
Texas ‘Church’ Holds Drag Queen Bingo Event to Fund LGBTQ+ Mission+ Dollar Bills Galore

First Christian Church in Katy, Texas, is a hot mess of blasphemy and heresy, a place where demon-inhabited pagans go to cosplay as Christians before doubling over in laughter, rolling around on the ground in ecstasy and delight in own hilarity.

How else do you explain why this ‘church,’ led by the jezebellian Rev. Heather Tolleson, would prominently features lesbians kissing on the front page of their church website?

A member of the apostate Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination, they also run the Transparent Closet, which is “a free clothing boutique for youth, teens, and young adults who are transitioning or gender exploring” that offers “clothing, shoes, jewelry, (chest) binders, and more.” Everything in the closet is free and offers “a place for youth and young adults to shop and try on clothes that is safe.”

The church reveals they don’t have any “official stances” on topics like “heaven and hell, sin and salvation, end times, or the divinity of Jesus.”

Instead, their Statement of Faith Disbelief, which reads with the same alacrity and spirit a sex pervert writes the plot of his newest snuff film, looks more like this:

In any case, for a bit of fun, this ragtag group of heretics and malcontents hosted drag bingo, where children and adults alike could play bingo while drag queens waltzed around collecting dollar bills from eager congregants, delighted with every new evil machination.


Country Music Singer Defies Tennessee Anti-Drag Show Law Using Her Young Son as a Prop

The state of Tennessee recently joined a growing number of conservatively governed states in criminalizing drag queen shows that take place in public or in venues where children could be exposed to the degeneracy of demonic crossdressers. The law carries with it some significant penalties. A first-time offender may be charged with a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a $2,500 fine and a year in jail. Those who break the law a second time will be charged with a Class E felony and face a maximum of six years in jail.

Though one would hope that Tennessee, which is largely populated by conservatives, would applaud their government in taking a strong stand for the truth, a prominent citizen is not thrilled with the new law.

Maren Morris, a country music artist, recently spoke out against this legislation. Morris even went as far as using her young son, who just turned three-years-old, as a prop in her wicked opposition to the bill. Earlier this week, Morris sang at a concert featuring a Nashville drag queen named Alexia Noelle. During the course of this event, the country artist bragged about exposing her son to the group of gender-confused perverts performing at the event. Morris stated:

“I brought my son here earlier today for sound check … and we got to go in the room where all the queens were getting ready and doing their makeup. And he freaked out when he went in there because it’s just magic what drag queens do. There’s wigs everywhere, and the smell of hairspray and wig glue; there’s glitter; everyone’s in a good mood. It’s just like a room of love. And we went back to my dressing room and my son is like, ‘I need the queens!'”

Unsurprisingly, the singer concluded her statement with filthy language, saying, “Yes, “I introduced my son to some drag queens today, so Tennessee, f***ing arrest me!”

One can only hope this deviant and unfit mother will be arrested under Tennessee’s new law. It goes without saying that any woman or man that would expose a child to this type of perversion should face significant consequences.

Country music was once thought of as one of the last holdouts in the entertainment industry that had not been affected by cancerous and demonic liberal ideology. If this was ever true, it certainly is not now. This cult of perversion will come for every facet of society, and it has even corrupted the professing church as we covered Church Encourages Children to bring 5$ Bills to ‘Tip’ Drag Queens Following Sunday Drag Performance and A Convention for ‘Christian DragQueens’? LGBTQ Christians Announce ‘Spiritual DragCon.

It is our prayer that godly men will stand up and protect their children from this wicked ideology, and do as the Proverbs tell us and “train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

This article was written Reverend J.W. Baker as a Guest Post for Protestia


Legendary Drag Queen Sings ‘Peace On Earth’ In Church. It’s Awful

Drag Queen Ruby Rims, a legendary performer who has been practicing her particularly perverse form of entertainment for decades, sings Peace On Earth at the open and affirming First Church Somerville in Somerville, MA.

The video is notable in that it was over 10 years ago, at a ‘Drag Gospel Brunch’ that the event took place, well before it was as socially and religiously acceptable as it is now in progressive circles.


Church Encourages Children to bring 5$ Bills to ‘Tip’ Drag Queens Following Sunday Drag Performance

A church in Alberta is encouraging children to bring with them a 5$ bill to church, so they can tip the drag queens who will be reading to them in a drag queen story hour directly following the service.

Led by Re.v Trish Schmermund, the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)- basically the Canadian version of the ELCA. It has long been regarded as one of the most progressive in the country. According to the church website:

Holy Spirit Lutheran Church is a diverse and growing parish community….We seek to be an affirming place for all including LGBTQ2SIA+, life-long Christians and newcomers to the faith (please see our Welcome Statement.)

….This church does not silence people, in fact, encourages us to be loud and proud. Holy Spirit is welcoming and really welcomes all! The washrooms are amazing, non-gendered, and nice and warm in the winter. If you’re looking for conversation, both pastors have ears to listen and wisdom to share.”

Fun fact. As a personal note, this writer attended there for a month or so, almost 20 years ago, as a newer believer. After they announced a same-sex wedding occurring in the church later that weekend I ghosted them

H/t The Dissenter.


Awkward! Church Hosts ‘Drag Queen Story Time’- But the Kids Don’t Want to Come Forward

Silver Spire United Church in Canada is quite possibly the most LGBTQIAWOMXZGFDUR&$^@ church on earth. Meticulously assembled by Lucifer himself and seemingly populated exclusively by lesbians and effeminate men, it’s entirely possible that anyone not ready to proudly shout their pronouns would burn up instantly upon entry into the sanctuary. The church is not only affirming of every sexual perversion invented by man and devil alike, but every indication is that its constant pervasiveness and promotion of it would exhaust all but the most strident of believers.

It’s under these auspicious settings that the church hosted a Drag Queen Story Time during their June 5, 2022 service, which is their third story hour in the last 12 months. During the service, the drag queens ask any children to come forwards….but none of them do. They and the pastrix spend a few minutes awkwardly trying to cajole a couple of kids into joining them at the front, but it’s not happening. Eventually, a manchild and a few other adults come to the front and the queens seem to resign themselves to reading gay story books to adults until a lone mother brings her small child to the front, granting them a meager audience.

Bonus. Enjoy their rendition of this queer hymn by Unitarian Universalist Adam Tice, which is sure to be the next ‘Amazing Grace’ or A Mighty Fortress”

Quirky, queer, and wonderful

Quirky, queer, and wonderful, distinct, unique, and odd… all of our humanity reveals the face of God.

No “normal” can encompass or comprehend the range of all the kinds of people that God created strange!

From Jesus we learn riddles; he said the last are first. He tweaked received religion with role that he reversed.

To Peter, God presented untouchable cuisine and said “Do not call dirty what I declare is clean.”

In Christ the false divisions of gender, class, and race, can never separate us from God’s abundant grace.

The many parts that form us each serve a different role. In Christ, we are one body, made holy, good, and whole. —Adam M. L. Tice, 2015


Drag Queen UMC Pastor Releases F-Bomb Laden ‘Slam Poem’ Torching The Bible as Uninspired

What a weird title, I know, but it’s hard to tell which denomination is the most apostate. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) usually eventually pulls ahead of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the United Methodist Church in a race to see who is going to hell in a handbag the fastest, but this time the UMC really got a good head start thanks to this young man.

‘Pastor’ Issac Simmons is a 24-year-old openly gay man who’s been cheered and celebrated for being a drag queen performer of some notoriety named ‘ Ms. Penny Cost.’ Simmons, who speaks at UMC churches demon-holes across the country, uploaded a new ‘slam poem’ video on his website, and it is something to behold.

Blatantly titled “The Bible is Nothing” the video contains blasphemy, profanity, homoerotic references, a denial of God, and a posture of menace towards the scripture. Some of the lyrics are:

The Bible is nothing
Nothing but poetry pain and performance.
The bible is no more holy than Allen Ginsburg’s howls of life
No more peaceful than Oscar Wilde’s Requiescat in pace,
And no more stronger than Tammy F*cking Faye’s g*ddamn eyelash glue….

God must be f*cking nothing
If her… transubstantiated bodies of color are rundown,
beaten and strewn in the streets of America.

How can you know, how dare you say that the words of the Bible are literal
When my queer siblings know them best as literal bullets and batons,
lashes of liturgy and stings of Scripture
The bible is nothing.

God must be nothing. God must be nothing if her rainbow bedazzled, armour dissipated around Matthew Shepard as he cried his last tears.
God must be nothing if she allowed the pulse of her self portraits
to wither away in that bloodied Orlando nightclub

God is nothing, but if she were
She would be a seamstress, of divine couture,
weaving together string theory and self-portraits to form the fiercest gowns of queer existence

The Bible is nothing. God is nothing
Religion is nothing but an ostentatious,
Over the topness, internalization of white twink Nelly bottom realness
(Ed. Note. a really effeminate young gay man who likes to be penetrated rather than to penetrate)
God is nothing but a drag queen
With a microphone of biblical f*cking proportions

It’s enough to make even the demons die of second-hand embarrassment.

h/t Juicy Ecumenism