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Prominent Woke Pastor Pens Fiery Letter Announcing Departure From SBC Over Rejection of CRT – Good Riddance!

A prominent Southern Baptist pastor has packed up his bags and taken his congregation out of the SBC, declaring, “we out,” and citing Al Mohler endorsing Trump and the letter sent by six seminary presidents rejecting Critical Race Theory (CRT) and intersectionality as his motive for leaving. The letter comes a day after the Rev. Ralph West, founder and senior pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, Texas, announced he was likewise cutting ties for that very same reason.

Charlie Dates is the pastor of Progressive Baptist Church, Gospel Coalition contributor, and is also an SBC Executive Committee Panel Member. Our audience may know him from saying that the SBC “Don’t Need Black Faces with White Theology/Voices/Ideas Leading the Convention,” and calling Beth Moore “one of God’s leading women in the world.”

He wrote in a fiery departure letter to RNS how for years he was trying to give the SBC a chance assume good motives, but that that they’ve all shown themselves to be a bunch of racists unable and unwilling to change their kukluxklanning ways by not supporting CRT – an unforgivable betrayal which necessitates his departure. Dates laments:

Then, last week, a final straw. On Dec. 1, all six of the SBC seminary presidents — without one Black president or counter-opinion among them — told the world that a high view of Scripture necessarily required a corresponding and total rejection of critical race theory and intersectionality.

Dates, mad as a woke scold listening to a JD Hall sermon, continues:

When did the theological architects of American slavery develop the moral character to tell the church how it should discuss and discern racism? When did those who have yet to hire multiple Black or brown faculty at their seminaries assume ethical authority on the subject of systemic injustice?

How did they, who in 2020 still don’t have a single Black denominational entity head, reject once and for all a theory that helps to frame the real race problems we face?

He writes that the SBC is promoting the belief that a high view of Scripture “must mean an adaptation of Republican politics,” and with it, the dismissal of critical race theory and intersectionality because of a fear of “liberalism.

Dates spent the rest of the time excoriating Mohler, makes a bizarre comment about abortion, says that some black SBC pastors are mere “tokens” or “assimilators,” calls SBC seminaries “vestiges of racial animus,” says that “Black people will never gain full equality in the Southern Baptist Convention. My acknowledgment of this is not a statement of submission, but an act of defiance. The SBC’s power structure wants to maintain white dominance,” and a bunch of other things.

In short, he loves CRT and intersectionality, they say they don’t, and so he’s out of here.

The funny thing, even though those six seminary presidents penned a statement rejecting CRT, half of them don’t even know what it is. Or they’ll say they reject it like Mohler, all the while creating a $5 Million dollar slush fund for only black students and allowing professors like Jarvis Williams, Matthew Hall, and Curtis Woods to teach there, all who have been heavily influenced by CRT.

In 2019 we were told by our #BigEva overlords that nobody in the SBC embraces Critical Race Theory, with Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) even saying in an interview a few months ago that he doesn’t know any conservative evangelicals influenced by CRT, and if someone put a gun to his head and asked him to name one, he wouldn’t come out alive.

In 2020, SBC pastors are leaving the Southern Baptist Convention because of a refusal to embrace CRT and intersectionality.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

abortion Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Ex-SBC Pastor Charlie Dates Makes Wild Assertion about Partial-Birth Abortion

In a fiery letter announcing his departure from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), progressive Pastor Charlie Dates, who incidentally pastors Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago, slammed the SBC for rejecting Critical Race Theory and intersectionality.

He further described the SBC as a bunch of racists that will never change, calls some black SBC pastors mere “tokens” or “assimilators,” calls SBC seminaries “vestiges of racial animus,” says that “Black people will never gain full equality in the Southern Baptist Convention. My acknowledgment of this is not a statement of submission, but an act of defiance. The SBC’s power structure wants to maintain white dominance,” and a host of other invectives.

Then he got doubly weird.

In a very telling comment, he lists a bunch of things that have been wrongly accused of being “liberal” and ostensibly bad, like abolition of slavery, civil rights movement, women suffrage movement, black faculty at SBC seminaries, etc.

Then he throws right in the middle of that “a Black U.S. president who was initially against partial-birth abortion” counting it among the things that are “supposedly liberal.”

To them (SBC Leaders) a belief in a high view of Scripture must mean an adaptation of Republican politics and, with it, the dismissal of critical race theory and intersectionality because of a fear of “liberalism.” That said, our church has just as high a view (if not higher) of Scripture as any SBC church, but theirs is an inconsistent epistemology. They are selectively conservative.

But what is “liberal” in the history of American Christianity? What is liberalism to the conservative Southern Baptists?

I’ll tell you: abolition, the women’s suffrage movement, the civil rights movement, a Black U.S. president who was initially against partial-birth abortion, non-white male faculty at their seminaries and now a theory that uncovers our nation’s de jure and de facto segregation.

One of these things is not like the other, right?

But apparently for Dates, they are.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Op-Ed

Beth Moore Preaches About As well As A Dog Can Walk On Its Hind Legs

That is to say, not very well. You want to hear some bad preaching? We have some bad preaching for you.

In a newly unearthed clip, Beth Moore – both the doting perfect princess of Lifeway/SBC proper and the red-headed stepchild of the faithful remnant within, preached a sermon in March 2020 at Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago.

She was introduced by Senior Pastor Charlie Dates in glowing terms as “Auntie Beth,” who commended her to his congregation “I hope you will receive with me with all the honor in the world, the esteemed privilege we have to hear from one of God’s leading women in the world, Beth Moore.”

If the name Charlie Dates sounds familiar, you likely know him from an article we wrote where we relayed that, being an SBC Executive Committee Panel Member, he said the SBC “Don’t Need Black Faces with White Theology/Voices/Ideas Leading the Convention.”

But in the clip below, Moore makes this fascinatingly bizarre and eisegetical connection between Noah getting drunk at some point after becoming a farmer and…Christians getting drunk off their own fruity giftedness? And something about getting lit and being alone? Who are the sons covering Noah’s nakedness? Is that metaphorical too? What in world is going on here?

The historical-grammatical method is far, far away from this one.

She says:

Noah, as a man of the soil, began by planting a vineyard and he drank some of the wine and became drunk.

What a weird thing to find in scripture! Because we know he was a righteous man, and it seems like he literally got off the boat and got lit.

And you know what? I mean who could blame him. Who could blame him? And no wonder he became a man of the soil. Nothing would make you a man or woman of the soil like being tossed around on a boat in nothing but water for weeks on end. Of course, he became a man of the soil.

But the first thing we see is he planted a vineyard, he drinks of the wine, and he gets drunk on it, and here’s this metaphor that I want to suggest to you. This is what happens when people, and I want you to think in spiritual terms, drink alone. On their own fruits. They just get drunk on it.

We got people all over this nation that are boasting in their giftedness, drunk on their own fruit. Nobody else is drinking of it the way they are. They’re not drinking of anybody else, because all they want is the wine coming from their own fruit.

This is not the picture that Scripture gives us. There is a community that works together. There is a community that comes together that can know gladness instead of drunkenness. Let me tell you something, this Christian world and this nation is drinking something. The only way I know to explain some of what we’re seeing is somebody’s slipping something in the water somewhere, and we’re drunk on our own fruit.

The full video can be seen here, but we don’t know why you would punish your ears like that. Don’t be a sadist. But if you ever have friends and family ask you what’s wrong with Beth Moore and her preaching, you’ll always have this.

For a few more of her recent greatest hits:

Beth Moore Doesn’t Want You To Preach or Share The Gospel at The Protests

Beth Moore Openly Affirms Woman Pastrix

Beth Moore Falsely Claims ‘White Supremacy’ is Running Rampant in ‘Much of the Church’