
Pat Robertson’s Wife Has Passed Away

Dede Robertson, the wife of televangelist Pat Robertson, 91, passed away yesterday at her home in Virginia Beach, according to their ministry page. She was 94 years old.

Pat Robertson is the world’s longest-running TV host and just recently announced on the show’s 60th anniversary that he was stepping down as the host of the ‘700 Club.’ According to a statement:

“Mrs. Robertson was a founding member of the boards and continued as a valued member of the boards of The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., Regent University, and Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation.”

“…My mom was a rock. She was a rock throughout our childhood. Dad had to travel a lot, but Mom was always there for us kids… that gives great security to children,” said daughter, Ann LeBlanc.

“I think the thing that’s been wonderful for all of us children to see was the extraordinary growth in my parents… as they got older, it seems like they were getting closer together… there was a sweetness and a gentleness in both of them. That was a great example for us kids to see,” said son, Tim Robertson.

“Mom was the glue that held the Robertson family together. She was always working behind the scenes. If it weren’t for Mom, there wouldn’t be a CBN… ” said son, Gordon Robertson.

Pat Robertson said of his wife:

“Dede Robertson was a woman of great faith, a champion of the Gospel, and a remarkable servant of Christ who has left an indelible print on all that she set her hand to during her extraordinary life.”


Host Pat Robertson Leaves The 700 Club After 60 Years

Televangelist Pat Robertson, 91, the world’s longest running TV host and the living embodiment of the expression “creeping decrepitude has finally crept up on me,” has announced on the show’s 60th anniversary that he’s stepping down as the host of the ‘700 Club’ after 54, telling viewers:

“Today’s show will be my final as host of The 700 Club. My replacement will be my very capable son, Gordon, who will take over as full-time host of the program.”

Leaving the 700 Club is a good thing, as Robertson is no stranger to self-contradiction and absurdity. He’s been deceiving millions of people for literally decades, telling supporters that it’s ok for a husband to divorce a wife with Alzheimer’s, that Christians who believe in creationism are stupid, blaming wives for their husbands cheating on them, and a host of other nonsensical things. Consequently, his advice has been getting worse and worse over the years.

Unfortunately he’s not going away permanently, but rather is leaving so he can purist other endeavors. He will still appear as a guest every month where he will answer listener emails and offer occasional guest hosting appearances, especially when he gets a “revelation from the Lord’ that he wishes to share, but will be dedicating the bulk of his time to teaching at Regent University.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Televangelist Pat Robertson Hopes Derek Chauvin Dies in Prison

Televangelist Pat Robertson, 91, the living embodiment of the expression “creeping decrepitude has finally crept up on me,” took to the airwaves to criticize Kim Porter in the accidental shooting death of Duante Wright. Using some props, he demonstrated on air the difference between a plastic gun and a taser, while at the same time offering critical comments for the Law Enforcement and asserting that the officer involved in the George Floyd death ought to be “buried under the prison.”

Robertson is no stranger to self-contradiction and absurdity. He’s been deceiving millions of people for literally decades, telling supporters that it’s ok for a husband to divorce a wife with Alzheimer’s, that Christians who believe in creationism are stupid, blaming wives for their husbands cheating on them, and a host of other nonsensical things.

Pulling out a plastic gun and a taser during his program, Robertson had co-host Terry Meeuwsen feel the difference between the two as he explained that there’s no comparison and he can’t believe the officer would make such a mistake.

There’s just no comparison between a taser and a gun. Now how she (Officer Kim Porter) made the difference when she shot that poor guy to death, (was saying) ‘this is what I thought…was my taser.’

And if you can’t tell the difference in the feel of those things, it’s crazy. You know, I am pro-police folks. I think we need the police. We need their service, and they do a good job, but if they don’t stop this onslaught, they cannot do this.

Robertson then turns to Chauvin and the unrest in Minneapolis, using a colloquialism that refers to a person either killed in prison, or more charitably, to spending so much time incarcerated that he perishes in prison, his body being interred on prison property.

Derek Chauvin, I mean, they oughta put him under the jail. He has caused so much trouble by kneeling on the [neck] of George Floyd…it’s just terrible what’s happening. And the police, why don’t they open their eyes to what the public relations are? We’ve got to stop this stuff.

Later on Robertson would opine, “We don’t have the finest in the police department…you cannot have a bunch of clowns running around who are underpaid and who really are not the best and brightest.”

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics

Pat Robertson Randomly Cures Woman’s Breast Cancer in Under 2 Seconds

Televangelist Pat Robertson, 90, the living embodiment of the expression “creeping decrepitude has finally crept up on me,” took to the airwaves and cured a woman’s cancer, all without the woman knowning she had it.

Robertson is no stranger to self-contradiction and absurdity. He’s been deceiving millions of people for literally decades, telling supporters that it’s ok for a husband to divorce a wife with Alzheimer’s, that Christians who believe in creationism are stupid, blaming wives for their husbands cheating on them, and a host of other nonsensical things.

Where most faith healers would pray in response to a specific prayer request or a revelation of a medical concern, Robertson has eschewed all that. Now, he’s declaring that people have cancer and is curing it all in one breath, making his already ridiculous claims of supernatural healing all the more unfalsifiable:

There’s somebody…is the name Minerva…it looks like there’s a lump in your right breast, and it’s cancer, and God is going to heal this. You’ll feel, like, a burning in that breast. You want to touch it? Do so, and God has just healed you in Jesus’ name.

Of course, this sort of chicanery makes those who donate to him large sums of cash feel all the more better, knowing their boy is healing people right left and center, and they are contributing to that healing and miraculous work.

What can we say, it’s one hell of a scam, and Robertson has perfected it.

[Editor’s note: Make no mistake. Pat Robertson is not a Christian. There will literally be hell to pay if he doesn’t repent.]

h/t to the hive of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist for the video and transcript.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Pat Robertson Tells Trump to Give Up and ‘Move on’ After Prophecying his Victory

Televangelist Pat Robertson, 90, the living embodiment of the expression “creeping decrepitude has finally crept up on me,” has contradicted a prophecy he gave several months ago where he declared Trump was going to win the election, now saying about the President, “You’ve had your day and it’s time to move on.”

Robertson is no stranger to self-contradiction and absurdity. He’s been deceiving millions of people for literally decades, telling supporters that it’s ok for a husband to divorce a wife with Alzheimer’s, that Christians who believe in creationism are stupid, blaming wives for their husbands cheating on them, and a host of other nonsensical things.

Now, though he specifically prophecied that Trump would win a second term and that after a few years an asteroid would strike the earth and demolish it, he’s now saying that it’s not to be, and that Biden will take the win.

In a transcript poached from our frenemies at the hive of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist, Robertson tells The 700 Club (so named because less than 700 people out of his million audience members are even Christians):

 I think it is all over.  I think the Electoral College has spoken. I think the Biden corruption has not totally been brought to fruition, but it doesn’t seem to be affecting the Electoral College, and I don’t think the Supreme Court is going to move in to do anything, and I think we [are] going to see a President Biden, and I also think we will be seeing a President Kamala Harris not too long after the inauguration of President Biden.

With all his talent, and the ability to raise money and draw large crowds, the president still lives in an alternate reality. He really does. People say, “Well, he lies about this, that, and the other.” But no, he isn’t lying. To him, that’s the truth.  He had the biggest crowd on Inauguration Day. He had more people than ever (?), he was the most popular… he saved NBC with The Apprentice.  You go down the line of things that really aren’t true, and you know, people kept pointing to them, but, because they loved him so much and he was so strong for the evangelicals, the evangelicals were with him all the way.

But there was something about him that was good, that God placed him in that office… he’s done a marvelous job for the economy, but at the same time, he is very erratic, and he’s fired people, and he’s fought people, and he’s insulted people, and keeps going down the line, so it’s a mixed bag.

And I think it would be well to say: You’ve had your day and it’s time to move on.

Though Robertson doesn’t acknowledge this direct contradiction to his earlier prophecy (oh yeah, he also falsely prophecied twice that the world would end in 1982 and then 2007), his shifty shenanigans are par for the course for charismatic ne’er do well‘s. It’s what they do. They blaspheme in God’s name and then move on as if they never said it and we don’t have video of them lying through their teeth.

May Robertson repent, or be rent in two.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

A Compendium of False Trump Prophecies by False Prophets

2020 has been a bad year for charismatic prophets. First, they got hit with the wallop that was a worldwide pandemic that not a single charismatic prophet predicted. Not one. Dr. Michael Brown, being essentially an apologist for the devil tried to point out two prophets who “prophesied” about it, but these guys also said it would be diminished and end by Jewish Passover- which was back in April 2020, and that clearly has not happened. As you’d expect, Brown has been silent about that one.

They doubled down on their omission with a bit of commission, when a cornucopia of them prophecied that Trump would win the election, frequently in a “landslide” and a “red wave.”

While we understand that some giant revelations may be revealed that demonstrates voter fraud extensive enough to overcome the tens of thousands of votes that Biden leads by, at this point it’s in the bag and these prophets have been proven false.

Thankfully, we have Steven Kozar of the Messed Up Church to hold some feet to the fire, as he documented just a smattering of this continuationist malfeasance.

Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Sid Roth, Stephen Strang, Jeremiah Johnson, Kat Kerr, John Hemans, Robert Henderson, Tracy Eckhert, Mark Taylor, Chuck Pierce, Mike Lindell, Kevin Zadai, Tracey Cooke, Paula White, Mario Murilla, Francis Myles, Kim Clement, Robin Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Kris Vallotton, and host of others.

Have you ever seen a more motley crew? False prophets all. The fact that they got it wrong should surprise no one, and should only serve to mark them even more forcefully, so we can avoid them more strenuously.