ELCA Conference of Bishops Calls for Permanent Bilateral Cease-fire in Gaza+ Can’t Make Anyone Care

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 67 member Conference of Bishops has called for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza, according to a new press release, but given their ardent institutionalized anti-semitism and abject hatred for Israel, it’s unlikely that anyone other than Hamas cares. They write:
(The ELCA is) adding its voice to the growing group of faith leaders urgently calling for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza. We urge President Joe Biden, our legislators, and all who lead and make decisions on behalf of the United States to do everything in their power to bring an end to the current suffering and lay the foundation for lasting peace with justice.
..Mindful of the rise in hate targeted at people across complex intersections of race, ethnicity and religion—worldwide and nationally—we exhort our legislators, leaders and neighbors to oppose hate in all its forms, and we recommit ourselves to partnership in that same work.
It would be an honest plea if not for the fact that we’ve already covered the hypocrisy and bad faith of one of the world’s wokest and most demonic denominations, such as the time the Head Of the Lutheran Denomination Blamed Israel For Hamas Attack, the time the ELCA and PCUSA Penned an Open Letter Asking USA Govt. To DENY Israel Weaponry+ Accuses Israel of War Crimes, and that time the ELCA Signd a Letter Bashing Israel and Repeating Pro-Hamas Talking Points.
As it were, it’s just another pathetic plea from a bunch of demoniacs hellbent on bad-faith initiatives, having as much weight as the meth head outside the 7-Eleven on Seventh and Broadmoor last night that was shrieking into the wind and ranting about the price of refrigerators”
Ignore the noise, Israel.
I’m not sure that the ELCA qualifies as Christian any more, much less Lutheran.