
Breaking! Interim Hillsong Leader Says Founder Brian Houston Committed ‘Indiscretions’ with Two Women

A year after Hillsong head honcho Brian Houston fired Pastor Carl Lentz of their New York Branch for having an adulterous relationship, interim Global Senior Pastor Phil Dooley, who took over leadership duties from Brian Houston in January so the founder he could focus on his upcoming court case where he’s been accused of covering up the sexual abuse of a minor, told over 800 staff members at during a Zoom meeting Friday morning that Houston committed several ‘indiscretions’ towards two women, according to Crikey News.

One involved sending a staff member flirtatious messages about a decade ago. “It was along the line of, ‘If I was with you, I’d like to kiss and cuddle you,’ words of that nature,” said Dooley. She felt upset and awkward by the encounter and reported the incident to Hillsong general manager George Aghajanian, and then quit her job. The woman was given several months’ salary as severance, with Dooley explaining “Pastor Brian said, ‘I want to pay that personally because it was my fault,’ because it was a personal indiscretion.”

The second one was more recent, and it involved a visibly intoxicated Houston spending almost an hour in a woman’s hotel room alone with her, after a Hillsong conference at Qudos Bank Arena in 2019. Doley explains:

“It was after one of the conference nights and he was drinking with a group…later that evening he went to go to his room. Didn’t have his room key and ended up knocking on the door of this woman’s room and she opened the door and he went into her room.

 …The truth is we don’t know what happened next. The woman has not said there was any sexual activity. Brian has said there was no sexual activity but he was in the room for 40 minutes.  He doesn’t have much of a recollection because of the mixture of the anxiety tablets and the alcohol. The woman had also been drinking and so her recollection was not completely coherent.”

After the incident, Houston paid for her conference fees and swore he’d take a three-month sabbatical to deal with his issues and stop drinking, after Hillsongs global board appointed 4 long-serving figures to act as an “integrity unit” but as Dooley explains:

It was decided Brian should take three months off from ministry but unfortunately, he didn’t abide by that. He did conduct some ministry, I believe on three separate occasions… and he also did, as he would say, consume some alcohol.”

He concluded by telling them the staffers, who have been rocked by several scandals over the last three years:

“We’re deeply sorry for those victims and for what they’ve had to go through and what they’ve had to endure. We acknowledge Pastor Brian has made significant mistakes here and no one at a senior level wants to cover any of that up, but to come to a place of healing that involves honesty, that involves transparency, that involves repentance and an acknowledgment that mistakes have been made and a desire to make it right.

We also want to pray for Pastor Brian and for Bobbie and the family. Sin is messy and it brings all kinds of pain.”


Hillsong Head Honcho Slams New Hillsong Documentary

Hillsong interim Global Senior Pastor Phil Dooley carved out some time during his service to take some shots at the new Discovery+ docuseries about their church, accusing the producers of having the intended goal of hurting them, without appreciating their contributions.

Two weeks ago, the Discovery Channel dropped their trailer for ‘Hillsong: A Megachurch Exposed’ series, the first of two secular produced shows that will document the rise and fall of Hillsong NYC. The church, which counted celebrities and athletes among their members, was rocked by a series of scandals featuring out-of-control behavior by their pastors and elders, culminating in lead pastor Carl Lentz being exposed as having a 5 month-long affair, one of several, that resulted in his firing and the implosion at what was once considered the coolest church in the world.

The 3-part investigatory docuseries, which will be released March 24 and will feature, among other things, never-before-seen footage that the disgraced Lentz that he sent his mistress.

“There are those who don’t like the church. There are those who are against what God’s doing. We have a few Sanballat’s and Tobiah’s (Ed. Note. Two people who opposed Nehemiah rebuilding the wall) to deal with ourselves and we felt the pain of that. Sadly there is a documentary about our church coming out soon, surprise surprise, and that picture it paints is far removed from I believe the truth of who we are as a church. There are people who have been hurt by their experience in our church and that saddens me. For those people, I say ‘we’re deeply sorry and we pray that you’ll find healing’, But there are also producers behind this documentary and their purpose is not the healing of people, but simply to hurt the church.”

It is telling however that he frames it as ‘people who have been hurt by their experience in our church’ rather than ‘people we have hurt through our hypocrisy in the church’. The former is basically no different than apologizing by saying “I’m sorry you were offended.” There is much less culpability there.

Dooley then goes to recount, frequently with voice cracking and sounding on the edge of tears, all the works of their mercy their church does, from helping support disadvantaged and disabled children in schools to partnering with Compassion to sponsor children, to teaching kids digital skills, to welcoming and sponsoring Syrian refugees new to the country, to helping lift children out of poverty who live in dumps in India.

I wish that was the exposé because that’s the church that I know. It’s never claimed to be a perfect church, I’ve been part of this church for over 30 years… I’m taking a little bit of time today but I think it’s important because I know our church is not perfect and it’s never claimed to be. But our church is full of good people doing their best to love Jesus and follow him, who are determined to grow in their faith and raise their family well and do their very best to make a positive contribution to the community they live in. To pursue their dreams and serve and love others and have a little bit of fun along the way, because that’s okay as well guys.

Dooley and his wife Lucinda, who formerly pastored Hillsong Church Cape Town, have taken over the role of head of the Global Hillsong Church from Brian and Bobbie Houston, the former who stepped down while under investigation that he helped cover up the sexual abuse of a minor from his pedophile dad.


More Top Hillsong Pastors Resign, Do Not Give Reason Why

In what has been a continuing trend over the last two years, another pair of Hillsong pastors have resigned, with the lead pastors of Hillsong London Robby and Jenny Lewis announcing their departure last week, after more than 12 years with the UK branch. They will be replaced by young adult pastors Daniel and Jo Watson.

The Lewis’ did not give a reason for their departure, only stating:

“I just want to say “thank you” to every single one of you for the last 12 and a half years. Everything that you’ve poured into me, all the encouragement and the love and allowing me to be a part of your life. I said a number of years ago, I said ‘I am who I am today because of all of you’ and I absolutely mean that. We’re here, we’re standing here, because of you, because of all the encouragement, because of who you are that’s rubbed off on us, and we couldn’t be more grateful. We are grateful, we are eternally grateful and thank you, thank you, thank you.”

The resignation was a surprise to many, given that the church recently purchased the Golders Green Hippodrome for over $7 million dollars and was gearing up for the future. While we are hopeful for everyone’s sake that nothing else is amiss, these sudden announcements of pastors leaving have not gone historically well for the global megachurch.

This follows the termination of Carl and Laura Lentz from Hillsong NYC, as Pastor Reed and Jess Bogard resigning from Hillsong Dallas, the former who left after having an affair, and the latter who likely would have been terminated, after an investigation found a culture of dysfunction and lavish lifestyle, resulting in Global Senior Pastor Brian Houston shutting down the whole church.

h/t Christian Today


Hillsong Apologizes to Gov’t after Church Kids caught ‘Singing and Dancing’ to Secular Music at Youth Camp

Hillsong Church has apologized to the New South Wales government after a now-deleted video emerged showing tons of teens attending their youth camp dancing and singing maskless in close proximity, violating the state’s strict Covid-19 public health orders. The singing and dancing were not during worship time, but rather a concert and DJ show.

This revelation led Premier Dominic Perrottet to explain that he was “completely shocked” by the video. In NSW, public health orders ban singing and dancing at music festivals, hospitality venues, nightclubs, entertainment facilities and major recreation facilities, with churches being given an exception for worship – but not for this.

South West Health Minister Brad Hazzard explained, “While the order does not apply to religious services, it does apply to major recreation facilities and this event is clearly in breach of both the spirit and intent of the order, which is in place to help keep the community safe…”

In response to this, Hillsong issued a statement on their website, noting:

These camps have a Christian focus and include worship services. Over a three-day duration the percentage of time spent singing is minor. However we regret giving any perception that we were not playing our part to keep NSW safe and we sincerely apologise to the community at large. Our heart is for people, and loving and caring for all people is at the core of our church.

We have since spoken to NSW Health and received instruction to cease congregant/student singing and dancing during the services that occur on the campsite and have immediately and willingly enacted that instruction.


Hillsong Christmas Features Shirtless Men Drumming to Worship Songs

Hillsong is getting beat up a bit, and rightfully so. They’re no stranger to controversy when it comes to their Christmas productions, most of which feature lascivious displays of writhing flesh and poor choices, resulting in Hillsong frequently deleting the videos so as to avoid criticism.

As a result, the famed megachurch has put on a lot of awful productions in their time. There was the insane one, the satanic Buddhist dance, the one depicting Jesus born in a riotous bar, (since deleted), Hillsong’s sensuality Christmas show with fleshly dancers, the Hillsong show with women writhing in nothing but towels, and their infamous ‘Silent Night Sleazy Night’ Christmas special from several years ago (also since deleted). Recently there was the immodest, irrelevant Tina Turner cover and then the new one with more displays of the flesh.

Let’s add one more to the list. This newest video comes from Hillsong London as part of their ‘Carols’ show and features two muscular, well-built black men drumming shirtless to Little Drummer Boy and Come all Ye Faithful while white woman belts out the song.

We don’t know why these two men had to be shirtless, considering that within a minute of playing, several other drummers enter the stage, all wearing shirts and pants. Later on other male dancers come on stage and they are also shirtless, only wearing a sash across their chests.

For Hillsong, apparently, the lack of clothing must be needed to make a statement, or in some way to be impactful and entertaining, as it happens so often. We have no idea why, but by now Hillsong Christmas Productions and ‘lack of skin coverage’ go hand-in-hand and have basically become a meme, which is an indictment not only on the churches, but the congregants who attend them.


Hillsong Christmas Service Features Woman Swinging from Moon Wearing Dress Made of Mirrors+ Much More

Hillsong Church is no stranger to controversy when it comes to their Christmas productions, most of which feature lascivious displays of writhing flesh and poor choices, resulting in Hillsong frequently deleting the videos so as to avoid criticism.

As a result, the famed megachurch has put on a lot of awful productions in their time. There was the insane one, the satanic Buddhist dance, the one depicting Jesus born in a riotous bar, (since deleted), Hillsong’s sensuality Christmas show with fleshly dancers, the Hillsong show with women writhing in nothing but towels, and their infamous ‘Silent Night Sleazy Night’ Christmas special from several years ago (also since deleted). Recently there was the immodest, irrelevant Tina Turner cover.

Unfortunately, (Or fortunately) due to the rise of COVID-19 cases, many Hillsong campuses and churches have chosen to cancel their Christmas extravaganzas this year, such as Hillsong UK, which put off their London Carols show until next year, despite investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into the production, or Hillsong New York, which has canceled all services for the remainder of the year.

But some services still went as planned, such as this one, which, among other things, features a woman swinging from the moon wearing a dress made of mirrors singing secular songs as if the church is the most perfect and natural place to be doing this.

As spiritually cringey as that is, it’s mild compared to these next videos, which feature a host of upsetting surprises- anything from more women dancing in at the altar in other inappropriate garb, ladies dressed as neon butterflies flying from the ceiling, and a gaggle of teenage girls choreographing a dance to the worship song Hark! The Herald Angels Sing this point, why not? More cowbell!


Hillsong Does Immodest Rendition of Tina Turner Song for….Christmas?

Hillsong Church is no stranger to controversy when it comes to their Christmas productions, most of which feature lascivious displays of writhing flesh and poor choices, resulting in Hillsong frequently deleting the videos so as to avoid criticism.

As a result, the famed megachurch has put on a lot of awful productions in their time. There was the insane one, the satanic Buddhist dance, the one depicting Jesus born in a riotous bar, (since deleted), Hillsong’s sensuality Christmas show with fleshly dancers, the Hillsong show with women writhing in nothing but towels, and their infamous ‘Silent Night Sleazy Night’ Christmas special from several years ago (also since deleted).

While we eagerly await to see what offerings will come from their 2021 extravaganzas, a newly unearthed 2019 production from Hillsong UK shows yet another example of the lengths that they’ll go to keep the flock entertained has emerged. As a point of reference, this is the same church where earlier this year, the pastor bragged he had the ‘Hillsong Starter Pack’: Fedora, Leather, Boots, Skinny Jeans, and Hot Wife.

In this case, in a show that had half topless men dancing around and a bizarre scene where two men danced and then popped a leg after a spin, they did a rendition of Tina Turner’s ‘Rolling in the River’ with altered lyrics dressed in immodest attire. We have no idea why they felt this was necessary, but then again it’s Hillsong, and very little surprises us anymore.

h/t to Salt and Light for the video

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Ponytailed Brian Houston Meets Elders for Secret Meetings at $1500-a-night Hotel

Embattled Hillsong head honcho Brian Houston and his senior elder team held secret meetings, dined at swanky restaurants, and stayed in $1500-a-night hotels rooms while considering church business and their next move as Houston awaits his trial over concealing his late father’s sexual abuse, as well as the ongoing hit to their reputation following a series of high-profile financial and sex scandals at their American plants, according to the DailyMail Uk.

They report that Houston and 10 other senior elders and board members of the Hillsong juggernaut spent two days at the 5-star Park Hyatt, along with three other staff members, discussing the future of their church empire. Wife Bobbie Houston, who is also a senior Hillsong pastor stopped by to offer moral support but did not attend any meetings, given she has no formal role on any elder boards. 

Two months ago, Houston stepped down from 18 of 19 Hillsong church boards, in order not to be a ‘distraction’ to their operations as he deals with the fallout of the police investigation. DMA further writes:

“At a white board session on Thursday, Mr Houston could be seen speaking seriously and gesticulating to attendees, who included other Hillsong elders who dialed in via video conferencing. 

The mood looked less somber as the group broke for a snack around 11am, with Mr. Houston chatting with board members, Sydney financial adviser Dr. Stephen Crouch and Hillscorp property developer Phillip Denton.

…Of concern to Hillsong currently is the poorly performing Hillsong Channel, a Christian-themed TV network and the joint venture of Hillsong and the American Trinity Broadcasting Network.

It is unclear why Houston and his people stayed in such a luxurious hotel, given that his $4,000,000 mansion is only 30 minutes away, but we imagine that given his many millions, it was basically peanuts.


Discovery+ Announces New Hillsong Docuseries Airing Soon+ Reveals Participants

Discovery + announced new details on their upcoming docuseries on the fall of Carl Lentz and the scandals that rocked Hillsong Church in 2020 and 2021, including the list of key participants who will play a big role in the narrative.

Claiming it will be an “explosive three-part documentary series” the new show is called HILLSONG: A MEGACHURCH EXPOSED, and will premiere, the show aims to:

“…Weigh in on Hillsong Church’s alleged exploitation, abuse and coverups are former Hillsong pastors, volunteers who witnessed the corruption and a student who was assaulted by a Hillsong employee. The series will also examine how the star-studded Hillsong was able to grow into a global brand that attracted high-profile celebrity attendees, unearth the truth behind headlines of recent scandals and shine a light on the fine line between culture, corporation and cult….(the show will also) profile numerous ex-members of the church who have come forward en masse, to share harrowing allegations of the trauma, abuse, financial and labor exploitation and homophobia that created a culture of chaos at Hillsong.

Key participants include:

  • Ranin Karim — Had a 5-month affair with Carl Lentz, which ultimately led to Lentz’s termination from Hillsong
  • Hannah Frishberg — New York Post reporter who has covered Hillsong’s scandals and alleged abuse in the aftermath of Carl Lentz’s firing
  • Jaclyn Hayes — Former volunteer at Wave Church in Virginia Beach, where Carl Lentz served as a pastor prior to joining Hillsong, who alleges he exhibited controlling behavior towards her
  • Janice Lagata — Former Hillsong student and volunteer who had close working relationships with Hillsong NYC’s church leadership, including Carl Lentz, and who frequently raised concerns about gender and racial inequality within the church
  • Ben Kirby — Author with expertise on megachurches and creator of the viral Instagram account PreachersNSneakers which chronicles the expensive wardrobe worn by some pastors.”

To see a list of some these things that will be covered, click here and start reading

The upcoming film will surely be a bitter pill to swallow for Hillsong’s head honcho Brian Houston, whose American wing has been embroiled in several high-profile scandals all year, so much so that he had to disband and shut down one of them, and who likely isn’t happy to have the dirty laundry aired in public.

Hillsong HQ launched an internal investigation into the New York branch but never made the findings public. At the time, Houston said that the Church failed in “significant ways” to reflect the culture they wished to impart. Houston also said previously in a leaked phone recording that there was a “culture of dysfunction” at Hillsong and other officials confirmed that the misadventures of staffers using the church like a seedy dating service, “sleeping around” with volunteers and asking them to send nude pictures was “mostly true.”


Hillsong Senior Leader Brian Houston’s Court Case Deferred to Next Year

Hillsong’s Senior Global Pastor Brian Houston’s trial for concealing sexual abuse was supposed to begin yesterday, but it has been postponed until the new year, according to the Downing Centre Local Court in Sydney, Australia.

The case of R v Brian Charles Houston has been deferred until at least after January of 2022. Houston has pleaded “not guilty” to charges of concealing the sexual abuse of a 7-year-old boy by his deceased father more than 30 years ago- a case which investigators took two years to build.

If convicted, he faced 5 years in prison.

In 2014, a Royal Commission confirmed that Pastor Frank Houston, who had a sexual interest in the Lord’s little ones, confessed to abusing the young boy in 1969 and 1970. Brian Houston was made aware of the allegations in 1999, five years before his father passed, but did not go to the police and turn his father in.

In the last month, Houston, 67, has stepped down 18 of 19 Hillsong church boards that oversee the governance of the more than 150,000 people in 30 countries, doing so in order that “these boards can function to their fullest capacity during this season.”

The case will be back before the courts on January 27 for a mention, with the trial certainly to be pushed back further than that.