
Charismatic Prophetess Says Houseflies are Sometimes Demonic ‘Monitoring Spirits’ Who Need to be ‘Bound’

Jennifer Leclaire, the former Senior Editor of the flagship Charisma Magazine and the current Senior Leader of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries and Awakening House of Prayer, seems to be battling a whole zoo of demons daily. Previously, this mainstream charismatic leader explained that Christians ought to be wary and on guard for the ‘merman spirit,’ an ‘octopus spirit,’ and our personal favorite, the ‘sneaky squid spirit‘ that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends.

Continuing to demonstrate she’s as crazy as a rat in a coffee can, Leclaire teaches that demons sometimes spy on people in the form of houseflies and that, in her case, she had to “bind, blind, and deafen these monitoring spirits” to get rid of them:

Monitoring spirits invaded my house in the form of flies.  If you’re not spiritually minded,  you will think this is nuts, but it’s not.  These monitoring spirits,  these flies,  they came out of nowhere.  And every time I would kill one,  two more appeared and I would curse them to die and I would find them on the floor.

Listen,  after several days of battling this,  I began to find dead flies all over my house.  They were even in jars.  They were everywhere.  This is demonic.  I’m not saying all flies are monitoring spirits and I’m not saying all flies are demonic.

 What I am saying is that anytime you feel like you’re being spied on,  when you see strange phenomenon,  many times there’s an enemy behind that event or occurrence.  So what you have to do is bind,  blind,  and deafen these monitoring spirits.  I have all sorts of YouTube videos where you can find more prayer and more help.  Visit my YouTube channel.

h/t The Holy Nope


Charismatic Seer Jennifer Leclaire, Inventor of the ‘Sneaky Squid Spirit’ Gets Destroyed by Discernment Minister

Jennifer Leclaire, the former Senior Editor of the flagship Charisma Magazine as well as the current Senior Leader of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries and Awakening House of Prayer, frequently battles whole zoos of demons on a daily basis. Previously this mainstream charismatic leader explained that Christians ought to be wary and on guard for the ‘merman spirit’, an ‘octopus spirit’, the ‘wild-ass spirit’ and our personal favorite, the ‘sneaky squid spirit‘ that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends.

To our great delight and glee, Sean from Revealing Truth created a mashup of a recent message she gave on August 30 where she contends:

…Jesus will choose at times to allow us to see the angels, but if he’s not allowing them to be seen, then I don’t want to see them, right?

There’s all these counterfeit operations and there’s a lot of falsities among seers and seeing people. They want to pretend they had this encounter or that encounter or this encounter because it makes them sound more spiritual, it gets them more status on social media.

But at the end of the day, I would hate to stand before Jesus and hear him tell me “what you fill those people’s heads with all that bull for? Pretending you saw these things you didn’t see, leading them astray and charging them money…”

Given that we weren’t born yesterday and haven’t forgotten all the nonsense she’s pulled over the years, a video was created inserting all her moments of villainous charismatic lunacy to contrast just how theologically bankrupt she really is while being wholly absent of self-reflection.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Prominent Charismatic Explains how to be Delivered from the “Wild Ass Spirit’

Jennifer Leclaire, the former Senior Editor of the flagship Charisma Magazine as well as the current Senior Leader of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries and Awakening House of Prayer, seems to be battling a whole zoo of demons on a daily basis. Previously this mainstream charismatic leaders explained that Christians ought to be wary and on guard for the ‘merman spirit’, an ‘octopus spirit’, and our personal favorite, the ‘sneaky squid spirit‘ that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends.

Now there is a new contender for the most outlandish and unbiblical demon yet, the ‘Wild Ass Spirit’,

Speaking during her School of Deliverance on February 9, 2021, Leclaire explains this demonic creature doesn’t want to let the leadership put a bit in its proverbial mouth, but rather just bucks and fights against their will.

Leclaire hopes by renouncing and denouncing it, they’ll do whatever the spiritual equivalent of breaking their congregants will, putting a saddle on their backs, and giving them a few swift kicks with the spurs.

‘Father in Jesus’ name, I renounce the Wild Ass Spirit. I renounce and repent for operating in a Wild-Ass Spirit in my church. I renounce anti-submissiveness, rejection of authority, untamed spirits, spirits of restraint, and other spirits that influence me to buck and fight against leadership.

Forgive me Lord for wanting my own way, refusing to yield to the leaders that you put in my life, and causing confusion, In Jesus name.

I speak to the Wild Ass Spirit, spirit of chaos, foolhardy spirits, impetuous spirits, reckless spirits, self-willed spirits, unbridled spirits and wayward spirits, and I command you to loose me, in the name of Jesus. I cast you out in the name of the Lord.

Teach me Lord how to submit to your spirit and to the leaders you put in my life to oversee my soul.

That is whole lot of spirits to be bound to. Tragically, there are people who take her insights very seriously, and find her brainfizz burbling to be enlightening.

Salt&Light points out that “LeClaire leads by example and teaches her students/followers how to overcome this “spirit” with a prayer of repentance that ultimately leads to total submission to leadership. Seeing as she is the Senior Leader of her “church”, this actually means total submission to HER leadership.

This Wild Ass Spirit is actually a little similar to the so-called “Religious Spirit”, with which LeClaire labels anyone who dares to point out Biblically the errors of her teaching. The Wild Ass Spirit is more of an internal tactic to control anyone who dares to question the “Leader”.

H/t to Salt and Light for the video and commentary