Prominent Charismatic Apostle Platforms Prophet Sadu For Fake ‘Second Civil War’ Prophecies

“Prophet” Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is the founder of Jesus Ministries, a “prophetic-evangelistic work which fulfills the call of God to pioneer evangelistic outreaches to people groups among whom Christ Jesus is little known or is never named.”
Based in India, Sadhu is marked by outlandish claims and bizarre teachings. He asserts that Jesus often appears to him in person, imparting special revelations and the secrets of the universe. He has taught that a man’s prayers will go unheard if he fails to satisfy his wife in bed, and famously insisted that the Apostle John is 2000 years old and still alive to this day. living on the island of Patmos.
Adding to the absurdity, Sadhu claims to have met him on several occasions, noting that he was very ‘handsome.’
With stories like those, it’s no wonder that Jennifer Leclaire recently platformed him. LeClaire is the former Senior Editor of Charisma Magazine and the current Senior Leader of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries and Awakening House of Prayer. Recently anointed an “apostle,” she’s known for frequently battling whole zoos of demons on a daily basis, including the ‘merman spirit,’ an ‘octopus spirit,’ the ‘wild-ass spirit,’ and our personal favorite, the ‘sneaky squid spirit.’
Before the 2024 American presidential election, Sadhu went on her show to discuss the revelation Jesus gave him about a possible upcoming civil war in America. He tells LeClaire, who eats it all up while claiming she’s also been spoken to by the Holy Spirit about it:
As I was praying the final prayer, when suddenly I saw in a vision, it’s like from a Heavenly perspective. Not heavenly heaven, just the sky above looking down, and I saw the whole map of North America. And from one end of the map I saw a huge portal of fire. It appeared, a portal of fire and the Lord moved through like peering through the fire.
So when the Lord Jesus stepped out of the portal, he looked down at North America and I saw fire everywhere, allover the United States. From the East Coast all the way right up to (mid-central Texas)…(There was) fire everywhere, pockets of fire everywhere. And I was looking at this fire, and I asked the Holy Spirit “what are these”? That’s when the Holy Spirit said “these are the Civil War that will break out in this nation.
…I feel this ties in with your coming general election, presidential election. If the right man comes to office, then this (second civil war) will not come to pass. If the wrong man comes to the office, then that represents the Beast.
It’s a word that means absolutely nothing and is completely unfalsifiable. It’s not prophecy; it’s pure nonsense and self-aggrandizement, and it’s about what we expect from both of them.
h/t Sean at Revealing Truth
Welcome to the unholy clown show in the final days…
Two things: First, Dang! I was at Patmos last year and didn’t know that John was there? I missed the chance to meet him! Second, IF the right/wrong MAN is elected? Jesus didn’t know the gender? He didn’t know who would be elected?
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