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Revoice Introduces ‘Semi-Celibate Throuple’ to Christendom

In 2018 Revoice burst through the door of reformed Christian churches, making the conservative case for accepting and normalizing “gay Christians” within the body of believers. This was done without the flashy and easily identifiable heretical signs. There was no drag queen with big hair, fake eyelashes, bedazzled dress and penis tucked indelicately between his legs dancing in the church pew to Lady Gaga songs – a clear and easily spotted enemy.

Instead, this was a serious affair emerging from the buttoned-down Presbyterian Church of America, led by earnest men with well-coiffed hair and beige pullovers, explaining the theological intricacies of new terms like “sexual minority” and “Same-Sex Attraction” (SSA) while insisting on “gospel dignity and diversity.”

It seemed somewhat non-threatening until they had talks on “Queer Theory and The Treasures of Queer Culture and Queer Literature” and discussed “What Queer Treasure, Honor, and Glory will be Brought into the New Jerusalem at the End of Time?” The affair was led by Nate Collins, who describes himself as a “gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage.” He did his dissertation at Al Mohler’s SBTS, arguing that “virgin” is a third gender in the scriptures, has a knack for liking gay art, and made grotesquely unbiblical statements in Christianity Today. A couple of years ago, the ERLC promoted their founder and his books as part of their “Parent’s Guide to Teaching Your Kids About Gender” guide, repeatedly quoting and referencing him.

At the 2020 Revoice conference, they introduced the notion of a Straight-Gay Couple in a Straight-Gay Household, with the possibility of a coming Semi-Celibate Throuple.

In a since-deleted conference webinar, Art Pereira, the homosexual Director of Community Care for Revoice and his heterosexual friend, Nick Galluccio, a young adults pastor at Stonecrest Community Church, explain that they got a two year lease and moved in together. Going far beyond mere roommates, they have formed a “family” and a “household” on account of being “deeply committed to each other” and “planning on sharing life together for the rest of our lives.” Art explains:

We are totally committed to finding a way to live together and to function as a household. There’s different ideas of what that looks like, right? There are a lot of details we don’t know. Do I live in a house with them? Or do I live next door?…We’ve got a few things worked out which is we don’t move out without each other. If he moves, I move; if I move, he moves. We make decisions together as a family…when he has a wife one day, she’ll make the decisions with us.

Throughout the webinar, Art calls his straight counterpart “cute” and “physically attractive” and confesses that he has romantic feelings towards him, showing himself to be a mess of roiling and conflicting emotions. A keen observer would spot he has essentially taken the temptation and rationalized it away, fanning the flames in the form of a new contrivance. Art continues

So, when I started having, like when I start realizing, oh, Nick is cute…I was like, Oh, man I have to get away from this friendship, like, it’s not good for my spiritual health but all the evidence was otherwise. It was really good for my spiritual health…I know Jesus so much more from our relationship, and also he’s cute.

We learned that Art’s pastor (again, in a PCA church) is supportive of this whole affair, even giving them “friendship premarital counseling.” This was done despite the fact that Nick has at some points started questioning his own sexuality.

If the two have their way, (Or at least Nick) Nick will one day get married, and the household and family will continue, with him and his wife having a sexual relationship and Art eternally pining away. They will be a semi-celibate lifelong throuple, forming a family, having children, and making life decisions together, with the celibacy taking place between two of the three parties, all to the glory of God.

If this isn’t peak Revoice, nothing else is.

This post has been updated since it’s original publication.
h/t to WokePreacherTv who dug out this gem back in early 2021.

Featured Money Grubbing Heretics Op-Ed Scandal Unrighteous Compliance

Op-Ed: Andy Stanley’s New Tirade Against the Church Proves He’s a Demonic Three-Fold Son of Hell

North Point Community Church “impastor” Andy Stanley continued his wretched job of being seen as the elder statesman of evangelicalism, with his new declaration that he was “embarrassed” at how Churches were battling governments for the right to have their church service.

Stanley, a true wolf if we ever saw one who is ever-content to juggle the heads of sheep in order to entertain the goats, made the comments during the Exponential’s Future of the Church conference on March 4, where he lamented the “spitting match” between pastors and local health officials. He further declared that the practice of meeting in a church for worship and hearing the preaching of God’s word is just a “model” that can be tweaked or even removed if needed, all in an act of excruciating arrogance that would make even James White’s cheeks flush red in disbelief at the smug pomposity.

Stanely has been on a roll since the pandemic hit, telling members that the “Foundation of our Faith is not the Whole Bible,” that the Lord does not require them to meet for church, that George Floyd was “This Generation’s Samson,” and to “Sleep late and skip church” during Father’s Day.

This infantile outburst from a chronic rabble-rouser is particularly galling, given that he couldn’t exegete his way out of a crib to save his life and the rest of his clueless congregants. Stanley famously shut down the 40,000-member multi-campus church back almost a year ago, and it still isn’t open, with all adult services still being live-streamed.

Yet speaking to the crowd, Stanley regaled them with his expertise in all things not biblical by stating that so many churches had the “exact wrong” approach to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in their eagerness to resume their services.

The thing that has been concerning to me about the local church is how quickly so many local churches felt like, ‘We’ve got to get back in our building, shoulder to shoulder, doing what we’ve always done.’

It was the exact wrong response to COVID because we had an opportunity…of a lifetime to do new things, try new things, experiment with new things because we couldn’t do the old things. And instead of focusing on what we can’t do, we should have been 100 percent…focused on what we can do.

The three-fold son of hell (he passed two-fold a long time ago) continued to explain that he was embarrassed by churches who pushed back against the governments in a bid to stay open, suggesting they had “abandoned the mission for the sake of the model” while also “abandoning the New Testament mandate:”

I thought, ‘Wait a minute. We’re the Body of Christ. We’re not in it to win it.’ As you’re in it to win it, you’ve abandoned our New Testament mandate. We’re in it to serve, and there is more need than there’s ever been…

I know it sounds like I’m bragging, but I’m so proud of our staff and our churches and the adults in our church who put up with me saying, ‘No, we’re not going to meet. I know the church down the street’s meeting…but we are intentionally re-deploying and refocusing our attention at this time because this is a unique opportunity, and it’s going to come to an end, but we need to take full advantage of the opportunity.’

Stanley declared that the mission of the church was to “inspire people to follow Jesus,” and that gathering in a church for worship and listening to a sermon is simply a “model” that may be modified or abandoned at will. He explained “you marry the mission, you date the model,” and that he was embarrassed for anyone who did otherwise, especially if it involved coming into conflict with the powers looking to crush the Christians.

You inspire people to follow Jesus — that’s our mission. You date the model: Shoulder to shoulder in a building, singing songs and worshiping and listening to sermons. I know I’m going to get in trouble for saying this — all that is, is a model.

During this season, you abandon the model for the sake of the mission. But the local churches that abandoned the mission for the sake of the model and rushed back into the model…I feel like we, in some cases, missed an extraordinary opportunity, especially the churches that got in a spitting match…with local and state governments. That was just embarrassing to me as a Christian.

We can only hope by then that while Northpoint remains closed, most of the congregants come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and leave to find biblical churches led by pastors who don’t have their smarminess dialed to 10 and their deviltry cranked to 11. This way, when they finally do reopen, they’ll find their attendance at least cut in half, the consequences of their sin and disobedience on full display for the world to see.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News

Todd Bentley Is Up to No Good

Charismatic “prophet” Todd Bentley, the only huckster in the whole of Christianity that Dr. Michael Brown has ever condemned (and that only slightly), is up to no good, bringing himself back into the spotlight and putting on a conference after a year of silence.

Like clockwork, Christians who engage in sexual sin always restore themselves after a year, whether they apologize or not. In this case, Bentley joins a long list of evangelicals who do the two-step restoration shuffle, joining sexual creepers like John Crist in bringing himself back to the light as if nothing even happened.

Bentley, you’ll recall, went relatively radio silent after being accused of drug use, adultery, and sexting, some of which he admitted. A “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) tribunal report was launched and they found that Bentley was guilty – a pointless summation, as Bentley had already checked out and declared the whole thing a scam and witch hunt anyway.

Despite these findings, Bentley has been able to maintain a high level of ministry support, with the revelation of decades of grossly immoral behavior being viewed as “just a scratch” to his reputation. This should surprise no one, however, as charismatics and NAR adherents historically have enjoyed infinitesimally low levels of discernment when it comes to the sinful behavior of their leaders, and this case has sadly proved to be no different.

It’s for this reason that Bentley is putting on a 3-day conference extravaganza March 18th-21st in Charlotte, NC.

The only announced speaker is Todd Bentley, with more to follow. The conference is currently looking for volunteers to join their street evangelism team, prayer team, setup and breakdown team, merch tables, and healing team.

In a post explaining the vision for his conference: Todd writes that he had a prophetic experience where they Lord suggested he was the next George Whitfield after naming a hammer after him in a dream vision (long story), writing in part:

I saw in the vision that the Lord was speaking about being on the “edge of the greatest harvest.” We are now stepping into the fields. I also knew by the Spirit that some of the greatest revivals would be literally in open fields again. I believe the grace that was on Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, and the First Great Awakening is now upon us in a new season of harvest and preaching.

We are being commissioned into a new season of harvest like we have never seen before. In this vision, we were stepping into the great harvest after many years of being trained and equipped. More than ever, we are entering into a reaping season. We are moving from just sowing and seed time to a harvest of all the seeds of Promise. Accelerated Harvest!

If you’re anywhere near the Charlotte area in March and see Todd around, feel free to send a rebuke his way on behalf of Protestia.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Fallen Pastor Art Azurdia is Restored and Back on the Preaching Circuit

Disgraced pastor and teacher Dr. Arturo G. Azurdia III (Art Azurdia) is back on the preaching circuit and making the conference rounds 20 months after his fall from grace. He was scheduled to speak at the 2020 Word conference in May, along with The Gospel Coalition member H. B. Charles Jr., but due to COVID lockdown that conference has been postponed until June 1-3, 2021.

Dr. Arturo G. Azurdia III, you’ll remember, was the brilliant expositor and homiletics master at Trinity Church in Portland. Many thousands were blessed by the preaching of Art Azurdia, especially in circles that are considered to be more theologically sound. He even preached at John MacArthur’s 2018 Shepherd’s conference, a pulpit not easily attained.

Then a few months after that conference, it was revealed that he jumped into a bed of sexual immorality and was consequently released from his position as pastor.

In a confession statement on his website, he would write:

Several years ago, prior to the inception of Trinity Church, I strayed from my wedding vows, breaking the covenantal bond I made to my dear wife thirty-six years ago. More recently, I again violated my marriage commitment. In both instances I engaged in adulterous relationships that were nothing less than acts of defiance to the will of my God and Father, as well as expressions of profound ingratitude for the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ that I prize so dearly.

I confess this sin and take full responsibility for it. There are no justifications, excuses, or rationalizations for my behavior. I, in acts of idolatry, chose sin over God. I am profoundly ashamed at the enormity of my rebellion, as well as the hypocrisy of exercising ministry while cloaking my sin in the shadows.

Azurdia returning to teaching and preaching is an interesting one, in light of further comments he made where he acknowledges the consequences of his actions would have on his public ministry and the pursuance thereof:

Because of my sin I have disqualified myself from the office of elder. Furthermore, I have no desire to pursue ministry of any kind. My focus is entirely directed at making right the very thing I have ignored for too long: the well-being of our marriage.

Along with his role of pastor at the church he planted, Trinity Church, Azurdia also served as a professor of theology at Western Seminary and taught homiletics.

abortion Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA News

Pro-Life Speaker and ‘Christian’ Activist Shannon Dingle Comes Out Pro-Choice

Pro-life speaker and alleged “Christian” activist Shannon Dingle has publicly announced she has disavowed and repudiated her pro-lifeism, declaring she believes abortion is morally acceptable and is coming out as pro-choice.

Dingle, who appeared at the ERLC’s Evangelicals for Life conference in 2016, released an op-ed outlining that she now supports abortion rights and legislation to keep abortion legal, even detailing how she planned to have an abortion just last year.

The apostate, who is a “Christian” in the same way that Jenn Hatmaker is or Rachel Held Evans was a Christian, (progressive, pro-LGBTQ, left a SBC church to attend a United Methodist one) recounts that after her husband died in a freak accident in December 2019, she discovered she was pregnant.

Already moving away from her past beliefs before this occured, she decided that it would be too difficult to be a single mother to another child (she already has six) and suffering from depression and physical disabilities, she made plans to kill her baby, enlisting a friend to help her.

Before she could terminate her baby, the last child of her deceased husband, she miscarried. Consequently, she writes:

I’m not pro-life anymore, not in the political sense. I firmly believe that decisions regarding pregnancy should be between a patient and doctor, not predetermined impersonally by a mostly male governing body. My body shouldn’t be up for public debate…

The pro-life movement can make up all the caricatures they want about people who didn’t plan well, but I was happily married to a living husband when I got pregnant. If I could have planned for him not to die, I would have. 

Caricatures make for good propaganda but terrible policy. People, real people, become pregnant. And those people each carry their own stories, nuanced and unique.