Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA

Jory Micah Ditches the Bible, Now Trusts her own ‘Inner Guidance System’

Jory Micah continues her slide further and further into apostasy, giving us a living, breathing emblem of what it means to be wholly without the mind of Christ. Micah announced on Twitter that she does not regard the bible to be her “final authority anymore,” explaining that, “what I trust most now is my inner guidance system.”

Micah is known across social media as a sensation for those man-hating liberal feminazi types who want to pretend like they still practice some form of piety while hating anything and everything about the God revealed in Scripture. Not particularly unique or original in her own right, she is essentially the knock-off brand of Jen Hatmaker, or perhaps the “Wish” version of Beth Moore, only about 20 percent more honest.

Spiritual prostitutes like the aforementioned latched on to her as their disciple. Even her husband Luke, who apparently wears the apron in the family, has made it his personal duty to reject “so-called biblical gender roles” and be submissive to his wife. While claiming to be a minister of God, it is no secret that she is in rebellion against her creator and has taken to social media to wage war against Him.

Case in point, her recent tweet, which is a great example of some unbiblical underwater 4-D chess logic.

She follows this up with this scintillating observation.

If only Micah were wise enough to know that “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it,” perhaps she wouldn’t make her own sinful, pagan, unredeemed “inner guidance system” the final authority and arbiter over the Scriptures. This is particularly true when she can’t even trust what “Christian theology teaches” because that just dissolves into a further morass of subjective interpretation.

And where has doing so gotten her so far? She’s denied the Trinity and the inspiration and inerrancy of the scriptures, particularly the Apostle Paul, who she really doesn’t seem to like. She’s openly LGBTQ affirming. She has some strange views on God being a woman and Jesus maybe not being a man. Previously, Micah has said she wishes Oprah were her pastor and recorded herself crying and blamed John MacArthur.

We’re talking ratchet wrench levels of “tool of Satan” over here.

Mercifully, as far as enemies at the gate go, she is not subtle and is able to quickly be spotted, assessed, and picked off.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Fred K.C Price, Prominent Word-of-Faith Heretic and Megachurch Pastor Dies of COVID-19

Televangelist Frederick K. C. Price, the well-known word-of-faith heretic and founder of the 28,000-member Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) megachurch, has passed away from COVID-19 at the age of 89, according to a Facebook post by his family.

Price authored more than 50 books on divine healing, faith, prosperity, and the Holy Spirit. He founded the Fellowship of International Christian Word of Faith Ministries (FICWFM), Ever-Increasing Faith Ministries, and Apostle Price Ministry Training Center. He had an international audience, with his live stream services reaching around 15 million people each week.

A mainstay on TBN, he was well known as a word-of-faith/prosperity gospel preacher. In fact, he described himself as “the chief exponent of Name It and Claim It” and was the “OG” of the movement, along with Creflo Dollar, Paul and Jan Crouch, Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland.

According to GotQuestions:

At the heart of the Word of Faith movement is the belief in the “force of faith.” It is believed words can be used to manipulate the faith-force, and thus actually create what they believe Scripture promises (health and wealth). Laws supposedly governing the faith-force are said to operate independently of God’s sovereign will and that God Himself is subject to these laws…it claims that God created human beings in His literal, physical image as little gods…and as a result, we have the ability to manipulate the faith-force and become prosperous in all areas of life. Illness, sin, and failure are the result of a lack of faith.

In short, it is a false gospel, “another gospel” as the Apostle Paul says, and is not compatible with biblical Christianity.

Naturally, the charismatics at Charisma News are beside themselves. They describe him as a “great man of God” who will be “remembered for his passionate, and often controversial, teachings.”

Former Charisma magazine editor Jennifer LeClaire, purveyor of the “sneaky squid spirit” that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends, was effusive in her praise when describing the arch-heretic as a “giant in the faith” and “a general” who shaped her beliefs and influenced her, thanking him for his sacrifice.

Longtime friend Kenneth Copeland wrote on his own Facebook page three days before he passed and hearing the news that he was battling COVID-19:

What a man of God! What a man of faith and power! I don’t believe this disease can kill him. We as a family, and ministry, are standing strong for Apostle Frederick Price!” 

He leaves behind Betty, his wife of 67 years, and 4 children.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Judah Smith and Churchome Bring on Trinity-Denier T.D Jakes as Board Member

Pastors Judah and Chelsea Smith of Churchome, a hip-to-be-cool, celebrity-endorsed 10,000 member megachurch, further cemented their theological obliviousness by bringing on Trinity-denying Modalist T. D. Jakes as a Board Member of their congregation, effective January 1, 2021.

The Seattle-based church, spread across its five locations in Washington State and California, joins other celebrity preachers like now-disgraced Carl Lentz and Elevation Church’s Steven Futick in having very close ties with the “Jesus is a manifestion of God” Pentecostal Bishop. They made the announcement on their website, writing:

Bishop TD Jakes has been in church leadership for more than 40 years, and is the founder and senior pastor of The Potter’s House Church. He has been in relationship with Churchome since 2006. 

One of the world’s most revered faith leaders, his passion to bring people together is evident over his decades of ministry. He is an inspiration in matters of reconciliation and racial diversity. The wisdom of his collective experience leading people to Jesus, and instinct to serve others in areas beyond the church brings invaluable leadership to the Churchome board.

It is not a supremely surprising move, given that both men have had close ties for years, speaking at conferences together and even at each other’s churches.

By way of a brief profile, the Smiths are about as seeker-sensitive and biblically compromised as they come. They live in a multi-million dollar home and have a penchant for Gucci luxury clothes, where a single outfit can cost upwards of $ 5000$. They count Justin Bieber as one of their members and let him occasionally lead worship, with theoerotic songs like Reckless Love being a mainstay.

He frequently tweets stupid, unbiblical things like this, clearly having no knowledge of Acts 10:38, 2 Corinthians 5:10, John 5:22, 27, and other scriptures.

He is, by all accounts, emblematic of the skinny-jeans-wearing soyboy pastors that breed effemininity and are a blight on the church today.

As for where the couple stands on abortion and LGBT issues, more unbiblical, cagey, waffling garbage abounds. In a long-form article in Marie Claire that is worth the read, writer Jennifer Swann quickly zeroes in on the ethos of the couple.

Regarding his 2005 comments on abortion, (where he preached against it) Judah says (through his publicist), ‘We have grown significantly in the past 15 years. I wouldn’t agree with my approach when I was a young pastor on many issues and understand that no life decision is easy. We hope to be a loving home for humanity, no matter what someone has experienced.’

When I ask Chelsea what she would say to a member of her congregation considering an abortion, she is quick to clarify that, unlike a priest, a pastor—at least at Churchome—isn’t meant to provide counsel. ‘We know what we’re good at, which is the Bible and Jesus and telling His story. And we know what we’re not good at. There are amazing trained professional psychologists and counselors [for that].’

That’s why, on the Churchome Global app, the Smiths titled a section of videos ‘Question and Response’ rather than ‘Question and Answer.’

Throughout the two days we spend together, Chelsea has few answers for me. So I call her up a few weeks later to ask more questions: What is Churchome’s position on LGBTQ members, for example? ‘Every individual is entitled to their own persuasion, and it’s not our job to persuade. It’s just our job to proclaim. They feel just as loved and welcome and a part of our community,’ Chelsea says.

Have Judah’s views on homosexuality changed since 2005? ‘We are a church who love and welcome people regardless of their beliefs or background,’ he says. Would Churchome be open to having a gay pastor? After a long pause, Chelsea says, ‘We are very much in the category of “We love everybody. God is for everybody. And God’s heart is for people.” So our hearts are for people, and that is where we land, absolutely.’

Having TD Jakes on their church board, as bad as that is, is clearly the least of their problems.

Church Featured Heresies

Chris Blackeby Appears on Charisma Mag Podcast: Dude Believes He’s Jesus

Chris Blackeby, an itinerant Australian former youth pastor who peddles himself as one who “demystifies the mystic,” travels with the more fringe charismatics, and has been known to frequent a Charisma podcast a time or two, posted this wonderful gem on his Facebook page, recycling some of the “we are little gods” theology from hucksters of yesteryear.

Blackeby, who heads up the one-man show that is As He Is Ministries seems to specialize in proselytizing two abiding principles. One is an extreme form of “I don’t want religion, I want a relationship,” where he describes religion not as the scripture does in James 1:27, but rather as “cruel” and “poisonous” rule-keeping that has “Satan as its’ father.”

The second is some sort of interpretation of a hyper-theosis, believing that we are “the expression of Christ,” that we are sons of God, and that the “s” in “sons” should probably be capitalized in some way.

By way of background, he once was a youth pastor at a large church that might rhyme with “Billsong” who became extremely became ill in his early thirties. This prognosis rocked his whole world, explaining “I found out that either Christianity’s not true, or the bible’s not true, or God’s not true, or I fundamentally misunderstood something.” [Editor’s note: Bet on the last option to win. There is nothing wrong with God or His created religion seen in the Scriptures.]

Allegedly given 6 months to live, he decided to travel during this time, going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it, receiving revelation from Jesus and emerging healed of his sickness and armed with the message that “the gospel is not what we were told.”

Fast forward to a few years later, and Blackeby has recently appeared on Liz Wright’s Live your Best Life Podcast, which is part of the Charisma Podcast Network. He joins Michael Brown, Stephen Strange, Shawn Bolz, and a host of other theological misfits who have the words “prophetic” and “kingdom” in their names.

While Liz listens in rapt attention, he shares the following teaching, much to her joy and amazement:

You can try to be a good Christian, which is something that we’ve made up, but Jesus wasn’t a Christian. Jesus wasn’t a Christian. We’re like him. He was a son of God. He was the Son of God. The unique Son of God, and he’s made us the unique Son of God, the (unintelligible).

We are Him. You are the beloved Son. I’m the beloved Son. We are the beloved Son of God. We are him, and we have his standing immediately….

People say what’s your prayer life like? I literally wake up and walk out the front door, and I walk around and I pretend I’m God. (Liz comments, “right – because you’re one with him…”).

If a giraffe has a baby giraffe, it’s all giraffe. If God has a son, it’s all God. Like I am of Him. I’m not Yahweh that made me, I’m of his substance, and I have His nature. So the sermon on the mount is not a list of things to attain to, it describes me.”

You can see then why posting his “In Christ, I’m Christ” message should be taken as more than mere misguided theosis, but rather as the abject blasphemy it is.

We reached out to Charisma for comment but they did not respond at the time of this article.