
2022 Wasn’t the First Time!? 2019 Video Shows Infamous Pastor Rubbing Snot and Spit on Congregant’s Face

In another absolutely gag-worthy, don’t-listen-or-you’ll-throw-up illustration, a newly unearthed video from a 2019 sermons series shows Pastor Michael Todd repeatedly hocking phlegm strings of snot and spit into his hand in order to mix it with dirt and in order to rub it on a congregant’s face.

Transformation Church’s Lead Pastor is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 away in “reparations” and purchased a real estate complex for over $20,000,000, and then another for $35,000,000.

He also frequently wears outfits worth more than most people’s mortgages, wearing shoes, shorts, and costs that can cost several thousand dollars each.

From this January 21, 2019 sermon “What if it’s Messy“, Todd talks about Jesus healing the blind man, and does a precursor to his most recent controversy. Waxing eloquent on “Don’t let the method of release keep you from the miracle of release” he explains that though this spitshow is gross, dirty and messy, it was the means to achieving a miracle for a blind man, and another gross and messy processes may be instrumental in you attaining your blessing and prosperity.

h/t to @Kdubtru for the story.

abortion Featured Politics

Flashback: TGC Member Thabiti Anyabwile Hopes Election is Hacked – Did he Get his Wish?

In early 2019, the discernment world watched spellbound as a Trump Derangement Parasite crawled into Thabiti Anyabwile’s ear as he slept and started chewing through the soft tissue of his brain. Going to town on his corpus callosum and hypothalamus, it caused his biblical reasoning and metaphorical fine motor skills to be consumed and destroyed.

How else can one explain a series of Tweets where he openly hoped that foreign powers would hack the 2020 election and depose Trump?

When pressed that what he was suggesting was collusion, Thabiti pushed back:

Thabiti, who voted for Hillary Clinton last election (Once again, The Gospel Coalition people) and by all accounts voted for Biden and Harris this election, suggested after being buried by an onslaught of feedback and negative comments that he was just joshing. Yet two years on, his fantasy looks quite prescient.

Cue two years later.

In a post from earlier this evening, The Big Eva Alum commented that people who are suggesting voter fraud or “outside interference hacking the election” have a sickening stench about them, unlike him who’s giving off the aroma of Christ by proudly encouraging others to vote for the Pro-choice Democrats. All that talk of hacking the elections years ago? That must have washed off.

However, we would suggest that one man’s “Jesus stank” is another man’s strong metallic odor, the result of dousing oneself in the blood of aborted babies and then smelling the iron therein.

It is not pleasant. It smells like death. And that’s exactly what’s emanating from Anyabwile now.