
Thousands of Lutheran Youth Chant ‘Free Free Palestine’ at Major ELCA Gathering

The only thing the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America hates more than sound doctrine is the country of Israel, demonstrated by their rabid fomenting at every chance they get, recently having 16,000 kids gathered at the ELCA 2024 Youth Gathering indulge in a spirited chant of “Free Free Palestine “while wearing the keffiyeh and waiving the Palestinian flags from the stage.

It’s an unsurprising move from one of the world’s wokest and most demonic denominations, who have made no secret of their Jew bias. This has been detailed in Head Of the Lutheran Denomination Blamed Israel For Hamas Attack, the time the ELCA and PCUSA Penned an Open Letter Asking USA Govt. To DENY Israel Weaponry+ Accuses Israel of War Crimes, that time the  ELCA Signd a Letter Bashing Israel and Repeating Pro-Hamas Talking Points, and the occasion where ELCA Conference of Bishops Calls for Permanent Bilateral Cease-fire in Gaza.

We also covered it after the denomination revealed they were giving direct aid to the Hamas huggers at the University of Minnesota’s pro-Palestine/anti-Israel encampment, encouraging others to do likewise across all college campuses, including the extra rowdy Columbia, for engaging in the “Holy Work” of protesting the divestment of funds from Israel.


ELCA Conference of Bishops Calls for Permanent Bilateral Cease-fire in Gaza+ Can’t Make Anyone Care

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 67 member Conference of Bishops has called for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza, according to a new press release, but given their ardent institutionalized anti-semitism and abject hatred for Israel, it’s unlikely that anyone other than Hamas cares. They write:

(The ELCA is) adding its voice to the growing group of faith leaders urgently calling for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza. We urge President Joe Biden, our legislators, and all who lead and make decisions on behalf of the United States to do everything in their power to bring an end to the current suffering and lay the foundation for lasting peace with justice.

..Mindful of the rise in hate targeted at people across complex intersections of race, ethnicity and religion—worldwide and nationally—we exhort our legislators, leaders and neighbors to oppose hate in all its forms, and we recommit ourselves to partnership in that same work. 

It would be an honest plea if not for the fact that we’ve already covered the hypocrisy and bad faith of one of the world’s wokest and most demonic denominations, such as the time the Head Of the Lutheran Denomination Blamed Israel For Hamas Attack, the time the ELCA and PCUSA Penned an Open Letter Asking USA Govt. To DENY Israel Weaponry+ Accuses Israel of War Crimes, and that time the  ELCA Signd a Letter Bashing Israel and Repeating Pro-Hamas Talking Points.

As it were, it’s just another pathetic plea from a bunch of demoniacs hellbent on bad-faith initiatives, having as much weight as the meth head outside the 7-Eleven on Seventh and Broadmoor last night that was shrieking into the wind and ranting about the price of refrigerators”


So…Uh…Jory Micah Is a Hamas-Defending, Israel-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist Now

Jory Micah is continuing her devolution into total anarchy and insanity, giving the world a living, breathing emblem of what it means to be wholly without the mind of Christ, despite her frequently-touted Master of Arts in Christian Doctrine and History.

When she’s not claiming white folk adopt black babies so they can ‘enslave’ & ‘abuse’ them, claiming she’s part of Antifa while spewing vitriol for police, or getting charged with aggravated assault for biting a police officer’s hand during her many public intoxication arrests, she’s reinvented herself as a Hamas-defending, Israel-hating conspiracy theorists.

Here are a few of her posts, the majority from the last 48 hours.

Church News Righteous Defiance

MacArthur Reflects on Recent Court Ruling: Shares News about New Parking

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church (GCC) gave a brief update to his congregation yesterday morning during the morning service, touching on the Church’s ability to stay open for the rest of the year, news we mentioned here, and commenting wryly on their parking situation.

I want to express my profound gratitude for the Lord for the way he has protected our church all these weeks. It is really amazing. This week was the seventh time that we have been brought into court. And we’re still here. And the court basically put no compunctions on us whatsoever. The reason is that all the efforts to hold us in contempt of court were for violation of health orders or to take away our parking lot can’t be adjudicated until the first amendment issue is dealt with, religious freedom, and that is a wall that the county has not been able to climb or go around.

So we’re still here and we have more parking than ever.

The parking comment is especially salient. The county announced several weeks ago that they were cutting GCC off from one of the parking lots they had been renting, ending a lease that had been in effect for 45 years, in an effort to force them to meet in fewer numbers, and prompting their lawyer Jenna Ellis to say:

The Church has peacefully held this lease for 45 years and the only reason the County is attempting eviction is because John MacArthur stood up to their unconstitutional power grab. This is harassment, abusive, and unconscionable.

While that is still an ongoing logistical issue to navigate, earlier in the service one of the announcers shared with the congregation the good news that Valley Beth Israel, the synagogue east of the church, has agreed to let the GCC use their parking between lot between 7:00 am and 1:00 pm, giving them additional much-needed space.

This will give the church nearly 100 additional parking spots and will certainly alleviate some of the pressure put on GCC, particularly with the lease set to expire before the next service.

As always, you can listen in to the original comments from MacArthur on the Bible Thumping Wingnut below, along with helpful commentary and context from Tim Hurd who has been aggregating and then sharing the segments.