dress or sometimes put on makeup, as a means to relieve stress, “does that have anything to do whatsoever with me being mayor or being a pastor?”

Exposed, he eventually told his congregation, yet lied and downplayed his actions all the way through, saying:

“An article that was written about my capacity as the mayor, capacity as the pastor. The article is about who, or what I am. Yes, I have taken pictures of my wife in the privacy of our home in an attempt of humor because I know I’m not a handsome man nor a beautiful woman either. I apologize for any embarrassment caused by my private personal life that has come publicly. This will not cause my life to change. This will not waver my devotion to my family, to serving my city, and serving my church… I have nothing to be ashamed of; a lot of things that were said were taken out of context.”


Podcast: Judging Asbury, SBC Elites Destroying The Convention, Small Group Sermon Eval, and Do ‘Self-Deleted’ People Go to Hell?

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for February 21st, 2023, we talk about the SBC elites destroying the convention and how to judge a revival. We then spend a considerable amount of time dissecting the small group teaching from a local church that proves that the sermon reviewed a few months ago was not a “whoopsie,” but the intentional teaching that may very well infect the school the church is buying.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison talk about ‘self-murder’ . God’s law commands us not to murder. however most typically don’t view self murder as something that violates that command. Instead we typically view someone who commits self murder as a victim. The truth is, as the one who loses their life, they are the victim. However they are also the guilty perpetrator in the act as well. So what do we do with that? Can someone who commits self murder still be a Christian? How does committing self murder affect where a person will spend eternity? What brings a person to want to commit such a heinous act? How should we counsel these people?

As always, you cna search for Bible Bashed and Protestia Tonight on all your podcast apps.

Featured World News

The Netherlands Euthanized 1 in 2450 Citizens Last Year

In an act of radical depravity, the Netherlands euthanized 6938 people last year, representing approximately 1 out of every 2450 citizens. These ghoulish numbers are nearly a 10% increase from last year, when 6361 people chose to engage in state-sanctioned suicide.

Furthermore, this number represents almost 5% of ALL deaths in the country, including, including those who succumbed to the novel coronavirus.

While the majority of people choosing to die with the help of doctors had terminal cancer, there were some who had dementia, cancer where the chances of recovery were slim but viable, and a few people who were chronically depressed and their mental state deemed “not compatible with life.”

The startling increase in case counts is no surprise, however, as government leaders and politicians have been becoming more and more lax regarding the conditions surrounding who may kill themselves and when.

The Netherlands government announced last year their desire to extend the option of euthanasia to children between the ages of 1 and 12, as current law allows euthanasia in teenagers, as well as for newborns up to a year old, should their parents give their consent.

The government is further opening up the service to people who are not at risk of dying, but rather are “tired of living.” This burgeoning accommodation comes after government research revealed that around 10,000 people over 55 have a serious death wish, and so they are seeking to make allowances for that.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

Ravi Zacharias Victim Posts Victim Impact Statement

Lori Anne Thompson, the most well-known and public of Ravi Zacharias’ victims has posted a detailed victim impact statement on her website, detailing the ways that the late-Christian apologist’s sexual predations destroyed her world and adversely affected her and her family for years. It also details the emotional toll that having Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) repeatedly publicly lie about her has had, even as they publicly insist they’ve committed no wrongdoing.

The release of the statement comes on the heels of RZIM confirming they have no intention of releasing her from a non-disclosure/non-disparagement agreement she signed years ago. This continues a long-standing pattern from RZIM of silencing, victim-blaming, and ignoring her wherever possible. It also comes in the light of the knowledge that the big, allegedly “all-encompassing,” and “independent” investigation into Ravi Zacharias will not include her, despite being the catalyst for exposing his abuses and the public face of his victims.

She writes in part:

I tried to tell a Christian counsellor what was happening to me. He told me not to tell anyone, especially not my husband, that he could see RZ’s draw to me, and that if anyone ever found out, the kingdom of God would be irreparably damaged. I became suicidal. When I heard news of someone in our old church getting a diagnosis of terminal cancer, I longed to be her. We visited Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia for my fortieth birthday and I researched how best to slip off the rocks and succumb to the deep—such was the depths of my despair. It was not just what was happening to me, but whom it was happening by.


I was contacted by text, email, and phone from RZ once I had sent a final email to him. He threatened to commit suicide if I broke my silence. I was terrified in that moment and for a long time to come. To my betrayer, telling anyone was betrayal. Abusers not only demand silence—they enforce it.

When I disclosed that same day to my husband what happened to me—he was devastated. Brad had already experienced a protracted history of breach of trust, early abandonment, shaming, and interrupted attachments in his own life. He was crumbling at home with our children and I was in another country in complete collapse. He wasn’t sure he wanted me to come home. I wasn’t sure I would make it home. No one slept that Saturday night and for many years of Saturdays to come. Life as we knew it was ripped apart. We were torn asunder. I can hardly find the words to describe the complete and utter relational, emotional, psychological, and physical implosion.

You can read the letter in its entirety here, as well as watch the video below.

We also recommend that you write a very short email to both, who is the woman who prepared the interim report on Ravi’s guilt and who was hired by RZIM, and itself, asking them why they won’t include Lori Anne Thompson in the investigation.

Keep it short and sweet. If you are emailing RZIM, don’t include any links, as they will not open them.