Todd Bentley Is Up to No Good

Red-side garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) following their emergence from hibernation, Narcisse snake dens, Manitoba, Canada. These are mostly males who mass outside the dens waiting for the emergence of females. The dens are home to over 50,000 garter snakes, making the greatest concentration of snakes on the planet. June
Charismatic “prophet” Todd Bentley, the only huckster in the whole of Christianity that Dr. Michael Brown has ever condemned (and that only slightly), is up to no good, bringing himself back into the spotlight and putting on a conference after a year of silence.
Like clockwork, Christians who engage in sexual sin always restore themselves after a year, whether they apologize or not. In this case, Bentley joins a long list of evangelicals who do the two-step restoration shuffle, joining sexual creepers like John Crist in bringing himself back to the light as if nothing even happened.
Bentley, you’ll recall, went relatively radio silent after being accused of drug use, adultery, and sexting, some of which he admitted. A “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) tribunal report was launched and they found that Bentley was guilty – a pointless summation, as Bentley had already checked out and declared the whole thing a scam and witch hunt anyway.
Despite these findings, Bentley has been able to maintain a high level of ministry support, with the revelation of decades of grossly immoral behavior being viewed as “just a scratch” to his reputation. This should surprise no one, however, as charismatics and NAR adherents historically have enjoyed infinitesimally low levels of discernment when it comes to the sinful behavior of their leaders, and this case has sadly proved to be no different.
It’s for this reason that Bentley is putting on a 3-day conference extravaganza March 18th-21st in Charlotte, NC.

The only announced speaker is Todd Bentley, with more to follow. The conference is currently looking for volunteers to join their street evangelism team, prayer team, setup and breakdown team, merch tables, and healing team.
In a post explaining the vision for his conference: Todd writes that he had a prophetic experience where they Lord suggested he was the next George Whitfield after naming a hammer after him in a dream vision (long story), writing in part:
I saw in the vision that the Lord was speaking about being on the “edge of the greatest harvest.” We are now stepping into the fields. I also knew by the Spirit that some of the greatest revivals would be literally in open fields again. I believe the grace that was on Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, and the First Great Awakening is now upon us in a new season of harvest and preaching.
We are being commissioned into a new season of harvest like we have never seen before. In this vision, we were stepping into the great harvest after many years of being trained and equipped. More than ever, we are entering into a reaping season. We are moving from just sowing and seed time to a harvest of all the seeds of Promise. Accelerated Harvest!
If you’re anywhere near the Charlotte area in March and see Todd around, feel free to send a rebuke his way on behalf of Protestia.
Good grief, Evangelicals shun Trump but continue to follow this demented parade float into Hell?
This man has devils, and if you cannot discern that, then i recommend you examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith ! Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates ? ? 2Cor13:5